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Iraq's reconstruction and development

German company to build Baghdad suspension bridge


Basra sports city stadium


Al-3ataa City
Iraq , Erbil
150m st , Opposite Kanjan City
Status : Approved


مدينة العطاء للخدمات الانسانية ، شارع ١٥٠ متري مقابل كنجان ستي


مشروع نفق العسكريين

Missan Oil Company announced today that 50 oil wells were drilled in Hilfaya oilfield by a Chinese company.

Director General Ali al-Bahadli told Aswat al-Iraq that the Chinese CNPC completed drilling 50 oil wells.

It is expected that Missan oil production will reach one million b/d in 2017, while its current production only reached to 240.000 b/d.

Missan, 390 km south of the capital, has an oil reserve of 30 billion barrels, liable to be increased, in addition to accompanying gas.
There are 11 oilfields in the province.


Baghdad governor Ali al-Tamimi on Monday (September 23rd) signed contracts with two foreign companies to build three modern hospitals in Baghdad.
An Italian and a German company will build three hospitals in Baghdad incorporating the latest technologies for a total construction cost of 420 billion Iraqi dinars ($362 million), al-Tamimi told Al-Shorfa.
Work is expected to begin by the end of this year after technical and engineering teams from the two companies arrive in Iraq, he said.
A 400-bed hospital will be built in al-Hurriya, northern Baghdad; a 200-bed hospital will be constructed al-Shaab, eastern Baghdad; and a 200-bed hospital will be built in al-Fadhliyah, central Baghdad, he said.
The project aims to improve the level of free medical services provided to Baghdad residents, al-Tamimi said.
Baghdad airport


Kufa mosque



Al faw palace


Palm trees near Baghdad island resort


Banks of shaat al arab


Nature in Dohuk


Palm trees and cranes near najaf sea


Najaf cultural palace


Baghdad university fountains

Fallujah project





Habaniya city Baghdad approved


Architect Zaha Hadid will design a $ 1 billion museum for Baghdad for it’s national archifacts, the largest museum in the Middle East.

The Iraqi Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Liwa Sumaism, has said that his government plans to build a new museum in west Baghdad that will house objects currently in the collection of the Iraq National Museum. The Iraqi government has reportedly invited the Iraqi-born, British architect Zaha Hadid to submit designs for the project; a spokeswoman for Hadid says that she is “unable to confirm or comment” on the project.
According to the newspaper Azzaman, the museum will be on the site of the former Muthanna military airport, an area of around 500,000 sq. m. “The country’s outstanding relics will all be moved to the new museum with the old one [the Iraq National Museum] turned into a site for research and study of antiquities,” reports Azzaman.

The tourism minister said that a budget had not yet been fixed, but a spokesman at the Iraqi Cultural Centre in London told the UK publication Museums Journal that $1bn has been allocated to the development, which will also include shops, hotels and a library.

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Iraqi Embassy in London, declined to reveal more details, leaving international specialists largely in the dark. Clemens Reichel, an associate curator (Ancient Near East) at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, says: “To the best of my knowledge this is a plan, but no details have been finalised so far.”

McGuire Gibson, the professor of Mesopotamian archaeology at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, says he is aware of the initiative. “The location is north of, and not far from, the present museum,” he says.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the British Museum in London says that the construction of a new museum in Basra, southern Iraq, is underway and is expected to open in late 2014. The British Museum is working with the Iraqi government on the project, which was first announced in 2008. Set beside an artificial lake and overlooking the Shatt al-Arab waterway, it lies in a secure area 2km south of the city centre. The Lakeside Palace would provide considerable space for antiquities, some of which may come from Baghdad’s national museum.

The Iraq National Museum, Baghdad, has been open since February for VIP tours and school groups, according to its website. The beleaguered museum had been closed since the US-led invasion in 2003. Looting during the conflict provoked an international outcry.

“The number of looted collection items has been a matter of debate but museum staff think about 15,000 items, including 5,000 valuable cylinder seals were stolen,” says its website. Officials declined to say when it would reopen to the public. To date, no proper audit of the museum’s collection has been completed.
Besmaya project, preparing the workers camp, concrete plants, and infrastructure.*




Some images of the brighter side of Iraq.*

Iraqi Muslim youth light candles in church during a religious celebration for Christians, Maysan province, Amarah city, southern Iraq.*

Volunteers help the less fortunate kids in Amarah.*

Volunteers visit Orphanage during Eid in Baghdad
Sabian children dressed in Traditional clothing. *Sabi'a is an ancient Abrahamic religion which exists exclusively in Mesopotamia today, mainly in southern Iraq

Young student launches "Iraqi first" campaign. Advocating to put nationality above all ethic and Religous differences. * Baghdad. + some good looking girls :D







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