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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

No I don't, I just learned how about the whole hashtag twitter thing, makes it very easy to find new information. Social media can be considered reliable source these days as media is using it as resource.

Yep. The wonders of social media. Lot of bs in it though sadly, but it gets confirmed or disproven pretty quickly.
Chris ‏@AllMilitaryNews 24m24 minutes ago
RT @IraqiSecurity #Iraq; Heavy fighting taking place today between Da'ish and the Hashd al-Sha'abi in al-Raka, west of Samarra.


If the above is true, then I can't believe reports of counter offensive in Ramadi. Because how they manage to launch offensive in Samarra? Unless they have small presence inside there.
the ayatollah you are speaking about always manipulated people . there is no reason to hate USA. And USA this is not just about conservatives. it is about US people and we share much with them in values .
Especially nowadays everyone around is hating us . I won't lie to myself, and i won't hide behind i am Arab, still as an Iranian, i feel lot of pain to see such hatred towards us.
I always believed since day zero supporting Assad is a total mistake. But supporting Iraq is a duty: supporting a democratic and the army (not militia).
it is ok if hamas hates us. it is ok if pkk hates us . it is ok if salafis hate us with their missing brain.
but it is not ok turks now hate us till death and show so much , it is not normal pakistan hates us. it is not normal a part of our population can be manipulated by extremist groups so easily, be it kurds azeris . it means there is a problem.
the problem is this regime.
it poisons Iran .
but when i see the ridiculous part: France played a 100% position anti Iran when USA want to improve the relations... you see guys in Iran linked to the power : they make French come because of what? because these French guys give money to them , to the khamenei organization or any bad organization . no morality.
so the game is going to go on in Iran . bad guys still going to remain.

and believe me they are the poor people and middle class the victims in Iran .
rich people spit on us . always did. be it under shah or now. they are the same kind of people. be it ayatollah khamenei fan boys , ahmadinejad thief legions or another retards.
the ayatollah you are speaking about always manipulated people . there is no reason to hate USA. And USA this is not just about conservatives. it is about US people and we share much with them in values .
Especially nowadays everyone around is hating us . I won't lie to myself, and i won't hide behind i am Arab, still as an Iranian, i feel lot of pain to see such hatred towards us.
I always believed since day zero supporting Assad is a total mistake. But supporting Iraq is a duty: supporting a democratic and the army (not militia).
it is ok if hamas hates us. it is ok if pkk hates us . it is ok if salafis hate us with their missing brain.
but it is not ok turks now hate us till death and show so much , it is not normal pakistan hates us. it is not normal a part of our population can be manipulated by extremist groups so easily, be it kurds azeris . it means there is a problem.
the problem is this regime.
it poisons Iran .
but when i see the ridiculous part: France played a 100% position anti Iran when USA want to improve the relations... you see guys in Iran linked to the power : they make French come because of what? because these French guys give money to them , to the khamenei organization or any bad organization . no morality.
so the game is going to go on in Iran . bad guys still going to remain.

and believe me they are the poor people and middle class the victims in Iran .
rich people spit on us . always did. be it under shah or now. they are the same kind of people. be it ayatollah khamenei fan boys , ahmadinejad thief legions or another retards.
Husain I live in Canada and lot iranian friends I did not met a single iranian who is supporter of Ayyatullah they all againest them I am not taking dissident iranian shah era ?most recent immigrants .i beleive iran is creating too many enemy at once theior plate was full but now over flowing due to Yemen crisis plus they loosing countries like pak ,turkey who were neutral now taking sides againest iran over Yemen .i don't think iran has capacity and human resources to fight everywhere in Syria ,labanon,Iraq,now in Yemen .persian ppl r famous for theior wisdom I am surprise about Ayyatullah logic ?instead of decreasing they increasing problems for themselves .
Husain I live in Canada and lot iranian friends I did not met a single iranian who is supporter of Ayyatullah they all againest them I am not taking dissident iranian shah era ?most recent immigrants .i beleive iran is creating too many enemy at once theior plate was full but now over flowing due to Yemen crisis plus they loosing countries like pak ,turkey who were neutral now taking sides againest iran over Yemen .i don't think iran has capacity and human resources to fight everywhere in Syria ,labanon,Iraq,now in Yemen .persian ppl r famous for theior wisdom I am surprise about Ayyatullah logic ?instead of decreasing they increasing problems for themselves .

Dude, Iran isn't doing anythng in Yemen right now. Just voicing support for the houthis and sending aid convoys. You're blowing this out of proportion.
Dude, Iran isn't doing anythng in Yemen right now. Just voicing support for the houthis and sending aid convoys. You're blowing this out of proportion.
Dude this is UR point of view not rest of world .
Dude this is UR point of view not rest of world .

