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Iran's SAM Coverage


Dec 13, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This is the first of a 2 part post focusing on the current and future of Iran's air defence coverage, based on current basing and air defence sites.


I will be relying on work done by Sean O'Connor of IMINT & Analysis blog (he now works for IHS Janes) who already identified existing sites, and in essence modernising the record of what systems are occupying these sites.

But we must first, still, look at the old picture provided by Sean, from his old blog.

there are 41 [Sean miscounted, actually 42] active SAM sites inside Iran. The following image depicts the locations of these sites. [7] HQ-2 sites are red, [22] HAWK sites are orange, [7] S-200 sites are purple, [2] 2K12 sites are bright green, and [4] Tor-M1E sites are faded green.

As you can see, the majority of Iran's air defences in 2010 were outdated. HAWK and HQ-2/Sayyad-1 made up the majority of Iran's medium range air defences. 2K12 Kub and the only modern type, the TOR-M1E, made up short and very short range air defences (VSHORAD) components of the Iranian air defences. 7 S-200 sites (with 2 S-200 missiles on launch rails each) made up the very long range component of the IRIADF.

For the full analysis of Iran's old network, read Sean O'Connor's analysis here.

Follow the link below for the current air defence analysis!


@PeeD and @eagle2007 would appreciate any additions or comments you guys may have.
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what about eastern parts of Iran?

There are no other SAM sites in the east, AFAIK.

These are all the SAM sites in Iran, as per Sean could find in 2010. I didn't look for anymore else 1) because I'm too lazy to search 1.6 million sq km for more SAM sites (is that being lazy?) and 2) OPSEC. Though when I have time, I may search for extra sites, but I won't publish these for aforementioned OPSEC reasons.

There are radar sites, all over Iran in fact, so the east is at least covered by radar. But SAM coverage is mostly in the west of the country, reflecting lack of threats or strategic sites from/in the east.
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So basically a squadron of fighters could do a quick infiltration of Iranian airspace from the east flying very low. Fire off their stand off missiles and then retreat before the Tomcats reach them.
right now Iran air defense forces have stretched in 5000 locations, it was 3600 locations in 2013.
this article is for those naive enough to think they know anything about Iran's air defense forces.

So basically a squadron of fighters could do a quick infiltration of Iranian airspace from the east flying very low. Fire off their stand off missiles and then retreat before the Tomcats reach them.
Yeah, like this one:
Hacking and electronic warfare.

That bird has done many missions on Chinese borders from Afghanistan, we took it :)
you people achieved some great beyond imagination !!

well one MP said we used traction beam to pull it down

Hacking and electronic warfare.

That bird has done many missions on Chinese borders from Afghanistan, we took it :)
so did you reusing it for various spy mission on gulf side??
So basically a squadron of fighters could do a quick infiltration of Iranian airspace from the east flying very low. Fire off their stand off missiles and then retreat before the Tomcats reach them.

Well, they would have to go a very long way flying low. While Iran has few SAM sites in the east, it still has quite a few radar sites.

right now Iran air defense forces have stretched in 5000 locations, it was 3600 locations in 2013.
this article is for those naive enough to think they know anything about Iran's air defense forces.

Yeah, like this one:

You misunderstood. My blog post was about only SAM sites. While there are no SAM sites in the East, Iran could have easily moved the Electronic assets required for taking down the RQ-170 to the East (since I believe it had done multiple missions already and Iran had to plan its capture).

Moreover, just because Iran there are 5000 air defence points doesn't mean there are 5000 SAM sites. That 5000 includes every radar (which can include early warning radar, acquisition radar, engagement radar, and height finder radar), AAA gun, and probably every individual missile launcher/TEL.

I kindly invite you to search for 5000 SAM sites in Iran and then criticise others' supposed naivety.
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