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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

The battle is OVER . Its a game over for all terrorists .

1- Takrit

2- mousil

3- syria

then you're done . who knew this would happen a year ago :lol:

When you flip a coin , you never know which sides gonna bite the dust . fortunately its yours .

enjoy the last breath

Iraq has shown that terrorism will continue on for years after the 'war'.
The battle is OVER . Its a game over for all terrorists .

1- Takrit

2- mousil

3- syria

then you're done . who knew this would happen a year ago :lol:

When you flip a coin , you never know which sides gonna bite the dust . fortunately its yours .

enjoy the last breath

IS still controls over 50% of the city.

And IS pushed Shia forces out of Ramadi today.
IS still controls over 50% of the city.

And IS pushed Shia forces out of Ramadi today.
Keep dreaming their will be no IS neither in Iraq or Syria wether iit's daesh state or nus-rats their will be no state so die in your frustration.

Iraqis already got Tikreet once they capture it in full they will go to clean Anbar from your filth then Mosul.

And hopfully they go from there to clean Syria if Bashar wise enough asking for Iraqis help to keep Syria one.

Shea will bash and destroy your dreams In shaa Allah this will happen soon.
Keep dreaming their will be no IS neither in Iraq or Syria wether iit's daesh state or nus-rats their will be no state so die in your frustration.

Iraqis already got Tikreet once they capture it in full they will go to clean Anbar from your filth then Mosul.

And hopfully they go from there to clean Syria if Bashar wise enough asking for Iraqis help to keep Syria one.

Shea will bash and destroy your dreams In shaa Allah this will happen soon.

Ajam lies.
Ajam lies.
You're an Ajam you turd :lol:

ajam means non-arab , and you're an ajam .

IS still controls over 50% of the city.

And IS pushed Shia forces out of Ramadi today.
Step by Step sweet heart .

don't push it . i promise you in 6 month Iraq is back to its people's arms , and in 1.5 years the same can be said about syria ;)

FYI, Iraqis like him are Arabs, and non-arabs like yourself are called Ajam(Acem)
OMG mate , i swear you just beat me to it :lol:
@Malik Alashter
What do big Sunni Iraqi tribes such as Dulaym (3000000) think about this offensive against ISIS? How will they react? Are they neutral or pro-isis?

The Dulaims are the largest Sunni Arab tribe in Iraq, living on the Euphrates from a point just below Al Hillah and southern Baghdad to Fallujah, Ramadi, al-Qaim, Samarra andMosul.
During the Saddam era the Dulaimis formed 10% to 20% of the Iraqi army (Iraqi Republican Guard). Dulaim is the largest tribe in Anbar province, which formed the nucleus of the resistance\insurgency against U.S. forces in Iraq.Demonstrators protesting against the Maliki in Ramadi in square of pride and dignity (Al-Bu Farraj)
The Dulaimis held anti-government rallies and demonstrations for one year from 21 December 2012 to 29 December 2013. Maliki cracked down on them, leading the tribe to revolt.
You're an Ajam you turd :lol:

ajam means non-arab , and you're an ajam .

Step by Step sweet heart .

don't push it . i promise you in 6 month Iraq is back to its people's arms , and in 1.5 years the same can be said about syria ;)

OMG mate , i swear you just beat me to it :lol:

In Turkey, when a Persian or safavid oriented Shia talks out of reality, we say "Ajam lies".

Meaning that Iranian centric people always overestimate their influence and power.

You are a fool while you don't know the meaning of "Ajam".
You fool, you Turk, you are also an Ajam.

In Turkey, when a Persian or safavid oriented Shia talks out of reality, we say "Ajam lies".

Meaning that Iranian centric people always overestimate their influence and power.
The same Safavids owned your a$$ , didn't they ? they captured you lands , they RULED over you .

give us some respect :lol:

we say "Ajam lies".
who gives a shyte what "you" say ? :lol:

you're an Ajam , period .
who gives a shyte what "you" say ? :lol:

you're an Ajam , period .

'Ajam was used by the Ottomans to refer to the Safavids

In Turkish, the usage of the term is not applied to any ethnic group, but instead appears to have evolved from the original Arabic usage for outsiders in-general and shifted into a different meaning as the term ajemi (in modern Turkish acemi) literally means rookie,clumsy, inept or novice.[12] The word, with this meaning, has been borrowed into languages of the former Ottoman Empire such as Bulgarian and Macedonian (аджамия),Serbo-Croatian (adžamija), and Greek (ατζαμής) .

It is also the old name of Iran used mostly by Arabs and Turks (keshvar-e Ajam) as a synonym to Persia, also a medieval name for the Persian Gulf (Bahr-e Ajam), or to refer to the follower of Shia religion.[14]

Ajam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Ajam was used by the Ottomans to refer to the Safavids

In Turkish, the usage of the term is not applied to any ethnic group, but instead appears to have evolved from the original Arabic usage for outsiders in-general and shifted into a different meaning as the term ajemi (in modern Turkish acemi) literally means rookie,clumsy, inept or novice.[12] The word, with this meaning, has been borrowed into languages of the former Ottoman Empire such as Bulgarian and Macedonian (аджамия),Serbo-Croatian (adžamija), and Greek (ατζαμής) .

It is also the old name of Iran used mostly by Arabs and Turks (keshvar-e Ajam) as a synonym to Persia, also a medieval name for the Persian Gulf (Bahr-e Ajam), or to refer to the follower of Shia religion.[14]

Ajam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are still right about the original meaning, every non-Arab muslim is Ajam.

The same Safavids owned your a$$ , didn't they ? they captured you lands , they RULED over you .

give us some respect :lol:
Ruled? :what:
BTW, the word Ajm is not an insult
Ajam means unclear in term of understanding, Arab before call everyone speaking different language is ajam because to them is something ununderstandable hence the word ajam.
BTW, the word Ajm is not an insult
Ajam means unclear in term of understanding Arab before call everyone speaking different language is ajam because to them is something understandable hence the word ajam.

Cultural difference.

In the past times, an Iranian envoy comes from Iran to Ottoman court, talking big about this country and power it possess. Ottomans laugh and reply: "Try not to talk over your height." From that day, whenever we hear Shia Persian talks big, we say: Ajam lies.

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