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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

I don't care about your type. The proof is looking at Cay Bahcesi, and Iranian Chill Thread, and seeing how many posts(I guess about 10 pages) are written by you and your friends containing personal insults against me, when my post count in last two weeks is not even 1/10 of that. It tells enough.
ownage? yeah, go back to your kindergaten, and own some more people. :lol:

Anyway, Let's go Back to the topic guys
I havent written a single insult against you, even if it would be nothing against your insults towards me, and about post counts, remember that you were Elite member till a couple days ago, short memory much?
IS is still controlling over 50% of Tikrit. Battle is not yet over.
Sorry@Alienoz_TR, they are done!

It's a radical solution and up to Iraqis themselves. However if they don't take serious measures the troublemakers (ISIS-baath) will start again. And then the whole story will be repeated again.
Destroying someone house and erasing their life history in a couple minutes has never been a solution to appease dissent. Maliki's death squad and the marginalizing of the Sunnis from political life lead to what Iraq it is today! Demolishing their homes will give oxygen to the rebellion.
Sorry@Alienoz_TR, they are done!

Destroying someone house and erasing their life history in a couple minutes has never been a solution to appease dissent. Maliki's death squad and the marginalizing of the Sunnis from political life lead to what Iraq it is today! Demolishing their homes will give oxygen to the rebellion.
This false crap argument was actually used by ISIS to raise members. I don't believe in this kind of ISIS-baathi propaganda.

Enemy tribal groups should be relocated to areas far from baghdad, their property given to shia and friendly sunni tribes. If they repeat violence by joining ISIS like groups again then they should kill their men.
This false crap argument was actually used by ISIS to raise members. I don't believe in this kind of ISIS-baathi propaganda.
You are among the very few that believes that..

Enemy tribal groups should be relocated to areas far from baghdad, their property given to shia and friendly sunni tribes. If they repeat violence by joining ISIS like groups again then they should kill their men.
That is problem of the Middle east, loyalty goes to the tribe first not to the country...That's the main reason behind ISIS existence.
It looks like I am not the only one who condemns that :p: :

Dirty Brigades: US-Trained Iraqi Forces Investigated For War Crimes | ABC News

Barbarism is barbarism, people mainly hate ISIS due to their brutal styles of killing, now that the sectarian militias are doing the same, why isn't that called terrorism ?
they said that shias will start a massacre if they reach takrit in retaliation.
At this time the Shiite militias want Sunnis to trust them, but later when ISIS is gone they can kill 1000 men instead of 10, abuse 1000 women instead of 10, detain 1000 teenagers instead of 10, torture 1000 elders instead of 10...

@al-Hasani | @Dr.Thrax | @ebray | @Rakan.SA | @Aslan | @Gasoline | @JUBA | etc
The following are more examples on how the Iranian media lies to its people :

1. This is NOT Tikreet, it is Karbala' .
2. These are NOT Sunnis, they are Shiite pilgrims in Karbala' in 2014 (click here to make sure) .

Anyway, Bashar's army may learn something from Nouri's, they are romantic lol .
The shia Special forces of Iraq are kneeing for their sunni sisters so that they can step on them and get a ride to safety .
If these do really consider Sunni women as their 'sisters', why do they illegally detain thousands of them ?, why do they abuse them inside their prisons ?, weren't their Sunni 'sisters' the reason why ISIS succeeded in attracting Sunnis ?, Human Rights Watch's 103-page-document with regards to such abuses against Sunni 'sisters' were the reason behind Al-Anbar protests :
Summary :
A Syrian man talks to the Iraqi protesters: I swear by God there are more than 5000 abused women in Homs, this is all a part of one project, an Iranian project to destroy the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah (pbuh), so do not forget to include us in your prayers...
Then protesters chant: "People want to declare Jihad..."

