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IRGC releases more videos of US backdown


Feb 28, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships

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IRGC Shares Footage Of Its Personnel Boarding Oil Tanker Meters Always From US Warships
Speedboats of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) are seen during major drills in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf code-named the Great Prophet 9 on February 25, 2015.
The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has shared footage showing its personnel boarding an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman a few hundred meters away from US Navy warships.
In a statement released on November 3 morning, the revolutionary guards claimed that its Navy Force thwarted an attempt by the US Navy to steal an Iranian oil shipment.
According to the statement, the US confiscated a tanker carrying Iranian oil in the Sea of Oman and unloaded the oil to another tanker and direct it to an unknown destination. The IRGC Navy reacted quickly and managed to land special forces aboard the tanker, the Vietnamese-flagged tanker Sothys, which was moved to Iranian waters.
The footage released by the IRGC shows Iranian personnel boarding the oil tanker right in front of two US Navy destroyers, USS Michael Murphy and USS Michael Murphy.

A US defense official confirmed to Newsweek that Iran seized an oil tanker in the Sea of Oman last week. However, he dismissed the IRGC’s story.
“We’re refuting the Iranian claims that they prevented us from taking back this vessel,” the official said. “Here’s the bottom line: This occurred last week. U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Oman observed Iranian naval forces seize this oil tanker.”
“There were over 10 Iranian fast boats that swarmed this thing,” the official said. “There was a helicopter seen flying around, and, bottom line, our forces responded to monitor the situation.”
According to the official, the US Navy didn’t intervene and take action against the IRGC’s naval forces “due to a number of sensitivities.”
The incident demonstrates Iran’s growing influence in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman. It also raises some serious questions about US Navy operations in the region.

Despite Washington’s decision to ignore the incident, the upcoming talks on Tehran’s nuclear program in Vienna will likely be affected by it.
Good job. I hope we see chinese presence in the area in the near future and kick out the US.

So exchange one superpower wannabe police officer for an upcoming superpower wannabe police officer?

What kind of logic is that. Chinese should first take care of Taiwan and South China Sea that US routinely violates before thinking about trying to be a wannabe police power.
why replace USA with china ?
all we say is that the security of the region must be the responsibility of the people who live here not some people several thousands of kilometer away
Iran is quite capable of taking care of Persian Gulf security as it has done quite successfully over several millennia. Even a cursory look at the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea littoral shows the dominant position of Iran, especially now in the missile era. Iranian naval and shore batteries can shut down the Persian Gulf in minutes.

Iran’s New Missile Corvette Could Reshape IRGC Naval Doctrine

By: H I Sutton

March 29, 2021 5:21 PM

An aritsits rendering of a Shahid Soleimani-class missile corvette. HI Sutton image used with permission
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC-N) is building a new class of warships, as first reported in Naval News last week based on satellite imagery. The catamaran design appears relatively large, modern and capable compared to existing IRGC commercial-based designs.
The sectarian arm of the Iranian military’s move to more substantial warships may be part of a wider effort by the IRGC-N to gain conventional naval capabilities more in line with the regular IRIN (Islamic Republic of Iran Navy).
According to satellite imagery, at least three of the new type are under construction simultaneously. One is being built at the Shahid Mahallati Shipyard in Bushehr. Another is in a small boatyard near Bandar Abbas. A third is under construction at a new shipyard near Shib Deraz – on the island of Qushm – that may also be involved in submarine construction, according to analysts.
The vessels have been provisionally identified as the Shahid Soleimani-class, named in memory of Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani was the head of the IRGC’s Quds Force, a branch responsible for unconventional warfare and intelligence in other countries. He was killed in a U.S. drone strike on Jan. 3, 2020. He is seen as a martyr by the IRGC, hence ‘Shahid’ – the Farsi word for martyr – in the ship class name.
The Shahid Mahalas Shipyard is the same builder that is responsible for the IRGC’s existing large catamaran warship, IRIS Shahid Nazeri. The designs do appear to be related with some family resemblance but the new boats are larger. From the available satellite images, they appear to be shaped to be low-observable by radar.
In May 2020 the chief of the IRGC’s naval arm, Commodore Alireza Tangsiri, provided some information on the new types. The new vessels would be 213 feet long and have a helipad, Tangsiri said, according to local outlets. He also said they would be equipped with surface-to-surface missiles. Tangsiri also said that the Shahid Soleimani-class would have air-defense missiles.
Despite the revelation of the new ships, it’s unclear if it reflects a conscious shift in doctrine – having such a capable design will enable new tactics for the IRGC-N. Until now the IRGC has emphasized low-tech solutions and asymmetrical warfare. IRGC operate mostly a substantial fleet of tiny speed boats used for swarm tactics for coastal patrol.
IRGC crews have a history of confronting other navies. They do have some missile boats, but most are small and only armed with lightweight missiles. The IRGC has ten Houdong-class missile boats in service that were supplied by China.
The new missile corvettes could allow the IRGC to operate as more conventional force. This could be similar to other corvette-equipped navies in the region (and indeed the IRIN). Or they may use them as command ships for the flotillas of explosive boats.
These corvettes are not the only new project that shows a shift in IRGC naval capabilities. IRGC are experimenting with an extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle (XLUUV) and have recently commissioned a second forward base ship, IRIS Shahid-Roudaki. They are also believed to be building a new type of submarine known as the Shahid Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandes class.
One possible reasoning behind the new more conventional types of platforms is that unconventional tactics have proven less effective in recent proxy conflicts. Iranian forces have widely been accused of supporting the Houthi Movement in Yemen, supplying them with arms and know-how.
Iran has helped the Houthis with uncrewed explosive boats, sea mines and limpet mines that have had some effect, even against warships, but have not changed the course of the conflict. The outcome of the conflict in Yemen may have prompted the IRGC to develop different capabilities.
The new ships could also be aimed at a domestic audience to bolster its political position at home. And whether it is intentional or not, the IRGC is looking more and more like a rival navy to the IRIN.
A recent commercial satellite image, provided by the Intel Lab, showed one of the hulls under construction near Bandar Abbas.

