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Saddam was the cork to Champagne but in this case the Champagne was some nasty rat urine.
the U.S unleashed madness

And who created this nasty rat urine?in Afghanistan? and who supported Saddam? and all dictatorships and monarchs in the region?


What is wrong with Iran 2012 in comparasion by Iran 1970?
so saddam is worse than ISIS. not saying the man was a Saint, but people need a tough leader.

He was a mass murderer. He also signed his own death warrant by attacking Kuwait and Bush sr should have finished the job and hang him in '91. So good riddance.

If there's something to blame the USA for is completely missing the mark when it comes to ME mentalities and underestimating the tribalism/sectarianism/religious mindset of the population.
In that respect, they're something like my region, the Balkans, where milenia old grudges are still valid :)
so saddam is worse than ISIS. not saying the man was a Saint, but people need a tough leader.
Many of the officers who led the Iraqi army under Saddam's era is today with the ISIS, I see no great difference, ISIS uses the same methods is because it has turned into hyper-wing extremist with time, and with the extensive export of Wahabi thoughts.

Don't u have a narration that says that hazrat ali (ra) was sent to level the graves by the prophet SAW.
So if saddam levelled a grave it must be soothing to the eyes of the shia for he is doing what hazrat ali (ra) did on the orders of the prophet saw.

As regards to banning ashura , u must be thankful to him to remind and make u adhere to the teachings of the Quran that says
and definitely Allah is with the patient ones (sabiroon).
I do not want to drag me to the religious discussion, as it is a defense forum, possibly if you want it, we can continue in another thread about religious matters. This means, however, that your religious theory that Saddam has the right to do so, according to his belief in one or another thing, he was not religious extremist as ISIS.
Iraq denies Islamic State claim it shot down fighter plane| Reuters

Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:42pm EDT
Iraq's defense ministry and the U.S. military dismissed a claim by Islamic State on Thursday that it had shot down an Iraqi fighter plane.

"The publication of these false stories is part of an unjust psychological war waged by some media outlets supporting terrorism aimed at playing down the heroics of the Iraqi army," the ministry said on its website.

Islamic State said on one of its Twitter accounts it had shot down the fighter north of the Anbar provincial capital Ramadi, which the group seized last month.

A member of an anti-Islamic State Sunni force called Sahwa (Awakening) said an Iraqi jet, a Russian-made Su-25, was seen crashing in flames after being shot down north of Ramadi.

The U.S. military dismissed the Islamic State claim, saying all U.S.-led coalition aircraft as well as Iraqi aircraft had been accounted for.

Iraq's government relies on a U.S.-led coalition and Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias in its fight against Islamic State, which is occupying a third of the country as well as parts of neighboring Syria.

Islamic State militants seized Ramadi last month and the city is a focal point of coalition efforts to slow the group's advances in Iraq.

On Thursday, Islamic State insurgents fired mortars at a barracks in the town of Amiriyat al-Falluja, also in Anbar, killing a soldier and a policeman, police sources said.

Insurgents also attacked the village of al-Mazra'a with mortars, killing five members of the Iraqi security forces.

(Reporting by the Baghdad newsroom and Ahmed Tolba in Cairo; Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Andrew Roche)

In 1976, female literacy (15-24) in Iran 42.33%. In 2008, it was 98.52%.

This is what actual support for females means. Not fake outer layer bullshit that uses women as a tool to sell us men cars and shit.

Compare the male & female literacy in 1976. We said female was only 42.33%, men was 70.90%. Using a simple calculator, we see that men was higher than female by 66%. But in 2008, male was 98.79%. That means in 2008, men literacy is higher by only 0.2%!

And it's not just in 2008. The gap was shorted even during 1986, which was war years. Female was 65% while male was 84%, which is 29% increase, and as you can see the gap was instantly massively reduce in only 10 years.
IS camera man films his own death. The shooter is also visible in the last scene. Rest in hell brother.


فیلمبرداری عضو داعش از مرگ خودش!

these rats are idiots. i saw the video of this a couple days ago. you can see one of the rats threw a grenade up there and firing his AK. must assumed no one was up there or if they were they are dead now. other rat was to busy reloading and looking for another target in the opposite direction.

turns back around POP he drops like a 20lb bag of potatoes.

need more heroes like the soldier on the roof to hold their position and come out shoot'em in the back (that's not cowardice in my book) let the rats come in close and blow them away when they ain't looking or too busy snackbaring.
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What hatred idiot? Where am I preaching hatred? I'm advising that certain extremist groups to reform and limited their agenda to the region. The struggle in the region is related to a number of factors and roles which are too long to get into. But using right approches can help them achieve self determination they want. And just like China or Russia became respected, so will people of region. Nobody will get genuine self determination without some sort of military detterence. So stop trying to sound like smartazz idiot.
Russia, China and even west didn't achieve success by sticking to their past. They achieved by thinking forward and adapting with time. What you are saying is self-contradictory. By sticking to your usual agenda, you are only going to create a medieval society with no power whatsoever because to achieve power you have to give up your practices that are not suitable for the current time. You can't both keep the cake and eat it.
Russia, China and even west didn't achieve success by sticking to their past. They achieved by thinking forward and adapting with time. What you are saying is self-contradictory. By sticking to your usual agenda, you are only going to create a medieval society with no power whatsoever because to achieve power you have to give up your practices that are not suitable for the current time. You can't both keep the cake and eat it.