Congrats to Nouri and Bashar on radicalizing their people...
ISIS terrorist :
Not true :

That photo belongs to 2012, it is for Ronaldo Silva, a Brazilian prisoner captured while trying to escape the prison dressed in his wife's clothes (click here to make sure) .
Ajam lies is the correct word for the situation. They always lie, and have no shame about lying.
Best thing the safavids do is Photoshoping the photos.
%120 true, but they don't always mean it...it is their regime that keeps giving such misinformation .
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Sorry@Alienoz_TR, they are done!

Destroying someone house and erasing their life history in a couple minutes has never been a solution to appease dissent. Maliki's death squad and the marginalizing of the Sunnis from political life lead to what Iraq it is today! Demolishing their homes will give oxygen to the rebellion.
Ok. This is exactly what happen baathist attacked shea kill thousand of them just to destabilize the country shea groups start defending themselve now it is a sectarian act against the innocents and the dove of peace sunni paople.
isis killed 1700 students all shea no say any shea forces attactk to liberate those areas its an action of sectarian war against again the sunni civilian led by the all evil Iranian regime!!!! And shea loyal to Iran ok then now what **** all who hate she and those who cry us river for the killing of terrorists the work in progress so die in pain it is our country its our word.
It looks like I am not the only one who condemns that :p: :

Dirty Brigades: US-Trained Iraqi Forces Investigated For War Crimes | ABC News

Barbarism is barbarism, people mainly hate ISIS due to their brutal styles of killing, now that the sectarian militias are doing the same, why isn't that called terrorism ?
At this time the Shiite militias want Sunnis to trust them, but later when ISIS is gone they can kill 1000 men instead of 10, abuse 1000 women instead of 10, detain 1000 teenagers instead of 10, torture 1000 elders instead of 10...

@al-Hasani | @Dr.Thrax | @ebray | @Rakan.SA | @Aslan | @Gasoline | @JUBA | etc
The following are more examples on how the Iranian media lies to its people :

1. This is NOT Tikreet, it is Karbala' .
2. These are NOT Sunnis, they are Shiite pilgrims in Karbala' in 2014 (click here to make sure) .

Anyway, Bashar's army may learn something from Nouri's, they are romantic lol .
If these do really consider Sunni women as their 'sisters', why do they illegally detain thousands of them ?, why do they abuse them inside their prisons ?, weren't their Sunni 'sisters' the reason why ISIS succeeded in attracting Sunnis ?, Human Rights Watch's 103-page-document with regards to such abuses against Sunni 'sisters' were the reason behind Al-Anbar protests :
Summary :
A Syrian man talks to the Iraqi protesters: I swear by God there are more than 5000 abused women in Homs, this is all a part of one project, an Iranian project to destroy the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah (pbuh), so do not forget to include us in your prayers...
Then protesters chant: "People want to declare Jihad..."

Congrats to Nouri and Bashar on radicalizing their people...
Not true :

That photo belongs to 2012, it is for a Ronaldo Silva, a Brazilian prisoner captured while trying to escape the prison dressed in his wife's clothes (click here to make sure) .
%120 true, but they don't always mean it...it is their regime that keeps giving such misinformation .

My dear sister, foreign media's BS won't escape the truth or protect terrorists who destroyed Arabs lands and intervened in their affairs. Without need from anyone we know whose helping us and whose against us .I see many of them trying to overturns the facts .I don't know whether they're brainwashed or trying to be smart ? lol :disagree:

We're in touch with the situations day-by-day whether it's in Syria or in Iraq. We've our brothers in another Arabic forums providing us by texts,pics and vids prove their crimes against Sunnis by helping from Majose the responsible hand of the terrorism in our region.Their days won't be much long.They'll stand in front of justice soon due to their stupid actions and crimes .:-)

Well then go on, hate everyone except yourself, it will only shorten your lifespan, you might get an heart attack by the amount of hate you have in you, but thats none of my business... :coffee:

He's Ottomani,so let him regain his glory .^_^
Or you're not Ottomani like him ? :enjoy:
to widen the divide between the two or it the Israeli option that is appealing?

