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Iraq's reconstruction and development

Thanks. I'll guess Iraq's national team is going to play its games in that stadium?

Or 65.000, 2 sources say different.

Don’t know if FIFA ban is removed for internationals but it’s the largest stadium there now except for others being built larger in the capital so this is their home stadium now.
^ it fits 65,000 with a secondary stadium that fits 10,000.

The Tajyat stadium which is UC in Baghdad is the same size. If the Fifa ban is lifted it will be Iraq's home stadium until the one in Baghdad is completed.
Iranian Companies to Build CNG Stations for Iraq

(FNA)- Iran's private companies have been commissioned to construct condensed natural gas (CNG) stations in Iraq, an Iranian energy official announced on Sunday.

"As per our negotiations, Iran is slated to construct CNG stations (across Iraq) after exporting gas to the Muslim country in June," Head of the National Iranian Oil Production and Distribution Company (NIOPDC) Mostafa Kashkouli told FNA on Sunday.

Kashkouli's remarks came after Iran announced that Iranian contractors "will start construction" of a 270-kilometer gas pipeline to Iraq in a bid to export 25mln cubic meters of gas to the neighboring country per day.

In December, an Iraqi energy expert said that Baghdad has commissioned Iranian companies to build Iraq's CNG stations.

"Iraq has fully trusted the Iranian companies for the construction of a 270-kilometer gas pipeline from Iran to al-Mansoureh power plant, and hence it has also commissioned them to construct the CNG stations (across Iraq)," Hossein al-Jawaheri told FNA at the time.

The 42-inch pipeline is slated to export Iran's gas to Iraq's al-Mansoureh power plant and Baghdad via Ilam border in Western Iran.

The pipeline will take Iran's gas from the country's South gas field phases in Southern Iran to the power plant in Iraq.

"Another issue that Iran is slated to invest in Iraq is construction of CNG stations," al-Jawaheri said.

He noted that Iran's CNG stations are comparable to the European ones, and said that during his recent visit to Iran he has closely saw Iran's advancements in the field.

Also in December, Managing Director of the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) Jalil Salari announced Iran owns the second largest CNG burned fleet in the world with three million vehicles.

Salari made the remarks at the fifth conference on CNG industry in Tehran, where he also added that the industry has played a big role in nullifying the impact of sanctions.

"At present, there are 1960 CNG fuel stations across the country supplying three million CNG burned vehicles with 18 million cubic meters of compressed gas each day," he said.

"Quantitative targets related to replacing part of liquid fuel by CNG have been materialized ahead of schedule and diversification in fuel basket has boosted energy security in the country," Salari told the conference.

Referring to Iran as the holder of second biggest CNG burned fleet and third holder of CNG fuel stations in the world, Salari said, "CNG consumption has soared by 5 percent against a year earlier."

Iranian Companies to Build CNG Stations for Iraq

Some projects revealed at the Baghdad international Fair. Credit goes to Mohammed Ghani

Fadhliyah 200 bed hospital, approved


Baghdad, 400 bed Hurriyah hospital.*



Some more details about the Iraq Gate project.*



Tower cranes for the project


Iraq signs $6 billion deal to build and operate oil refinery with Swiss firm.

BAGHDAD | Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:12pm EDT

(Reuters) - Iraq has signed a $6 billion contract with Swiss company Satarem to build and operate a 150,000 barrels per day (bpd) oil refinery in the southern province of Maysan, the prime minister said on Thursday.

Domestic demand for fuel is rising fast in Iraq and other major oil exporters such as Saudi Arabia. Baghdad, which is boosting its oil production, is also pushing ahead with a downstream expansion to end costly fuel imports.

"Today we sign a contract for an important investment project with the participation of the private sector, which will contribute towards filling the need of the country for oil products," said Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki at the signing ceremony.

The refinery is one of four new projects designed to increase refining capacity by around 740,000 bpd and revamp Iraq's oil sector, left dilapidated by decades of war and sanctions.

Iraq's Oil Ministry plans to add one 150,000 bpd refinery in each of the cities of Kerbala and Kirkuk, as well as another 300,000 bpd facility in Nassiriya.

That would raise Iraq's refining capacity to around 1.5 million bpd from the current 650,000-750,000 bpd.

Iraq's capacity to refine fuels like diesel and gasoline has been hit by underinvestment, forcing it to buy imported fuels to fill the widening gap between supply and domestic demand.