What's 'forward thinking'? Is it eradication of morality? If so our culture is different and we want to achieve restoration of morality. As far as the material aspect(economic advancement, education system), you will be surprised what kind of society Sunni Islamists achieve. Right now that's not the phase the ME is in, the ME is in a phase of finding an identity and restructuring itself. Everbody in the world is involved in this process and its very competitive. Such unstable society and such political aspirations that differ greatly amongst international community make it difficult to establish common ground without use of force/iron rule. So there will be no industrial revolution you're expecting at this moment but it will come afterwards. You can judge once you see the results.

Moderate Sunni Islamists aren't irrational, they recognize the responsibilities that come with life and aren't stuck in a insurgent ideology where life has no meaning or responsibility(as ISIS sees). Moderate Islamists aren't against the world, they have dreams and visions for their region and they strike a right balance between modern lifestyle and religions role in society.
General: ISIL Using IEDs as Guided Munitions
WASHINGTON — The Islamic State group is increasingly using improvised explosive devices as front-line weaponry against coalition forces in Iraq and Syria, a top US general said Friday.

Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, chief of staff, Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve, told reporters on a Pentagon conference call that the militant group, also called ISIL or ISIS, has taken to using IEDs in much the same manner the US employs high-end strike weaponry.

"Obviously [IEDs have] become the precision guided munition [PGM], if you will, for [ISIL]," Weidley said. "We see them, again, as one of their primary weapon systems in order to disrupt, in order to penetrate [Iraqi or Kurdish] lines."

Obviously, an IED does not have the same high-end targeting that a PGM has. But the advantage for ISIL, in that comparison, is cost. On June 16, the Pentagon put the total cost of anti-ISIL operations at $2.74 billion, or an average of $9.1 million a day – staggering figures given that ISIL continues to have success in the region.

Part of that cost is targeting the source of IEDs, with Weidley saying the government is actively hunting for production sites.

"It is a very effective weapon and we have taken great efforts to advance our targeting capabilities in order to allow us to find these locations where IEDs are being produced and target them appropriately," he said.

In the meantime, the US is attempting to combat the use of IEDs by expediting the flow of anti-tank munitions to Iraqi security forces.

The fact that anti-tank equipment is effective against IEDs shows how the threat has changed. Where IEDs were largely seen as traps over the last decade, ISIL is increasingly using large vehicles strapped to explode as, essentially, missiles aimed at government forces on the ground.

Speaking last week, Brett McGurk, deputy special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter-ISIL, said the militant group has begun using large trucks rigged as suicide bombs as its "weapon of choice."

In particular, the US is expediting the movement of AT4 shoulder-mounted weapons to Iraqi forces to help take out those incoming trucks. If truck-based IEDs are incoming missiles, think of the AT4 as the Iraqi security forces' version of a missile defense program.

"We've already seen instances of them using these weapons to great effect," Weidley said.

However, ISIL is continuing to evolve its tactics, something Weidley hinted at later when asked about the group's use of tunnels under Iraq.

"We do see tunneling as a technique that [ISIL] uses. We see them use it, not only to move equipment and fighters, but we see them used as IEDs, a tunnel IED. We saw that in Ramadi," he said.


What's 'forward thinking'? Is it eradication of morality? If so our culture is different and we want to achieve restoration of morality. As far as the material aspect(economic advancement, education system), you will be surprised what kind of society Sunni Islamists achieve. Right now that's not the phase the ME is in, the ME is in a phase of finding an identity and restructuring itself. Everbody in the world is involved in this process and its very competitive. Such unstable society and such political aspirations that differ greatly amongst international community make it difficult to establish common ground without use of force/iron rule. So there will be no industrial revolution you're expecting at this moment but it will come afterwards. You can judge once you see the results.

