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Iraq's reconstruction and development

Largest airport of Iraq under construction between 3 major cities, airport will most likely be connected to (high speed) train plan improving transportation infrastructure in the country.

Capacity : 20 million passengers per year

Middle Euphrates airport







In the long run iraq would possibly become a hub of arab.

I'd like to see that one day in my life (I hope you don't see me as a hypocrite :laugh:)

Yeap mate, That's it. I have checked the link you provided and the contractor company is Dorce.

Since we are the Mechanical Design Company we get the 3D's last ( maybe never ).

Architectural Company's website: ::.: AYMAZ M?MARLIK MÜHEND?SL?K Ltd. ?ti. :.::

So they laid the foundation....Typical Turkish business, project is at the final design phase but they started to build. :)

Every one of Turkish project always develops at extreme speeds.
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All these shiny new buildings can be built later. For now, just gather enough resources to train a huge army and launch an offensive against the terrorists who are killing at least 100- 200 Iraqis a week.
All these shiny new buildings can be built later. For now, just gather enough resources to train a huge army and launch an offensive against the terrorists who are killing at least 100- 200 Iraqis a week.

Total security forces number over 1 million, its an effective intelligence agency and security projects in & around cities and on the borders that are missing which creates this mess. Work is on it but slow.
Total security forces number over 1 million, its an effective intelligence agency and security projects in & around cities and on the borders that are missing which creates this mess. Work is on it but slow.

All what the Iraqi Gov't needs is a strong intelligence agency to counter terrorism.
Who is building all these airports and shinny infrastructure projects? Let me guess..Foreign companies? :D

Funny...bomb Iraq, kill millions, destroy infrastructure...loot their oil..give them *some* money...send Western/U.S companies..'re-built' Iraq..take the money left in Iraq out of Iraq...bring them under neo-colonial order..and show the world how great we are...

And the cycle continues all over world...

All what the Iraqi Gov't needs is a strong intelligence agency to counter terrorism.

A strong power ( USA, Russia ) is needed to rebuild that intelligence agency despite most former regime commanders are in service.
A strong power ( USA, Russia ) is needed to rebuild that intelligence agency despite most former regime commanders are in service.

I'm sure the US will be glad to help you out. Don't waste your time with the Russians though bro...
Who is building all these airports and shinny infrastructure projects? Let me guess..Foreign companies? :D

Funny...bomb Iraq, kill millions, destroy infrastructure...loot their oil..give them *some* money...send Western/U.S companies..'re-built' Iraq..take the money left in Iraq out of Iraq...bring them under neo-colonial order..and show the world how great we are...

And the cycle continues all over world...


Most construction companies are from Turkey, Iraq is the 2nd largest importer of Turkey, China is taking a large benefit of oil, so its not just the west but yes, they all profited from this except the US for the economic part because they paid over a trillion for the war.
Most of the workforce are locals.
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