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Revolutionaries don't lack manpower. Once they takeover, form government and make Arab world a paradise I will open a business there. Not sure why you're defending Arab regimes to this extent, it's not like you see any achievements coming from them. It's all because your irrational opposition to moderate Islamists. I suggest you rethink your position.

A paradise just like post Soviet withdrawal Afghan? No thanks.

There will be nothing left but ashes, blood, and rubble once the 'moderate' Islamists are done and then as always they will fight over their newly found gains, while millions flee their homes and countries and hundreds of thousands lay in shallow graves. There will be no paradise, no sharia, no caliphate, no justice, and no home for the ordinary man just misery and chaos.

Talk to me when you stop living in fairy tale.

Can't respond to the fact that your precious army killing thousands of protesters?

Also, we gave you Billions and Billions of dollars, so Egypt belongs to the Gulf. Which means we will not "bugger off."

It is you, as Sissi media say, who should take your passport and leave Egypt.

Err.. Do one.
A paradise just like post Soviet withdrawal Afghan? No thanks.

There will be nothing left but ashes, blood, and rubble once the 'moderate' Islamists are done and then as always they will fight over their newly found gains, while millions flee their homes and countries and hundreds of thousands lay in shallow graves. There will be no paradise, no sharia, no caliphate, no justice, and no home for the ordinary man just misery and chaos.

Talk to me when you stop living in fairy tale.

Nobody needs Sharia or Caliphate, there will be an Arab moderate Islamic Union. Syria is just beginning, things can be rebuilt. In long term the people will witness beneficial change.

Syria won't be like Afghan, since Israel/Jordan/Iraq border it. If someone launches an invasion, it will occur with Arab/turkish approval. Which will spark an enormous war that will affect the whole region.
@Frogman Why you living in a country that is part of the universal "conspiracy" against Egypt? Shouldn't you move to Russia? hypocrite much?
@Frogman Why you living in a country that is part of the universal "conspiracy" against Egypt? Shouldn't you move to Russia? hypocrite much?

Why are you a behaving like a lady part?

If you want to have a civil conversation I'm more than willing to have one but first stop being a prick and two ask me what I think rather than pitching a tent over things I've never expressed nor believed.
Nobody needs Sharia or Caliphate, there will be an Arab moderate Islamic Union. Syria is just beginning, things can be rebuilt. In long term the people will witness beneficial change.

Syria won't be like Afghan, since Israel/Jordan/Iraq border it. If someone launches an invasion, it will occur with Arab/turkish approval. Which will spark an enormous war that will affect the whole region.

If you think the Syrian civil war will simply end with the fall of Assad then I have news for you. Have fun rebuilding entire cities without any resources, expertise, and skilled workers. They'll either be dead or abroad.

I'm talking about the Mujahideen infighting after the Soviet withdrawal, predates any western invasion by more than a decade.

I follow politics as much as you do. The aftermath process won't be pretty but again focus on long term. There will likely be another 10 years of war in the region at the minimum. But if that process forces radical changes on the ground and we witness a grounds up change in regards to military/political/social institutions that will benefit the people.

I follow politics as much as you do. The aftermath process won't be pretty but again focus on long term. There will likely be another 10 years of war in the region at the minimum. But if that process forces radical changes on the ground and we witness a grounds up change in regards to military/political/social institutions that will benefit the people.

The change will not be for the better, that is simply naive.

There are simply too many competing interests in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East for there to be a solution which leads to a united government or even a transitional body. These interests vary wildly, with tribal and religious/ideological being the most common, but there are also interests that push for secession, independence, autonomy and so on, while others are involved in common thuggery and criminality that they don't want to stop. Whole cities are vying for power (eg Misrata and Tripoli in Libya).

What I'm saying here is that simply believing change will occur for the better after years of fighting or even revolution is naive, and has no real precedent especially not in the Middle East. It's not that I don't agree that change is required, it certainly is but the way it is achieved must not involve completely destroying nations and their social fabric. A Fabian approach is required not a revolutionary one.
Nobody needs Sharia or Caliphate, there will be an Arab moderate Islamic Union. Syria is just beginning, things can be rebuilt. In long term the people will witness beneficial change.

Syria won't be like Afghan, since Israel/Jordan/Iraq border it. If someone launches an invasion, it will occur with Arab/turkish approval. Which will spark an enormous war that will affect the whole region.
even with assad and the syrian army in the picture the rebels and isil are fighting one another imagine what would happen if he fall
look at all the dead and destruction in syria was it worth it ?
The change will not be for the better, that is simply naive.

