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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Bro all we needed is a brave decision from a brave man alas we lacked that due to the idea of real civil war can flame once our leaders decide they just were and still hesitated.

But the attitude of Mr, Butin changed that a little bit otherwise even the call of Sayed Ali Alsistani to use extreme force against corruption went in vain!.

Like how we in the middle east import our arms, it seems we need to import our leaders too!

Sometimes I feel like crying about our region.
Congrats to the Iraqi soldier. With current developments in Syria & in Iraq, extremists are probably having a very low morale.

It's truly a wonderful news to hear that both the terrorists in syria and iraq and being purged at the same time.

the morale of the terrorist in Syria and Iraq is low now
Iraq is doing good now in fighting
all Iraq need more air support from Russia
the joint force of Syria Iraq Iran Russia center in Iraq is finally paying of

terrorist are running like hell
Obama Asks Iraq to Stop Cooperating With Russia in Anti-ISIL Fight :woot::rofl::rofl::haha::haha:

Read more: Obama Asks Iraq to Stop Cooperating With Russia in Anti-ISIL Fight

Retired US General John Allen, who is coordinating the US-led anti-ISIL campaign, asked Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi not to cooperate with Moscow in the fight against the radical Sunni group, which has largely remained unaffected by American airstrikes, the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.
"John Allen… informed Haider al-Abadi that Washington was disturbed by Iraq's alliance [with Russia], and said, to the letter, that 'President Barack Obama is enquiring regarding his role [in the fight against ISIS]… Shouldn't Iraq be thanking the US?'" a source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the London-based daily.

so what does it means , the Russian bombing and the friend of Syria are pushing the terrorist and killing them
its working
so basically it is saying dont fight the terrorist thanks american now everything is clear and begin honest at least :laugh:
Green: Areas taken back from Daesh in nearly a year after their incursion in June 2014.


Slowly...... but surely ! Good luck to them.
Obama Asks Iraq to Stop Cooperating With Russia in Anti-ISIL Fight :woot::rofl::rofl::haha::haha:

Read more: Obama Asks Iraq to Stop Cooperating With Russia in Anti-ISIL Fight

Retired US General John Allen, who is coordinating the US-led anti-ISIL campaign, asked Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi not to cooperate with Moscow in the fight against the radical Sunni group, which has largely remained unaffected by American airstrikes, the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.
"John Allen… informed Haider al-Abadi that Washington was disturbed by Iraq's alliance [with Russia], and said, to the letter, that 'President Barack Obama is enquiring regarding his role [in the fight against ISIS]… Shouldn't Iraq be thanking the US?'" a source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the London-based daily.

so what does it means , the Russian bombing and the friend of Syria are pushing the terrorist and killing them
its working
so basically it is saying dont fight the terrorist thanks american now everything is clear and begin honest at least :laugh:
As I read on faebook and as I see on tv channels from Iraq, the Iraqis are pushing Alabadi to cooperate with Russia.

Mr. president obama sn't loosing his kids neither the fight at his home.
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