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IRIAF F-4s during Iran-Iraq Wars-Accounts

Iranian Air force was killed after the revolution by the new regime and the top flying officers targeted because it was the pride of the King of Iran who was a pilot himself.

Your comparison of a Greek or Bulgaria invasion is nowhere close to the challenge Iran faced, even with operational Air Force. Also number of aircraft or size of the defense budget does not always win wars, it is who is behind the controls.....Turkey and Iran are not the same country and Iran operates in a much different league so I can understand your confusion.

poor armenian your life is passing away with trying to defend iran and russia on forums probably because your country has no pride also what league are you on about lol.
manufactured under license in Iran by the very early 1980s by Iranians.

btw , about ur new fighter, saeqeh ....
are iran also developt the engine? or u buy from others country like mig ( like mig engine on jf-17 ) ?
poor armenian your life is passing away with trying to defend iran and russia on forums

Iranian Armenian...go back to your tent Turk.

probably because your country has no pride also what league are you on about lol.

When you insult a nation then besides having no pride you also no honor.....it is expected from you.
I have a few questions to the Iranians:

Why is it that they don't consider replacing these jets with modern Russian or even Chinese fighters? They don't sanction you.

Is it because of the self-reliance ideology?

If yes then why not partner with either of these countries to develop a new design and new generation of fighter jet? From what I know the F-5s you guys reverse engineered may not be sufficient in a potential modern warfare.

Your air force is pretty old and it is not a good sign. While I know it is difficult to achieve something like this under sanctions and your efforts are impressive, why not try to develop along China's lines? You could ask for a license manufacture and with that experience over time, come up with your own designed jets in the future.
Iranian Armenian...go back to your tent Turk.

When you insult a nation then besides having no pride you also no honor.....it is expected from you.

Lool go to Turkish Embassy to protest little colony. Don't forget to take your armenian refugees with you who are running to İstanbul without looking back.
In those tents we slashed alot of necks and stomped across the world with our deadly sword and bows and now created the one of the best architecture in Anatolia. The Great bombards was thumping walls while you was a little insignificant colony
Lool go to Turkish Embassy to protest little colony. Don't forget to take your armenian refugees with you who are running to İstanbul without looking back.
In those tents we slashed alot of necks and stomped across the world with our deadly sword and bows and now created the one of the best architecture in Anatolia. The Great bombards was thumping walls while you was a little insignificant colony

Stop your stupid trolling and get the hell out of this section ottoman-turk.
You never have any contribution to this forum except your bs.
I have a few questions to the Iranians:

Why is it that they don't consider replacing these jets with modern Russian or even Chinese fighters? They don't sanction you.

Is it because of the self-reliance ideology?

If yes then why not partner with either of these countries to develop a new design and new generation of fighter jet? From what I know the F-5s you guys reverse engineered may not be sufficient in a potential modern warfare.

Your air force is pretty old and it is not a good sign. While I know it is difficult to achieve something like this under sanctions and your efforts are impressive, why not try to develop along China's lines? You could ask for a license manufacture and with that experience over time, come up with your own designed jets in the future.
btw , about ur new fighter, saeqeh ....
are iran also developt the engine? or u buy from others country like mig ( like mig engine on jf-17 ) ?

Because we are under sanction and They cant sell us. Even now Russia doesn't support our submarins and Mig-29s and as you know even they didn't deliver s-300. what do you expect?
also in early 90s Iran bought some F-7s from china that are crap and now a few of them are using only for training.
Iranian Air force commanders prefer to using F-5 upgraded instead of buying from china, Iranian experts can overhaul american fighters easier than Russian fighters! we should wait and see what will happen in The future, maybe in next decade Iran focus on her air force and produce Iranian home-made aircrafts.because now Iran is working on her Air defense and navy .
or we will have no problem with US and we can buy from them.
yeaa, I know ....
create a fighter is not as easy as making a burger .....
but the world still appreciate the achievements of Iranian engineer.....

let see ur next shafaq prorams... :)
The attack on H3 Airbases was the most daring and complex flying mission ever recorded in jet combat in my opinion....true professionals and patriots.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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Because we are under sanction and They cant sell us. Even now Russia doesn't support our submarins and Mig-29s and as you know even they didn't deliver s-300. what do you expect?

The sanctions are US-initiated and limited to west banning any sales of weapons to you.

What has Russia or China got to do with it?

Can you be sure that Chinese even give a damn about US sanctions?

also in early 90s Iran bought some F-7s from china that are crap and now a few of them are using only for training.

Well F-7s as per our Chinese and Pakistani posters are good enough for interception.

Besides, you are sanctioned from sales of equipment right? What's stopping you from cooperating with them? USSR couldn't sell us nuke ballistic submarines but that didn't stop them from cooperating with us on assisting development on Arihant. We were sanctioned by US even then for nuke tests.

