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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

The top 2 commanders were useless, I could do better then them, it doesn't take a genius to set up a training program and build a barrier on the Syrian border to cut ISIS in half. Something I knew Iraq needed way before this crisis but somehow it never came up in their cretin brain.
Useless or betrayers? Latter seems more likely.
Useless or betrayers? Latter seems more likely.

No idea, generals aren't in media spotlight so we can't know a lot about them.
Nevertheless it's hard to believe that someone like me and you and many here ( military interested people who never been in the military ) know what to do to resolve a lot of the problems whilst the top 2 commanders Ali Ghaidan and Abbud Qanbar have been in the army for decades fighting several wars and don't know ?

btw if it's thoughts of them being Sunni, Abbud Qanbar is from the South, Maysan province. No idea what it is.
Kurd troops attack Iraq jihadists on three fronts | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
IRBIL, Iraq: Kurdish troops backed by warplanes battled ISIS on three fronts in northern Iraqon Tuesday, clawing back land they lost to the jihadists in recent months.

The Kurdish peshmerga struck before dawn against the town of Rabia on the Syrian border, north of the jihadist-controlled second city Mosul, and south of key oil hub Kirkuk, officers said.

A senior source in the peshmerga said troops had entered Rabia, after seizing the villages of As-Saudiyah and Mahmudiyah.

"Ground troops are now fighting in the center of Rabia," which lies about 100 kilometers (60 miles) northwest of Mosul.

He said peshmerga forces, backed by artillery and warplanes, were also attacking Zumar, about 60 kilometers (40 miles) northwest of the city, near the reservoir of Iraq's largest dam, which has been a key battleground between the Kurds and the jihadists.

"We have ousted IS from 30 positions, including in the Zumar and Rabia areas," peshmerga spokesman Halgord Hekmat said.

Both Rabia and Zumar were areas which the peshmerga seized in the chaos that followed the jihadists' capture of Mosul in a lightning offensive in early June.

IS forces made a fresh push two months later and inflicted stinging setbacks on the peshmerga, one of the reasons for the US air campaign that began on August 8.

The officer, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to the press, would not elaborate on the nature of the air support received in Zumar.

France has carried out air strikes in Iraq, British fighter jets are also active in Iraq's skies and Iraqi jets conduct daily operations across the country.

"The advance on Rabia will facilitate efforts to recapture Sinjar. We cannot reach Sinjarwithout taking Rabia," Hekmat said.

Sinjar is a town further southwest which the jihadists captured in early August, prompting tens of thousands of civilians -- mostly from the Yazidi minority -- to flee their homes.

In one of the most dramatic episodes of the nearly four-month-old conflict, some Yazidis were besieged for days in nearby mountains where they took refuge, while others were killed or abducted during their flight from the town.

South of Kirkuk, peshmerga forces retook several villages around the town of Daquq, that had been under jihadist control since June 10, also with air support.

"They have liberated the villages of Saad and Khaled. The peshmerga have taken full control of the area, following fierce fighting," General Westa Rasul said.

He said peshmerga forces were now advancing on the nearby village of Al-Wahda, around 30 kilometers (20 miles) from Kirkuk, but were encountering stiff resistance.

An official from the Kirkuk health directorate said two peshmerga were killed and 18 wounded in the fighting.

Kurd troops attack Iraq jihadists on three fronts | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

More photos from Falluja. Tens of Iraqi soldiers KIA, if not hundreds.



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Isis an hour away from Baghdad - with no sign of Iraq army being able to make a successful counter-attack

US air strikes are failing to drive back Isis in Iraq where its forces are still within an hour’s drive of Baghdad.

More in: Isis an hour away from Baghdad - with no sign of Iraq army being able to make a successful counter-attack - Middle East - World - The Independent
Saddam is laughing his *** off!

They need some of these, they seem to have cojones.
Is Mahdi Army not effective? I thought they are hardcore Shia toughies? :o:

Further you to the west of Baghdad, you enter Sunni triangle. Shia paramilitary groups cannot operate in hostile environment.

Draw a line from Najaf -> Karbala -> Baghdad -> Tuz Khurmato.
West is Sunni, east Shia.
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Further you to the west of Baghdad, you enter Sunni triangle. Shia paramilitary groups cannot operate in hostile environment.

Draw a line from Najaf -> Karbala -> Baghdad -> Tuz Khurmato.
West is Sunni, east Shia.

Shia is majority in Iraq, some 60 to 70 percent of the population, even higher in the Baghdad area. Surprising the IS is doing so well against Sadr's Mahdi Army near Baghdad :o:
Shia is majority in Iraq, some 60 to 70 percent of the population, even higher in the Baghdad area. Surprising the IS is doing so well against Sadr's Mahdi Army near Baghdad :o:
I think we need to stop referring to the Iraqi army as an army...It does look more than a loose contract workers that were given guns instead of picks and shovels...Kurds have a lot less arms and they fighting ISIS, even the one that went to Turkey to shelter their families, came back to fight...What happen to Iraq, that in less than 20 years, they went from men to headless semblant of human beings...
Are they really only one hour away from Baghdad???
Conflicting reports coming from Daquq, south of Kirkuk. Kurds claim victory. IS claim victory.

Recently IS published photos of dead soldiers. I post only the ID cards: (notice greater Kurdistan map (dream) on one of the ID)


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