Good job. I hope we see chinese presence in the area in the near future and kick out the US.
forgot to ask ... How is your own presence against the US going around your coasts and the indian ocean?
So exchange one superpower wannabe police officer for an upcoming superpower wannabe police officer?

What kind of logic is that. Chinese should first take care of Taiwan and South China Sea that US routinely violates before thinking about trying to be a wannabe police power.

So u think iran and Pakistan alone can stop US? Just because they didn't respond this time, doesnt mean they dont have the capability. They can practically annihilate IRGC and any navy in the region. So instead of living in delusions, practical planning requires killing a superpower with another one.
So u think iran and Pakistan alone can stop US? Just because they didn't respond this time, doesnt mean they dont have the capability. They can practically annihilate IRGC and any navy in the region. So instead of living in delusions, practical planning requires killing a superpower with another one.
do you think direct confrontation is the only way to make them go back
So u think iran and Pakistan alone can stop US? Just because they didn't respond this time, doesnt mean they dont have the capability. They can practically annihilate IRGC and any navy in the region. So instead of living in delusions, practical planning requires killing a superpower with another one.
I am pretty sure and so the Americans (at least since Millennium Challenge 2002) that US navy has no chance near Iranian coasts. the only question today is how much that near is extended!
I am pretty sure and so the Americans (at least since Millennium Challenge 2002) that US navy has no chance near Iranian coasts. the only question today is how much that near is extended!

You are grossly misinformed or living in a delusion. A single american aircraft carrier have a stronger air power than whole of iranian airforce and they have 10. Not to forget their military bases in ME. You will have immense losses in life and infrastructure and the americans at most will lose few ships and planes and soldiers.
You are grossly misinformed or living in a delusion. A single american aircraft carrier have a stronger air power than whole of iranian airforce and they have 10. Not to forget their military bases in ME. You will have immense losses in life and infrastructure and the americans at most will lose few ships and planes and soldiers.
One single missile can take care of those floating targets, just one. Iran has thousands of such missiles. current range of our anti ship ballistic missiles is 2000 kilometers. a combination of swarm of drones and missiles guarantees a smooth victory against those floating targets.
One single missile can take care of those floating targets, just one. Iran has thousands of such missiles. current range of our anti ship ballistic missiles is 2000 kilometers. a combination of swarm of drones and missiles guarantees a smooth victory against those floating targets.
You make it sound so one sided, as if its a joke. They can also fire a thousand missiles easily and all of them will land on ur territory, not to forget the US missiles are way advanced than iran and also their air defense system. What if they successfully jam ur drones and radars and sensors? As i said, at most they will lose few ships and soldiers while iran will lose much more. i am all up for destroying america but one needs to be realistic.
Good job. I hope we see chinese presence in the area in the near future and kick out the US.
I hope people of peninsula Manage a Revolution of their own and help us kick Anglo bastards out of this region. Why should we invite an outside ideology to enter backyard of Islam? We have already had enough of western combination with brainless Arabs and Zionists which gave birth to ISIS. Why bring an other unknown entity to our holy land? Arabs have already proved us this harsh reality that anyone having money and weapons can buy Arabs by millions and abuse the religious differences of Middle eastern people paving the way for colonizing Islamic lands that are full of natural resources. At best Chinese can kick USA out of SCS and stay friendly with us.

You make it sound so one sided, as if its a joke. They can also fire a thousand missiles easily and all of them will land on ur territory, not to forget the US missiles are way advanced than iran and also their air defense system. What if they successfully jam ur drones and radars and sensors? As i said, at most they will lose few ships and soldiers while iran will lose much more. i am all up for destroying america but one needs to be realistic.
Americans would have done it a Long time ago, if they actually could.

They need platforms to launch such a missile attack on Iran. Iranian cruise missiles can fly 2000 KM in sea skimming mode plus 2000+ KM anti ship ballistic missiles. Add thousands of small boats carrying anti ship cruise missiles to it. A great A2/AD capability which keeps USN at bay.

USN is too strong in the oceans but not in Persian Gulf.

They can't jam hundreds of missiles/drones in a short span of time.
You make it sound so one sided, as if its a joke. They can also fire a thousand missiles easily and all of them will land on ur territory, not to forget the US missiles are way advanced than iran and also their air defense system. What if they successfully jam ur drones and radars and sensors? As i said, at most they will lose few ships and soldiers while iran will lose much more. i am all up for destroying america but one needs to be realistic.
No, it wont be one sided, but US has no chance in achieving any meaningful achievement, specially against Iran which has been prepared for an asymmetric warfare, hundreds of kilometers of underground bases.
and no it wont be a few ship, it will be all the ships in the range.

Look at their missile raid against Syria a few years back, they fired tens of missiles to destroy a building. compared to unites distributed and hided on the ground or underground, ships are much much more vulnerable, billions of dollars of assets packed in one vulnerable location.
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