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Iraqi Air Defence Commander visits PAF Academy Risalpur, PAC Kamra

PAF should ask him about the air war campaign of U.S on Iraq in last campaigns...

Would be a good thing to learn..


An average CNN would know more about that war than the iraqis.
Pakistan can easily help Iraq to build their own Iraqi Aeronautical Complex there like or better than PAC.

Careful what you wish for, you don't say that...than who would buy from you;).

Iraq Def Commander has nothing to do with JF-17 he should be more interested in Radars other equipment for jamming counter jamming C-4I etc..SAMs how to employ/deploy tactics and so on.

@razgriz19, not sure if they would want to go for for MFI Super Mashak, they already have basic to intermediate Lasta -95 Sebian made excellent Trainer. Extra Type is pointless and problem for ground crew.
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We should expect something this year about the cooperation between the two countries. we don't no yet what's going on but I'd say the Iraqis looking to Pakistan experience in air defense, training pilots, military industry and fighters planes. They didn't bother to visit Pakistan for nothing.
Just read news item scrolling on ptv world "Pakistan to supply super mushak jet fighters to iraq" Hahaha
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and also Pakistan will train Iraqi Air Force now good going PAF
its one of planes that are made completely in pakistan except engine I think it is more of an achievement then exporting jf17 cause we are only half of its partner. I am happy atleast we got exports of planes :)
super mushawk is a basic trainer not an advanced fighter jet
Deals for advanced jets take months if not years. We need to remain optimistic about the export order of our thunders. We shall definitely see a time when our Thunders will provide its superb services to many other countries. Its just a matter of time bro...!
super mushawk is a basic trainer not an advanced fighter jet

Yeah the media acts stupid and no other channel showed that news which means it is all speculation what it special in super mushak that Lasta-95 don't have.
Yeah the media acts stupid and no other channel showed that news which means it is all speculation what it special in super mushak that Lasta-95 don't have.

SM and Lasta are two different animals.. SM can be used as a basic trainer (day/night),for recce,recon and transport for senior officer.. Can also be equipped with a FLIR and even missiles/rockets.. And MGs..
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SM and Lasta are two different animals.. SM can be used as a intermediate trainer,for recce,recon and transport for senior officer.. Can also be equipped with a FLIR and even bombs..

Utva Lasta variants can also be modified upgraded for recce/COIN and is already termed an intermediate Trainer. Iraq do have different aircraft for liaison, surveillance/reconnaissance Beeachcraft King Air 350 and another type for ground surveillance.
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