The F you saying? Read some articles. Iran's influence in the houthis is small at best. they didn't call on them to take over half of yemen.
As I figured, Iraqi government/security sources are just making things up left and right. There was no counter offensive and all of Ramadi has officially fallen to ISIS. Which was probably an intentional move in order to get justification for deploying militias instead of army:

Garmıyanı ‏כורדי ‏@Sarbarzi 2m2 minutes ago
The last remaining ISF unit in #Ramadi has reportedly fallen. Meanwhile PM Abadi appoves deployment of Shia militias to recapture it. #Iraq

Baghdad's Kassakhoon ‏@kassakhoon 7m7 minutes ago
Talks in Baghdad about #Iraq's PM @HaiderAlAbadi to issue soon orders to Hashid Al-Shaabi to deploy in Anbar. #IS
As I figured, Iraqi government/security sources are just making things up left and right. There was no counter offensive and all of Ramadi has officially fallen to ISIS. Which was probably an intentional move in order to get justification for deploying militias instead of army:

Garmıyanı ‏כורדי ‏@Sarbarzi 2m2 minutes ago
The last remaining ISF unit in #Ramadi has reportedly fallen. Meanwhile PM Abadi appoves deployment of Shia militias to recapture it. #Iraq

Baghdad's Kassakhoon ‏@kassakhoon 7m7 minutes ago
Talks in Baghdad about #Iraq's PM @HaiderAlAbadi to issue soon orders to Hashid Al-Shaabi to deploy in Anbar. #IS
I think Iraq should deploy the Shiite militia to engage ISIS, then the coalition can start bombing the whole area. I think this will be for the best. Getting rid of all fringe elements in Iraq.
I think Iraq should deploy the Shiite militia to engage ISIS, then the coalition can start bombing the whole area. I think this will be for the best. Getting rid of all fringe elements in Iraq.

US, PMF, and Iran are allies, will never happen. US will never target Shia militias. I don't know if army put up a fight, but it just seems like Iraqi governments intention was to get justification to deploy Shia militias. Unless the Iraqi army is just that bad, I would have to be on ground to know the truth. But there are reports that in coming hours large counteroffensives will take place in Anbar. I believe ISIS knows that and it is working quickly to prevent them from mobilizing, look at the breaking news here:

Rami ‏@RamiAlLolah 11m11 minutes ago
#BreakingNews #Aamaq: #ISIS storming #Iraq|i army first regiment southeast #Fallujah.. #Anbar


They will probably make small push with small groups on outskirts of Baghdad to put pressure.
The last remaining ISF unit in #Ramadi has reportedly fallen. Meanwhile PM Abadi appoves deployment of Shia militias to recapture it. #Iraq

I hope they refuse to take part in that battle. Ramadi and Fallujah are hornets' nests, if they level the whole cities, it would be better.

Let those incompetent 'tribal leaders' who first refused Shia forces' presence in cities take back their own cities and sacrifice their own lives instead of running away like cowards.

First supporting ISIS in form of revolutionaries, then starting to fight the revolutionaries, then refusing Shia presence in Anbar, then flooding to Shia cities from their IS brethren that they supported at first and now running away from their cities and asking Shias to take them back for them. These snakes are worse than IS itself and the main reason for this mess and suffering of many Sunni and Shia civilians.
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I hope they refuse to take part in that battle. Ramadi and Fallujah are hornets' nests, if they level the whole cities, it would be better.

Let those incompetent 'tribal leaders' who first refused Shia forces' presence in cities take back their own cities and sacrifice their own lives instead of running away like cowards.

First supporting ISIS in form of revolutionaries, then starting to fight the revolutionaries, then refusing with Shia presence in Anbar, then flooding to Shia cities from their IS brethren that they supported at first and now running away from their cities and asking Shias to take them back for them. These snakes are worse than IS itself and the main reason for this mess and suffering of many Sunni and Shia civilians.
Well said
If these dogs want to cities back they should fight for it

In fact many of their tribes who were members of the sahawat they are also members in al Qaeda

US, PMF, and Iran are allies, will never happen. US will never target Shia militias. I don't know if army put up a fight, but it just seems like Iraqi governments intention was to get justification to deploy Shia militias. Unless the Iraqi army is just that bad, I would have to be on ground to know the truth. But there are reports that in coming hours large counteroffensives will take place in Anbar. I believe ISIS knows that and it is working quickly to prevent them from mobilizing, look at the breaking news here:

Rami ‏@RamiAlLolah 11m11 minutes ago
#BreakingNews #Aamaq: #ISIS storming #Iraq|i army first regiment southeast #Fallujah.. #Anbar


They will probably make small push with small groups on outskirts of Baghdad to put pressure.
This is iraqi affairs,terrorist supporter like you should not post in here only if you don't support isis
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