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Iraqi Uprising 2013

No such thing... a couple protests is now called an uprising?
The western media makes a big story out of it to keep the sectarian war going in Iraq... and to pressure Iraq to open its borders with Syria for the terrorists and also host those terrorists...

Thread should be closed


Iraqi government is one of the few Democratic country of ME.nothing wont happen there.if the people wants the government to go.they will do it at next election.
beside that 70% of Iraqi population is shia and they support the government.
Lol this is Syria.... bottom corner you can see the flag of Syria with Alasad pic on it and a picture of Alasad... and the large flag has the word Souria which means Syria...

oops Googling Mistake!!
Fri Dec 28, 201

Iraqi Sunnis stage big anti-government rallies

* Tens of thousands protest in Falluja, Ramadi, Mosul, Samarra

* Sunnis accuse PM of marginalising them, being influenced by Iran

* Protests fuel concerns Syria could further destabilise Iraq

Thousands of protesters from Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority poured onto the streets after Friday prayers in a show of force against Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, keeping up a week-long blockade of a major highway.

Around 60,000 people blocked the main road through Falluja, 50 km (30 miles) west of the capital, setting fire to the flag of Shi'ite Iran and shouting "out, out Iran! Baghdad stays free" and "Maliki you coward, don't take your advice from Iran".

Many Sunnis, whose community dominated Iraq until the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, accuse Maliki of refusing to share power and of being under the sway of its non-Arab neighbour.

"We will not leave this place until all our demands are fulfilled, including the toppling of the Maliki government," said 31-year-old Omar al-Dahal at a protest in Ramadi, where more than 100,000 protesters blocked the same highway as it leads to neighbouring Syria and Jordan.

Activists' demands include an end to the marginalisation of Sunnis, the abolition of anti-terrorism laws they say are used to target them, and the release of detainees.

Protests flared last week in Anbar province, the Sunni stronghold in western Iraq where demonstrators have mounted the blockades, after troops loyal to Maliki, who is from the Shi'ite majority, detained bodyguards of his finance minister, a Sunni.

Demonstrations were also held in the northern city of Mosul and in Samarra, where protesters chanted "the people want to bring down the regime", echoing the slogan used in popular revolts that ousted leaders in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

The protests are likely to add to concerns the civil war in neighbouring Syria, where majority Sunnis are fighting to topple a ruler backed by Shi'ite Iran, will drive Iraq back to the sectarian slaughter of 2005-7.

Militants linked to al Qaeda appear to be joining the ranks of Syrian rebels across the border and regrouping in Anbar, which was almost entirely controlled by militants at the height of Iraq's insurgency.

Security forces did not move to break up the protests, but prevented people from other provinces from heading to Anbar to join the rallies there.


Speaking at a "reconciliation" conference broadcast on television, Maliki called for dialogue.

"It is not acceptable to express something by blocking roads, inciting sedition and sectarianism, killing, or blowing the trumpet of war and dividing Iraq," he said.

A masked protester who refused to give his name recalled the role of Anbar's tribes, first in fighting U.S. troops before allying with them to drive militants out - turning on fellow Sunni al Qaeda because of its indiscriminate use of violence.

"Just as we terrified the Americans with this mask, and kicked al Qaeda out, we will terrify the government with it," he said.

Highlighting the increasingly regional dimension, protesters in Falluja raised pictures of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who has lined up against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has sparred increasingly often with Maliki.

In Iraq's Shi'ite south, a small anti-Erdogan protest was held in the holy city of Najaf, 160 km (100 miles) from Baghdad.

Sunni complaints against Maliki grew louder a week ago following the arrest of Finance Minister Rafaie al-Esawi's bodyguards hours after Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd seen as a steadying influence, was flown abroad for medical care.

For many, that was reminiscent of a move to arrest Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi a year ago, just when U.S. troops had withdrawn. Hashemi fled into exile and was subsequently sentenced to death in absentia.

Maliki has sought to divide his rivals and strengthen alliances in Iraq's complex political landscape before provincial elections next year and a parliamentary vote in 2014.

A face-off between the Iraqi army and Kurdish forces over disputed oilfields in the north has been seen as a possible way of rallying Sunni Arab support behind the prime minister.