IS also executed over 1000 sunnis "murtad" in sallahiddin. They destroyed and looted hundreds of homes belong to anti-IS families. When the PMF entered the towns of Dour, Alem and the villages around them, hundreds of houses were tagged with "property of the Islamic state".

There are also a sunni group as part of the PMF with more than 1,200 fighters in Sallahiddin other than the hundreds of iraqi Sunni soldiers. Many had quit their job but decided to rejoin the army after their families were exiled. Tens of thousands of sunnis have been exiled by IS, not just a few "murtad" families.

Besides these are the same people responsible for the mass graves during Saddams time.

They gave up their iraqi identity as well as the right to live in Iraq when they joined an invading army and join the (un)"Islamic state". They have lost all their rights including the right to live.
IS still controls over 50% of the city.

And IS pushed Shia forces out of Ramadi today.
Yes but it's only been the second day since the assault on Tikrit, and the 8th day since the entire operation started.

An attack from east Tikrit hasn't started because the bridge is still being fixed. It may take a few days but it seems the forces pushing from the other fronts will take Tikrit before the bridge is fixed.

As for the other cities where only the army and sunni tribal fighters are holding up, they only have to keep status quo untill the PMF arrive.

It may take a couple of months but eventually IS will
@Malik Alashter
What do big Sunni Iraqi tribes such as Dulaym (3000000) think about this offensive against ISIS? How will they react? Are they neutral or pro-isis?

Dulaim isn't exacly one big tribe. There are tens of sub-tribes within the Dulaim, some have sided with IS, some against.

in Anbar, 30% are with IS, 10% are against, while the others decided either to sit aside or leave the province. Majority of people who left hate the government, but also hate IS for destroying their cities. Most of them don't really know what they want, take Ali Hatem for example.

Also the pro-IS tribes have committed crimes against the anti-IS tribes, so it's a big mess. If the PMF does succeed, then the anti-IS sunnis will start chasing down the anti-IS sunnis as we have seen in Alem especia
Destroying someone house and erasing their life history in a couple minutes has never been a solution to appease dissent. Maliki's death squad and the marginalizing of the Sunnis

No, the "sunnis" your talking about hated the iraqi army even when the vast majority of the soldiers patrolling their areas were sunni. The "sunnis" simply couldn't except any shia government, regardless of how he works or how much representation they get.

Besides, The majority of PMF hate Maliki and see him as a failed leader who enabled the mess that they are currently trying to deal with.

Suppose the "opression against sunnis" is true, why did these "sunnis" attack the yezedis and Christians, and why do they kill innocent shia civiians?
The same Safavids owned your a$$ , didn't they ? they captured you lands , they RULED over you .
Without the Ottoman during Safawi wars, the Middle East and even TURKEY would have been a Shia majority today like you did to Iraq. You know well. :)

Ajam lies is the correct word for the situation. They always lie, and have no shame about lying.

Best thing the safavids do is Photoshoping the photos.
"Taqiyah" has a meaning. :P
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So it's possible that the sub-tribes of one big tribe fight against each other hereafter (pro-IS sub-tribes against anti-IS sub-tribes)...There is no major sheikh who can bring peace between the sub-tribes?

Also 30% of Anbar supporting ISIS is quite a lot, it means 600000 ISIS supporters. Even 5% of them volunteering means 30000 ISIS terrorists.
The story of one of the survivors if the Tikrit massacre, explains how entire areas were with IS. And how they captured every Shia in the highway and executed them. I just want to say that this is not only a battle for liberating iraq, but it is a battle of revenge. It's in Arabic.

He explains how he managed to escape Tikrit after claiming he was a Sunni. He was later captured in Is'haaci by the locals there. He tried to escape into a house but the owners of that house got IS members to arrest him. He was taken into a school where all the highway drivers were captured and killed based on their religion. He managed to survive 5 days if torture before they found his ID which states he's from Karbala. He was later taken along with 3 others to be beheaded in an area called jazira in Isaaci. His shoulders were disclosed and the skin on his hand was damaged, which enabled him to take off the loose rage which he was tied up with, he took a car along with another person while the IS members were busy recording the beheading of the other two people. He managed to escape with one of IS cars , asking kid for direction in fear that the older guys would be part of IS. he managed to make it to Dujail. And survive. He also spoke about tens of Shias who were captured and executed on the highway. He also spoke about how the IS members were all local Iraqis, and some entire tribes were with them. Including Alnu Ajeel and Albu Nasser.

