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Iran's Rouhani: Israel should sign non-nuclear treaty

Taking inspiration and then pursuing it is not responsibility of Iran. If some religious adventurist thought that they can also follow Iran's model. Then it is not Iran's fault. Iran was in a different situation and had altogether different motivation levels to pursue their objectives.

I feel the statement highlighted in red should have been substantiated with proof, otherwise, it becomes just another sweeping statements being used to wage propaganda.

Iran may have had their own reason but why export their ideas? Do I have to remind you Khomeni's anti American chants?

Well it's based on my opinion. You misunderstood me. I didn't say they are directly funding terrorism. What I am saying is the wave of extremism triggered by their revolution is what we are today experiencing as Islamic terrorism.
Iran may have had their own reason but why export their ideas? Do I have to remind you Khomeni's anti American chants?

Well it's based on my opinion. You misunderstood me. I didn't say they are directly funding terrorism. What I am saying is the wave of extremism triggered by their revolution is what we are today experiencing as Islamic terrorism.

Let's say radical Islamic version of terror.
Iran may have had their own reason but why export their ideas? Do I have to remind you Khomeni's anti American chants?

Well it's based on my opinion. You misunderstood me. I didn't say they are directly funding terrorism. What I am saying is the wave of extremism triggered by their revolution is what we are today experiencing as Islamic terrorism.
Iran's name has been mentioned in funding groups fighting KSA funded groups, but never for starting terrorism. Iran is under sanction for decades now, it is fighting war of its survival; how do you expect to fund terrorism in other countries. Iran has not once imposed its belief on anyone. Chanting against USA does not mean that they are imposing their belief. People in Pakistan chant against USA, they have their own reasons. Likewise, people in other parts of the world have been chanting against USA, even to the extent that their own people have been chanting against government policies. Having negative feeling against a country has no orientation with imposing belief. These are two separate things.

Not to spark any debate on who is right and who is wrong or to confront one country against another. What would be your opinion about KSA, they are openly supporting groups with the agenda of imposing their belief. It is now obvious to the extent that a country like Pakistan people have started speaking openly on funding of terrorist groups like LeJ, TTP, JuD, SSP, etc by KSA. It was a country where Saudi Royal family was respected almost like apostles. People were not ready to listen even iota of negativity against KSA. There has to be a fire if there is smoke. Open criticism on media about a country like KSA in a country like Pakistan, was never expected. Today if it is happening, then this indicates not just a fire but a large fire.

And by the way there was no extremism in Iranian Revolution; yes when revolution was successful strict accountability was done along with exemplary punishments were given to the culprits. Remember, no where in the world followers of Iranian belief have been found in act of terrorism. All those whom people call Talibans and Al Quida today are followers of KSA belief. Those are the people who are taking extreme measures to impress their point of view. Though I do not believe in 9/11 the way it has been portrayed. But as rest of the world does, tell me how many Iranians or people following their belief were alleged in 9/11 attack? If I am not wrong, those were Arabs or followers of KSA belief.
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