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Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes



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Jan 3, 2017
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Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes

Iraqi President Fuad Masum has approved the revival of the country’s nuclear program for peaceful purposes, the presidential administration of Iraq said in a message Jan. 11.

The revival of the nuclear program is fully consistent with the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency, according to the message.

It is also noted that it is planned to create a special commission to monitor the implementation of the nuclear program in Iraq.

“The revival of the nuclear program is a very important step,” the message said.

The Iraqi nuclear program was suspended in 2003 after the invasion of the US-led coalition forces to Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, the country’s fifth president.

After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the US authorities declared that no nuclear bombs were found in Iraq, and the information that the Iraqi authorities intend to build nuclear weapons was a mistake of intelligence services of the US and the UK.



Similar plans existed in 2011 when they seeked help from Japan. it is sad to consider, iraq had a nuclear program in the 70's.
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After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the US authorities declared that no nuclear bombs were found in Iraq, and the information that the Iraqi authorities intend to build nuclear weapons was a mistake of intelligence services of the US and the UK.
This 'mistake' has led to millions dead, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, complete ruin of many countries and the rapid growth of terrorism. People should've been held accountable for such a mistake.
netanyahu should pay back for the Tammuz reactor. @500 When are you paying
There is no relation between the two words of "peaceful" and "NUKE". Iraq has the right of peaceful nuclear program.
NUKE is an other story @camel. If Iraq wants to counter Israel's NUKE threat, i will not say no. :-)
Moreover the fake NUKEs and the Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was an Israeli false flag. Don't believe in western lies. Tony blair, G.W.Bush and other NATO members received orders from their master king Rothschild to attack Iraq. NUKE was just an excuse for invasion on Iraq and respectively creation of ISIS. The only Unforeseen case was Iran's role to save Iraq from ISIS and preventing an other Afghanistan in Iraq. Although we made our Efforts to save Afghanistan from USA's military presence but Hamed Karzay that great dickhead refused our suggestions and stabbed us in the back. Taliban's success owes Afghanistan's loser rulers.
Don't forget, invasion on Iraq was a Zion plan for greater Israel. From Nile to Euphrates

LOL. We stopped their dreams
Iraq has NO nukes. Don't do this to Iraq AGAIN.
nuke — n(y)o͞ok


  • a nuclear weapon.
  • attack or destroy with nuclear weapons.

This is a peaceful nuclear program, nothing to do with nukes.
If they are planning one and the Israelis suspect something they can do another raid on the reactor. It's just way to easy now.
thought nuke and nuclear meant the same, article's fault then. But this won't happen for at least the next 5 years be assured, there's no money for it and security isn't good enough for such a strategic site.
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