Another survivor of the massacre. He was amongst the executed, but was not shot and left to as the bodies piled.

Without the Ottoman during Safawi wars, the Middle East and even TURKEY would have been a Shia majority today like you did to Iraq. You know well. :)

"Taqiyah" has a meaning. :P

Then there wouldn't be an ISIS, AQ, Boko Haram, Taliban, etc.

How the likes of you exactly end up in Australia? Australia is a pathetic country, turned into a refuge for terrorists and criminals. :)
So it's possible that the sub-tribes of one big tribe fight against each other hereafter (pro-IS sub-tribes against anti-IS sub-tribes)...There is no major sheikh who can bring peace between the sub-tribes?

Also 30% of Anbar supporting ISIS is quite a lot, it means 600000 ISIS supporters. Even 5% of them volunteering means 30000 ISIS terrorists.
There's nothing set on stone. The Albu nimr were slaughtered by their neighbors of Albo Arli and another tribe, both sub tribes of the Dulaim.

Meanwhile some tribes have both Sunni and Shia members depending on which region they live in. My sub tribe, the Alshawi actually goes back to the obaidi tribe whom are actually Sunnis which moved to Basrah from Mosul hundreds of years ago. But that's actually an adopted last name. My original tribe is Sahlani. But I'm Alshawi from my moms side. My fathers side adopted that name after living in the area.

The Jibour tribe is one of the largest in iraq, when the Sunni Jibours were undergoing genocide by IS, the Shia jabour in southern and central Iraq sent fighters and aid to help them
In Turkey, when a Persian or safavid oriented Shia talks out of reality, we say "Ajam lies".

Meaning that Iranian centric people always overestimate their influence and power.


By the way, it is difficult to believe you. According to you the new condition of being Ajam is not only they have to be Persian/Safavid, but also they have to be Shia, and then last criteria they have to be centric. I don't think any one could go to such detail, except for the hatred burning people like you.
. .
yes ruled . simply google Safavid empire by image :lol:
At this time the Shiite militias want Sunnis to trust them, but later when ISIS is gone they can kill 1000 men instead of 10, abuse 1000 women instead of 10, detain 1000 teenagers instead of 10, torture 1000 elders instead of 10...
I donno if you really are a woman or now you're just one of these freaks :

Why do men pretend to be women online? - Salon.com

in any sort , believing that you really are a girl , i have to say sister that you're totally brainwashed by sunni-shia shitfest of saudi wahhabi media .

At this time shiite militias want sunnis to trust them ? why is that ? because of those 4000 sunni tribesman that are fighting daesh ? :lol: this is utter BS and you know it . So shias are going to massacre the people of takrit ? :lol: ok , let's wait and see . but you said they'll do it in future , how long into future are we talking about ?

1. This is NOT Tikreet, it is Karbala' .
2. These are NOT Sunnis, they are Shiite pilgrims in Karbala' in 2014
the following is an example of how Iranian media lie to its people ? :lol: :lol: :rofl:

you do understand the same source that you mentioned is actually "Shia news service" run by Iranians ? :lol:

I took that pic from Facebook and we all know there are BS pics circling around . so no , the Iranians are telling nothing but truth :lol:

You thought you'll look smart by changing the link's name in your post , but you don't .

This is the news :

تصویر/ کمر سرباز عراقی پله ی زوار حسینی

I swear by God there are more than 5000 abused women in Homs
your swearing does not worth squat :)

i swear ? :lol: where you there ? go back to performing your jihad

Without the Ottoman during Safawi wars, the Middle East and even TURKEY would have been a Shia majority today like you did to Iraq. You know well.

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