Moderate Sunni Islamists aren't irrational, they recognize the responsibilities that come with life and aren't stuck in a insurgent ideology where life has no meaning or responsibility(as ISIS sees). Moderate Islamists aren't against the world, they have dreams and visions for their region and they strike a right balance between modern lifestyle and religions role in society.
Seems like you don't understand. Just like I said you are competely missing the point. The reason why middle east is this way because of that "morality". Countries like Russia China and even west achieved so much progress because they modernised and changed with time. If west kept its morality like in dark ages then they wouldn't have achieved this much of progress. Even India hopefully will change with time and modernise. As long as you have an outdated lifestyle it is guaranteed that the condition of the region will not get any better. That morality means a giant black hole for science and technology and progress. After all it's your choice to either move forward or remain in the same place.
Seems like you don't understand. Just like I said you are competely missing the point. The reason why middle east is this way because of that "morality". Countries like Russia China and even west achieved so much progress because they modernised and changed with time. If west kept its morality like in dark ages then they wouldn't have achieved this much of progress. Even India hopefully will change with time and modernise. As long as you have an outdated lifestyle it is guaranteed that the condition of the region will not get any better. That morality means a giant black hole for science and technology and progress. After all it's your choice to either move forward or remain in the same place.

Republic of India is way more better compare to other countries who claim to be modernized. Modernisation doesnt means that the Governments let violation of privacy laws and keep on doing monitering which is misusing of the technology.

In India , traditions,culture and religion walks along with the technology , Atleast Indians can proudly say who are there and how many nations have adopted thier languages, religions and ancient way of life.
Seems like you don't understand. Just like I said you are competely missing the point. The reason why middle east is this way because of that "morality". Countries like Russia China and even west achieved so much progress because they modernised and changed with time. If west kept its morality like in dark ages then they wouldn't have achieved this much of progress. Even India hopefully will change with time and modernise. As long as you have an outdated lifestyle it is guaranteed that the condition of the region will not get any better. That morality means a giant black hole for science and technology and progress. After all it's your choice to either move forward or remain in the same place.

Religion can't disappear as long as the mystery of life remains. But it can be moderated, moderate Islamists don't follow Salafist-like views on society and generally are logically thinking people. Much more educated than your average Arab 'liberal'. The Arab liberals who are educated take advantage of the dumber ill-informed people to advance their agenda. So with them there is no progress, at least with moderate Islamists they can put together a society in their region that fits in well with the culture and holds the majority of people together. The belief in a God is a separate theological discussion. It would be nice reading logical, indepth debate on religion/God but that's rare to find. It's mostly just discrediting contest. Which is easy to do with any subject. It doesn't get to the point though and nobody has an answer or alternative explanation to our exisistence.

You don't have to be worry about me, I follow religious tenets but at same time understand what it is to be competent and apply logic to life. However people in that part of the world have been taken advantage by dictators/regimes for too long and encouraged to be ignorant. So it's going to be a rough road reforming the regions political/social systems but ultimately it is their responsibility and we can't do much about it. The problem is ethnic tensions such as the Iranian-Arab ones and other ones.
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Religion can't disappear as long as the mystery of life remains. But it can be moderated, moderate Islamists don't follow Salafist-like views on society and generally are logically thinking people. Much more educated than your average Arab 'liberal'. The Arab liberals who are educated take advantage of the dumber ill-informed people to advance their agenda. So with them there is no progress, at least with moderate Islamists they can put together a society in their region that fits in well with the culture and holds the majority of people together. The belief in a God is a separate theological discussion. It would be nice reading logical, indepth debate on religion/God but that's rare to find. It's mostly just discrediting contest. Which is easy to do with any subject. It doesn't get to the point though and nobody has an answer or alternative explanation to our exisistence.

You don't have to be worry about me, I follow religious tenets but at same time understand what it is to be competent and apply logic to life. However people in that part of the world have been taken advantage by dictators/regimes for too long and encouraged to be ignorant. So it's going to be a rough road reforming the regions political/social systems but ultimately it is their responsibility and we can't do much about it. The problem is ethnic tensions such as the Iranian-Arab ones and other ones.
I am just saying my opinion here. The whole point is religion or any other ideology shouldn't be implemented on a state level. A country or a society should be pragmatic and flexible to implement whatever that further its progress instead of committing itself to a system that hampers its progress. In a way, even democracy is irrationally implemented while it destroys progress is some parts of the world. In this century, we will see democracy being challenged.

I don't know about Arab liberals but where I am from (South Asia), root causes of what liberals and religious extremists/ultra-nationalists are the same. Same route causes (inability to figure out correct priorities, failure to think logically, close mindedness etc.) are interpreted in two different ways. A long time ago I learnt not to blame either side. As long as people are not pragmatic and ambitious, a country really has no hope. There is a reason why Japan was the first country industrialise in Asia. Simply because they have a tradition of absorbing the best characteristics from outsiders and they are very ambitious. Japan later on grew on to be a country that challenged the western dominance in Asia in which they succeeded in some ways.

Well, there's no point of blaming politicians. As long as people don't demand right ting from politicians, they will be able to play around. Even if politicians want to do the right ting and the people don't then the chances are, politicians will simply lose hope and mess around.

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