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Iraq's reconstruction and development

I'm sure the US will be glad to help you out. Don't waste your time with the Russians though bro...

They negotiating over it in the US, news says that Obama,s bureau is for helping and selling Iraq advanced equipment, while another part is against it, either they watch Al Qaeda rebuild in Iraq and do nothing, they would lose Iraq cause Iraq would go to Russia, the east. Or they give advanced weaponry to a country which isn't allied, so its a hard choice for them.
They negotiating over it in the US, news says that Obama,s bureau is for helping and selling Iraq advanced equipment, while another part is against it, either they watch Al Qaeda rebuild in Iraq and do nothing, they would lose Iraq cause Iraq would go to Russia, the east. Or they give advanced weaponry to a country which isn't allied, so its a hard choice for them.

What do you think the US is going to do?
What do you think the US is going to do?

I think they will sell it because Maliki is pushing for more military ties with the US, its not worth it losing a country so they will probably agree eventually but it requires more treaties/agreements signed between the 2 countries.

They cannot allow al qaeda to expand into Iraq, currently the disagreement is between Obama's office and congress.
All what the Iraqi Gov't needs is a strong intelligence agency to counter terrorism.

That's exactly what they need, I've said it countless times. Nevertheless, the volume of terrorism being imported and cultivated internally needs a good load counter terrorism technology, UAV's, attack helicopters, etc.
All these shiny new buildings can be built later. For now, just gather enough resources to train a huge army and launch an offensive against the terrorists who are killing at least 100- 200 Iraqis a week.

why stop the construction of the country for a bunch of islamist monkeys who want to do just that!

Construction is much more important than people may think. Put people to jobs, give them a decent salary to live on and an over all improved living standard. Most construction going on is for the health, housing, and sports sectors. All the classy commercial investment bits come later on.
Petronas: Garraf oil field achieves first oil production

Currently started at 35k BPD and will increase to 230k BPD by 2017.

KUALA LUMPUR: Petronas upstream operations arm in Iraq, Petronas Carigali Iraq Holding B.V., had on Aug 31 achieved its First Oil from the Garraf oil field located in Iraq’s Thi Qar Province.

In a statement on Friday, Petronas said it had partnered with Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd and Iraq’s North Oil Company.

“Production from the Garraf oil field has started at the rate of 35,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd),and is expected to reach 230,000 bpd in 2017.

“As one of the largest investors in Iraq, Petronas will continue with our planned development efforts and activities. The Garraf project provides us the opportunity to develop our capabilities and expertise in the Middle Eastern region,” it said.

Petronas noted the Garraf oil field was included as one of the fields on offer in Iraq's Second Petroleum Licensing Round.

“The Petronas-led consortium secured the winning bid and was awarded the Development & Production Service Contract for the Garraf Contract Area in December 2009,” it said.

Upon winning the bid, Petronas, together with its partners started the development of the field, completed the construction of the base camp in March 2011, and began drilling the wells in June 2011.*

Petronas: Garraf oil field achieves first oil production - Business News | The Star Online

Oil announces the start of production of the Majnoon field capacity of 175 thousand barrels per day next month

08/09/2013 - 13:26

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
The Oil Ministry announced on Sunday, the start of the first oil production from the Majnoon field in the province of Maysan capacity of 175 thousand barrels per day next month, saying that the field represents an important step in the national production would raise Iraqi production to high levels.

A spokesman for the Oil Ministry, Assem Jihad, said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The ministry will hold a celebration in the month of October to mark the start initial production of the Majnoon oil field after the completion of the final works to test devices and equipment for production," noting that "production The first of the field will be 175 thousand barrels per day to rise in the coming years by 1.8 million barrels per day peak time. "

Jihad said that "the Majnoon field is one of the giant fields, which is a consortium of Shell and Petronas developed within the second licensing round price of $ 39 cents a barrel Product wages profitability," noting that "the field is a task in the national production, which would raise Iraqi production to levels high. "

The Majnoon field of large oil fields, and has 11 multiple oil reservoirs capable of production, in which three types of oil, is a heavy, medium and light.

The Oil Ministry announced last July, for an increase in production will be witnessed by the coming period with the start of production the first of four new fields are (Garraf, majnoon, West Qurna / 2, and the field Badra) as announced at the end of last August, the start of initial production of Garraf field capacity of 35 thousand barrels per day.

It is noteworthy that Iraq will depend mainly on oil exports, where he has a stockpile of oil and gas estimated at about 11% of total global stocks, while the need of infrastructure in the country in general for the rehabilitation of a comprehensive after decades of wars and economic sanctions are considered investments are necessary in all sectors.
Office for local media network in Baghdad



Najaf, 5* hotel and mall. Cost $110 million USD.*




5 star Rixo's hotel in Maysan province, hotel 12fl*

Al hussainiyah general hospital, 200 bed capacity. *Work to begin to about two months from now.*


Fixing up the sidewalks in Baghdad, Rusafa










Want to move this thread to the Arab section ? chance of a sticky there is higher and it suits the thread better.
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Baghdad Madinat al-Mustaqbal (City of the Future) | APPROVED
Project by Iraqi company located in the UAE Al handal



Baghdad Besmaya, fast improvement



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