UPDATE 1-Iraqi Sunnis stage big anti-government rallies | Reuters


December 26, 2012

New anti-Al Maliki protests break out in Ramadi

Protesters call for the release of Sunni prisoners in Iraqi jails

Witnesses say thousands of demonstrators have gathered in the city of Ramadi, in the Sunni Muslim-dominated Iraqi province of Anbar west of the capital to voice their opposition to the Shiite-led government.

The protesters massed Wednesday along a highway linking Baghdad with neighbouring Jordan and Syria. They held banners demanding that Sunnis’ rights be respected and calling for the release of Sunni prisoners in Iraqi jails.

It is the third major protest in Anbar province in less than a week.

On Friday, Iraq’s government said it had arrested 10 of Finance Minister Rafia Al Issawi’s bodyguards on terrorism-related charges. Al Issawi comes from Anbar and is one of the government’s most senior Sunni officials. The case is exacerbating tensions with Iraq’s Sunnis, who accuse Shiite Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki of targeting and marginalising them.

Sunnis will continue their revolution until liberation from the mullah regime, the puppet of Qom and Najaf

Aswat Al Iraq / Politics , Anbar , Civil Society
Renowned Sunni clergyman calls for "steadfastness" in Anbar
12/30/2012 7:38 PM

ANBAR/ Aswat al-Iraq: Thousands received renowned Sunni clergyman Sheikh Abdul Malik al-Saadi along the cut-off international highway that connects Iraq with Syria and Jordan.

Sheikh Saadi arrived from Amman, Jordan, to take part in the sit-in, calling them for "steadfastness".

He told Aswat al-Iraq "we are with the protestors in Anbar in all their components and legitimate popular demands, including the release of the innocent male and female prisoners".

Sheikh Saadi warned against and rejected denominationalism, as well as the attempts to politicize the event.

"We will work for the unity of Iraq in land and people, but the government will have greater role in implementing the demands of the protestors", he confirmed.

A number of provinces, including Anbar, Salahal-Din and Ninewa, began massive demonstrations in protest of government policies who demanded the release of innocent prisoners and detainees and avoiding the neglect polices practiced against Sunni sect.
Ramadi, center of the province, lies 110 km west of the capital, Baghdad.

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Iraqi uprising??
Why? Because it's not a brutal dictatorship unlike other Arab regimes? Because it fights Sunni extermism?Is that what which makes you mad?
There is no uprising in Iraq, and Saudi backed terrorists will have a painful death,indeed with help of Iran.Iraq will be free of these insects,aka suicide bombers coming from neighboring countries for their 72 virgins.
Tens of thousands of Sunni Muslims blocked Iraq's main trade route to neighboring Syria and Jordan in a fourth day of demonstrations on Wednesday against Shia Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The massive show of force marks an escalation in protests that erupted last week after troops detained the bodyguards of Sunni Finance Minister Rafaie Esawi, threatening to plunge Iraq deeper into political turmoil.

"The people want to bring down the regime," chanted thousands of protesters in the Sunni stronghold of Anbar, echoing the slogan used in popular revolts that ended in the toppling of the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

Waving the old flag of Iraq that was changed after Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein was overthrown by the US-led invasion of 2003, protesters sat in the road, choking off the main trade route between Iraq, Jordan and Syria.

Another smaller protest was held in the city of Samarra in the predominantly Sunni province of Salahuddin, next to Anbar.

The move against Esawi's guards came hours after President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd who has mediated among Sunni, Shia and Kurdish factions, left for Germany for treatment for a stroke that could end his steadying influence over Iraqi politics.

The arrest was reminiscent of Maliki's move to arrest Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, who he accused of running death squads, just as US troops withdrew in December 2011.

Iraq's fragile power-sharing government has since lurched from crisis to crisis and the conflict in Syria risks reigniting sectarian tensions that brought the country to the brink of all-out civil war in 2005-2007.

Addressing the protesters, Esawi said the detention of his guards was politically motivated and that Maliki was deliberately provoking strife.

"It is enough! The country should not be run by such a mentality," he said, to cries of "God is greatest."

Maliki has sought to play his rivals off against one another to strengthen his alliances in Iraq's complex political landscape before provincial elections next year and a parliamentary vote in 2014.

Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, another rival of Maliki, offered his support to the protests in a statement, rejecting what he described as Maliki's sectarian policies.

Iraq Sunnis block trade routes in protest against PM Maliki | Egypt Independent
This is all house of Saud agents busy stirring up troubles in Iraq nothing more nothing less.
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