"The Iraqi oil ministry's plan for 2014 is to speed up building new refineries to absorb the country's production increase," said an official at the ministry.

(Reporting by Raheem Salman and additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed; Writing by Isabel Coles)
Iraq signs contract with germany to help issue *new national ID cards to replace the old method in which citizens need to carry four different pieces. *This ID card will help reduce and ease the procedures citizens go through when visiting any governemnt institution. It will also help reduce fraud, keep accurate national statistics, and also help reduce terrorist attacks.*

Fingerprints and eye scan will be taken with each card issued.*

Al Mohadar 5 star hotel in Najaf, final design and construction image.*


Baghdad investment resort final design revealed at Baghdad international fair. This project is under construction in the early stages.*


Maysan governer lays cornerstone for the Amarah pearl project. Includes a 12 floor 5 star hotel, and a 25 floor mixed use tower. Underground parking and mall on the first three floors. Cost is about $80 million dollars.*


Baghdad Jadriyah tower final design, 22 floors


Construction image.*
Thanks. I'll guess Iraq's national team is going to play its games in that stadium?

it's a 65,000 seater. But the stadium was originally built for capacity of 80,000.. perhaps there's room for expansion.
Damn oil, why is Turkey the only ME country which has no oil? :lol:

Anyways, nice developement in Iraq, congrats to you, you deserved it. :tup:
Damn oil, why is Turkey the only ME country which has no oil? :lol:

Anyways, nice developement in Iraq, congrats to you, you deserved it. :tup:

Indeed a rich country but governed by corrupt politicians.
Iraq being the 2nd largest importer of Turkish goods yet non friendly on political means should be changed, strong ties on all fields instead but retarded politicans..
Indeed a rich country but governed by corrupt politicians.
Iraq being the 2nd largest importer of Turkish goods yet non friendly on political means should be changed, strong ties on all fields instead but retarded politicans..

Turkey is friendly to KRG because of oil and geopolitical interests which makes Iraq mad on Turkey.
But on the other hand Turkey wants to keep Iraqs territorial integrity which make KRG mad to Turkey.

Its really complicated. :undecided:
Model Images of the trains which will be imported from china. This is from a contract which the ministry of transport signed with china which values about $115 million. These trains will be used for the old (current) tracks. The max speed is about 150km/h. They will transport passengers from Basrah to Baghdad, passing through the cities in between. The train will include carts for sleeping, restaurant, and be fitted with TV screens. They are due to enter service in mid-2014.*




Here's is the model of the Trains which are for the NEW dual tracks being constructed from the southern port in Basrah to Baghdad.*
Project implementor: ALSTOM
400 Passengers per cabin
Speed: 250 km/h
Train route: Baghdad - Musayib - Karbala - Najaf - Samawa - Nassiriya - Basra


Work on the new dual tracks. Progress is now over 70%.*
Railway news..

From January 2013 but unposted

Iraq is seeking to join the Gulf train project

BAGHDAD / JD / .. Ministry of Transport announced Iraqi quest to join the Gulf and the train project, which starts from Kuwait and ends in the United Arab Emirates through Saudi Arabia. A spokesman for the Ministry of Transport Karim Nouri / JD /: that Iraq is seeking to be a part of a project Gulf train, as it represents its strategic location at the level of trains in the region. The remedy: but we have some problems related to infrastructure related by Iraq so we initially put new rails for Iraq then we are linking the international with the Gulf countries, calling on the House of Representatives to quickly pass the law infrastructure. Nouri revealed that this year will import 20 locomotives after the agreement with the Chinese companies in order that we create the level of the trains. He expressed the wish that Iraq Hazera such projects in the area of ​​what constitutes its link between East and West. The newspaper Elaph electronic been published before the report (Train Gulf), which begins with a train journey from Kuwait, passing Dammam route to Bahrain, and Dammam also go to Qatar through port Salwa, and will connect the train Qatar and Bahrain, as he goes from Saudi Arabia Emirates via Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, and then to Muscat via Sohar, and a length of 2117 km. ” Gulf states have agreed to the project on an action plan and a timetable for completion of the detailed engineering designs for the project during the year 2013, that the beginning stages of the project during the year 2014 to complete implementation. And will be operational by the year 2018, taking into account the latest developments and challenges that may face the project, and the speed of developing appropriate solutions. ” The report pointed out that the total cost to create the infrastructure for the entire project worth 15.4 billion dollars.


Economic growth speed reaches 10%.
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