There are simply too many competing interests in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East for there to be a solution which leads to a united government or even a transitional body. These interests vary wildly, with tribal and religious/ideological being the most common, but there are also interests that push for secession, independence, autonomy and so on, while others are involved in common thuggery and criminality that they don't want to stop. Whole cities are vying for power (eg Misrata and Tripoli in Libya).

What I'm saying here is that simply believing change will occur for the better after years of fighting or even revolution is naive, and has no real precedent especially not in the Middle East. It's not that I don't agree that change is required, it certainly is but the way it is achieved must not involve completely destroying nations and their social fabric. A Fabian approach is required not a revolutionary one.

You're dealing with Arab people, not Western born Arabs. Their way of thinking/approach is completely different. Your ideas won't work over there.
The purpose of this intelligence forecast is to outline ISW’s assessment of the most likely and most dangerous courses of action for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) to pursue during Ramadan (June 17, 2015 to July 17, 2015).

For the past three years, ISIS has conducted major offensive operations during the Ramadan holy month, accomplishing its major annual campaign objectives. Its predecessor, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), had historically also elevated violence in Iraq during Ramadan.

ISIS is therefore likely preparing a surge of operations to try to achieve important campaign objectives. ISIS can also be expected to commemorate its declaration of a Caliphate on the first full day of Ramadan 2014 by trying to build upon or surpass its declaration of the caliphate last year. ISIS could do so by accomplishing new military objectives, striking religious targets, or announcing a new political milestone.

Regardless, ISIS is likely to begin and end Ramadan with attempted spectacular military offensive actions in Iraq and Syria. ISIS’s selection of these targets would presuppose the defeat of the militaries currently defending those cities or their redeployment to other objectives in ways that leave the capitals vulnerable.

ISIS may therefore attempt to collapse the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Syrian Arab Army over the course of its 2015 campaign, possibly before Ramadan, though more likely over the course of 2015.



Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns?

By Tony Cartalucci

June 10, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "NEO" - Since ancient times an army required significant logistical support to carry out any kind of sustained military campaign. In ancient Rome, an extensive network of roads was constructed to facilitate not only trade, but to allow Roman legions to move quickly to where they were needed, and for the supplies needed to sustain military operations to follow them in turn.

In the late 1700’s French general, expert strategist, and leader Napoleon Bonaparte would note that, “an army marches on its stomach,” referring to the extensive logistical network required to keep an army fed, and therefore able to maintain its fighting capacity. For the French, their inability to maintain a steady supply train to its forces fighting in Russia, and the Russians’ decision to burn their own land and infrastructure to deny it from the invading forces, ultimately defeated the French.

Nazi Germany would suffer a similar fate when it too overextended its logical capabilities during its invasion of Russia amid Operation Barbarossa. Once again, invading armies became stranded without limited resources before being either cut off and annihilated or forced to retreat.

And in modern times during the Gulf War in the 1990’s an extended supply line trailing invading US forces coupled with an anticipated clash with the bulk of Saddam Hussein’s army halted what was otherwise a lighting advance many mistakenly believed could have reached Baghdad had there been the political will. The will to conquer was there, the logistics to implement it wasn’t.

The lessons of history however clear they may be, appear to be entirely lost on an either supremely ignorant or incredibly deceitful troupe of policymakers and news agencies across the West.

ISIS’ Supply Lines

The current conflict consuming the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria where the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is operating and simultaneously fighting and defeating the forces of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran, we are told, is built upon a logistical network based on black market oil and ransom payments.

The fighting capacity of ISIS is that of a nation-state. It controls vast swaths of territory straddling both Syria and Iraq and not only is able to militarily defend and expand from this territory, but possesses the resources to occupy it, including the resources to administer the populations subjugated within it.

For military analysts, especially former members of Western armed forces, as well as members of the Western media who remember the convoys of trucks required for the invasions of Iraq in the 1990s and again in 2003, they surely must wonder where ISIS’ trucks are today. After all, if the resources to maintain the fighting capacity exhibited by ISIS were available within Syrian and Iraqi territory alone, then certainly Syrian and Iraqi forces would also posses an equal or greater fighting capacity but they simply do not.

And were ISIS’ supply lines solely confined within Syrian and Iraqi territory, then surely both Syrian and Iraqi forces would utilize their one advantage – air power – to cut front line ISIS fighters from the source of their supplies. But this is not happening and there is a good reason why.

