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Iraqi Air Defence Commander visits PAF Academy Risalpur, PAC Kamra

Utva Lasta variants can also be modified upgraded for recce/COIN and is already termed an intermediate Trainer. Iraq do have different aircraft for liaison, surveillance/reconnaissance Beeachcraft King Air 350 and another type for ground surveillance.

So can any other advance jet trainer?

Again 2 different platforms for different purposes.. Nor can you campare SM with an Air King.. Anyways Iraq ordered them so it suites their requirements ..

Different animals?
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Yeah the media acts stupid and no other channel showed that news which means it is all speculation what it special in super mushak that Lasta-95 don't have.

Improvement in Iraq and Pakistan relations. That's the only specialty i can think of.
And lasta and super mashak use the same engine. one commonality at least.
Contract signed between Iraqi MOD and PAC (US$92M for 20 Super Mashaak's with Training & Support) and PAF Training Directorate (US$70M for basic training of Iraqi pilots). Well done PAC and AHQ!!

prime Minister Nawaz Sharif witnessing an agreement signing between Pakistan Air Force and Iraq Air Force at PM House on Monday, February 10, 2014. PHOTO: PID

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday agreed to provide training aircraft Super Mushshak to Iraq in addition to training the Iraq Air Defense Force personnel in modern air warfare.

During a meeting at PM House with Commander Iraqi Air Force General Anwer Hamad Ameen Ahmad Ahmed on Monday, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that Pakistan would provide assistance to Iraq in fields of training and development.

The premier said Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has a rich experience in training personnel’s of friendly countries and it would assist in developing Iraqi Air Force on modern grounds.

Federal Minister for Defense Production Rana Tanvir Hussain and Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt were also present at the occasion.

At the occasion PAF and Irqai Air Force signed two agreements. According to the first agreement PAF would provide training to Iraq Air Defense Force personnel, in all sphere of modern air force concept pertaining to different field special air defence, and air crew.

According to the second agreement Pakistan would also provide Super Mushshak Aircraft to Iraq.
Yeah the media acts stupid and no other channel showed that news which means it is all speculation what it special in super mushak that Lasta-95 don't have.

Better Student-Instructor interaction because both are sitting side-by-side. Better situational awareness for instructor. Start of a relationship after decades.
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