Iranian Air force commanders prefer to using F-5 upgraded instead of buying from china, Iranian experts can overhaul american fighters easier than Russian fighters! we should wait and see what will happen in The future, maybe in next decade Iran focus on her air force and produce Iranian home-made aircrafts. because now Iran is working on her Air defense and navy .
or we will have no problem with US and we can buy from them.

Well, things have gone to a point of no return between you two. Stick to being supportive of Russians and try to get tech help from them.

It is very strange but though Iranians hate US, they also extremely love US products.
The sanctions are US-initiated and limited to west banning any sales of weapons to you.

What has Russia or China got to do with it?

Can you be sure that Chinese even give a damn about US sanctions?

Well F-7s as per our Chinese and Pakistani posters are good enough for interception.

Besides, you are sanctioned from sales of equipment right? What's stopping you from cooperating with them? USSR couldn't sell us nuke ballistic submarines but that didn't stop them from cooperating with us on assisting development on Arihant. We were sanctioned by US even then for nuke tests.

Well, things have gone to a point of no return between you two. Stick to being supportive of Russians and try to get tech help from them.

It is very strange but though Iranians hate US, they also extremely love US products.

We also cant buy. Russia and china never sacrifice their relationship with US because of trading with iran. the benefit of being in relationship with USA is more than having with iran.
USA is really dogged about Iranian military trade. The late 80s and in early 90's iran ordered to Russia for many MiG-29. but under pressure from USA, Russia canceled it like what they did about s-300.
then Iran decided to buy Moldova's Mig-29s. but The USA bought all of them only to To prevent Iran from acquiring it.
after obama re elected Touts Toughest Iran Sanctions in History. you cant compare Iran with india about sanctions.
beside that, at that time, there were two super powers in the world. two blocks, but now there is only one super power in the world. maybe russia and china are against USA, but at the end they accept what the US say. russia and china approved sanctions against iran.do you forgot?
and as i said before, Russia even doesn't give us spare parts for Mig-29s and submarines. now you are talking about new fighters??

in according to our air force pilots and commanders, they think chines fighters are not good enough and it's better to use F5 upgraded instead of buying from china while nowadays they cant buy if they want.

nowadays there are whisper of Negotiations between Iran and USA.
If Iran had a good relationship with USA then If whole the world( including of EU,china,russia...) were saying Iran shouldn't have nuclear program but US supported us we could have even nuclear bomb and no one could does nothing against us.
Iran tried to resolve nuclear problem with EU and other countries in the world. but it got failed. then i think they finally realized that they should have talk with USA about that.

It is very strange but though Iranians hate US, they also extremely love US products.

Actually Iranians dont hate US.It's regime not people.
It's not like what people thinking about israel, many of them think the Palestine is not our problem and we should be Neutral and it doesn't mean they like israel. and many others are against israel.
but about US it's different. as i see most of people like USA and wanna have relationship with them.
and you right, they love US products.
I talked to an US Naval Aviator once, he said "Iranian using our equipment better than us using our own equipment, if we did not have those problem with Iran, i think the Naval Academy should invite some of them pilot to come teach us a thing or two"

What Iran did in Iran-Iraq war is simply just amazing. With a depleted force literally destroyed Saddam's Regime, but on the other hand it also showed how Iraq is stupid using their own men and equipment.

What Iraq do is a text book all out assault, the same thing you see the German doing in Soviet Russia in WW2, they spread out 3 thrust and attack into Iran at the same time, the problem is, what Saddam did not see is, as long as Iran hold any of those thrust, it will mean they have a big problem in the future.

What Iranian do is, they absorb the attack, bit by bit and bleed out the Iraqi momentum. Then when the attack disolved, Iranian Counter attacked. To be honest, Iranian was also on the last leg as with the Iraqi, you can only get so much by pulling parts off one aircraft to fix another. And they cannot produce enough (If there are any) parts in war. Which literally mean every engine and every missile count. YOu have to have heck a lot of brain power to win a war with very limited reosurce.

Going abck to Iranian Aircraft development. You need to remember for most of the last century, Iranian is flying US product, they are familiarised with the US technology and at one point the secret they know are consider much much more than the other western country (Such as Britain and France), it would only be natural for them to reverse engineer from the US Equipment. Before Shah felt, Grumman Iran R&D facilicity is assumed to be the same level as in the Grumman in the US, you cannot imagine how much American Weapon Technology processed by Iranian in the early 80s
Lool look at you trying to acting clever you turn a blind eye at your armeni friends and now talking BS

This thread has nothing to do with Turkey or Armenia so get lost, you want to get racist open a thread in the Turkish section, I be there....so kindly GTFO from here turk unless by some miracle you have anything positive or of a value to contribute about Iranian F-4 pilots and their ground crew in the war.
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