Terrorists and weapons left over from NATO’s intervention in Libya in 2011 were promptly sent to Turkey and then onto Syria – coordinated by US State Department officials and intelligence agencies in Benghazi – a terrorist hotbed for decades.ISIS’ supply lines run precisely where Syrian and Iraqi air power cannot go. To the north and into NATO-member Turkey, and to the southwest into US allies Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Beyond these borders exists a logistical network that spans a region including both Eastern Europe and North Africa.

The London Telegraph would report in their 2013 article, “CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’,” that:

[CNN] said that a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.

Weapons have also come from Eastern Europe, with the New York Times reporting in 2013 in their article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” that:

From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

And while Western media sources continuously refer to ISIS and other factions operating under the banner of Al Qaeda as “rebels” or “moderates,” it is clear that if billions of dollars in weapons were truly going to “moderates,” they, not ISIS would be dominating the battlefield.

Recent revelations have revealed that as early as 2012 the United States Department of Defense not only anticipated the creation of a “Salafist Principality” straddling Syria and Iraq precisely where ISIS now exists, it welcomed it eagerly and contributed to the circumstances required to bring it about.

Just How Extensive Are ISIS’ Supply Lines?

While many across the West play willfully ignorant as to where ISIS truly gets their supplies from in order to maintain its impressive fighting capacity, some journalists have traveled to the region and have video taped and reported on the endless convoys of trucks supplying the terrorist army.

Were these trucks traveling to and from factories in seized ISIS territory deep within Syrian and Iraqi territory? No. They were traveling from deep within Turkey, crossing the Syrian border with absolute impunity, and headed on their way with the implicit protection of nearby Turkish military forces. Attempts by Syria to attack these convoys and the terrorists flowing in with them have been met by Turkish air defenses.

Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published the first video report from a major Western media outlet illustrating that ISIS is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey’s borders via hundreds of trucks a day.

The report titled, “‘IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 – that ISIS subsides on immense, multi-national state sponsorship, including, obviously, Turkey itself.

Looking at maps of ISIS-held territory and reading action reports of its offensive maneuvers throughout the region and even beyond, one might imagine hundreds of trucks a day would be required to maintain this level of fighting capacity. One could imagine similar convoys crossing into Iraq from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Similar convoys are likely passing into Syria from Jordan.

In all, considering the realities of logistics and their timeless importance to military campaigns throughout human history, there is no other plausible explanation to ISIS’s ability to wage war within Syria and Iraq besides immense resources being channeled to it from abroad.

If an army marches on its stomach, and ISIS’ stomachs are full of NATO and Persian Gulf State supplies, ISIS will continue to march long and hard. The key to breaking the back of ISIS, is breaking the back of its supply lines. To do that however, and precisely why the conflict has dragged on for so long, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and others would have to eventually secure the borders and force ISIS to fight within Turkish, Jordanian, and Saudi territory – a difficult scenario to implement as nations like Turkey have created defacto buffer zones within Syrian territory which would require a direct military confrontation with Turkey itself to eliminate.

With Iran joining the fray with an alleged deployment of thousands of troops to bolster Syrian military operations, overwhelming principles of deterrence may prevent Turkey enforcing its buffer zones.

What we are currently left with is NATO literally holding the region hostage with the prospect of a catastrophic regional war in a bid to defend and perpetuate the carnage perpetrated by ISIS within Syria, fully underwritten by an immense logistical network streaming out of NATO territory itself.

 Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns? :  
Information Clearing House - ICH

In Baghdad.
Now tell me again, who's not an Iranian puppet?

Say goodbye to Iraq, and welcome the Iranian governance of Iraqistan.



In Baghdad.
Now tell me again, who's not an Iranian puppet?

Say goodbye to Iraq, and welcome the Iranian governance of Iraqistan.


That's even more specious than saying 15 out of 19 9/11ers were Saudi, so the entire country is terrorist. Dumbo.
That's even more specious than saying 15 out of 19 9/11ers were Saudi, so the entire country is terrorist. Dumbo.

Says the guy who can't come up with a better explanation for the shameful poster that transcend on Iraq's sovereignty (if it exists anyway)

@IR-TR Why are you pissed anyway; you should be happy. You own Iraq.

Just put their oil to good use, like develop more infrastructure and tourist attractions in northern Iran, I would love to visit you sometime.

Good job, you played it right, seriously. :tup:
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You're dealing with Arab people, not Western born Arabs. Their way of thinking/approach is completely different. Your ideas won't work over there.

My ideas have nothing to do with east or west. But you keep supporting ideas that will only ever result in tremendous body counts.

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