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Iran's Rouhani: Israel should sign non-nuclear treaty

Your rogue Zionist entity can fool the US and the west whining about holocuast to get aid but not us and you dare to lecture us about human right how dare you Zionist terrorist

The barbaric Iranian regime murders its own people and violate their basic rights as part of its primitive ideology and helps Syria to use chemical weapons against civilian population. This regime should answer for its atrocities and war crimes.
Your rogue Zionist entity can fool the US and the west whining about holocuast to get aid but not us and you dare to lecture us about human right how dare you Zionist terrorist

NO one supports Israel out of sympathy for holocaust.

There are domestic political reasons in US for support of Israel. ( Evangelist and lobbyists )
The barbaric Iranian regime murders its own people and violate their basic rights as part of its primitive ideology and helps Syria to use chemical weapons against civilian population. This regime should answer for its atrocities and war crimes.

The barbaric who use chemical are your fake wahhabi salafi and crypto jews al saud family who kill Syrians every day don't worry we will finish them

Iranian ally:

Hmm, no thanks.
Both reasons are actually true bro.
it is true for Europe : they still feel guilty (and we can understand why) about what they did

in French school, they even learn that Churchill was anti semitic too
so Europe was clearly highly anti semitic not only Germans
Hilarious. A rogue regime which murders its own people, help a barbaric regime use chemical weapons against innocent civilians and violated constantly its international commitments on its nuclear programme, has the dare to lecture Israel.

Iran might be able to fool the West and the U.S., but Israel can see the demonic intentions of this monstrous regime.

Coming from an Israeli, its hardly anything but a cynical joke.
Coming from an Israeli, its hardly anything but a cynical joke.

Continue with your futile defensive attitude towards one of the worst regimes in the world, while smearing Israel pointlessly. Here are some things that Israel never done and never will do while the barbaric regime of Iran is infamous for: murdering your own people, helping a butcher to use chemical weapons and threatening to exterminate a sovereign nation out of anti-Semite reasons.
it is true for Europe : they still feel guilty (and we can understand why) about what they did

in French school, they even learn that Churchill was anti semitic too
so Europe was clearly highly anti semitic not only Germans

Not all over Europe. In the UK, Israel isn't really popular, most of the British people still hate the Jews up to this moment.

The barbaric who use chemical are your fake wahhabi salafi and crypto jews al saud family who kill Syrians every day don't worry we will finish them

LoLz. The Saudis don't give a rat about both of you. Feel free to fight one another, but make sure you won't come around. Last time some tried to toy with the Saudis things got ugly.
Continue with your futile defensive attitude towards one of the worst regimes in the world, while smearing Israel pointlessly. Here are some things that Israel never done and never will do while the barbaric regime of Iran is infamous for: murdering your own people, helping a butcher to use chemical weapons and threatening to exterminate a sovereign nation out of anti-Semite reasons.

I fail to understand why Iranian regime is considered the worst. As long as they are having their own policies in their own country and with the consent of their own people. Why others should be bothered about it.

They may be saying a lot against a particular group of people, but practically they haven't done any aggression. On the other hand those who condemn Iran are virtually responsible for all the wars taking place around at this point in time in the world. Instead those involved in CRIMINAL aggression should be condemned and bashed. @Aeronaut
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I fail to understand why Iranian regime is considered the worst. As long as they are having their own policies in their own country and with the consent of their own people. Why others should be bothered about it.

They may be saying a lot against a particular group of people, but practically they haven't done any aggression. On the other hand those who condemn Iran are virtually responsible for all the wars taking place around at this point in time in the world. Instead those involved in CRIMINAL aggression should be condemned and bashed. @Aeronaut

Iran is not -the- worst, but definitely currently has one of the worst regimes ever existed.
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There seems to be some progress in the talks between US N Iran foreign ministers
[Bregs];4817211 said:
There seems to be some progress in the talks between US N Iran foreign ministers
If you cannot beat them, buy them, if you cannot buy them then take a U-turn to do face saving.
I fail to understand why Iranian regime is considered the worst. As long as they are having their own policies in their own country and with the consent of their own people. Why others should be bothered about it.

They may be saying a lot against a particular group of people, but practically they haven't done any aggression. On the other hand those who condemn Iran are virtually responsible for all the wars taking place around at this point in time in the world. Instead those involved in CRIMINAL aggression should be condemned and bashed. @Aeronaut

Having policies in their own country is one thing but using religious influence for political aims is another thing. It's a well known fact that Iranian revolution boosted the religious extremism throughout the world. The damage done by it is irreversible. Iranian government is partly responsible for all the killings done in the name of religion right now. As far as I know Israel's primary focus is their own security. They don't have any imperial ambitions. Besides Israel is a free and a successful country that holds a significant contribution to science and technology.
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Having policies in their own country is one thing but using religious influence for political aims is another thing. It's a well known fact that Iranian revolution boosted the religious extremism throughout the world. The damage done by it is irreversible. Iranian government is partly responsible for all the killings done in the name of religion right now. As far as I know Israel's primary focus is their own security. They don't have any imperial ambitions. Besides Israel is a free and a successful country that holds a significant contribution to science and technology.

Taking inspiration and then pursuing it is not responsibility of Iran. If some religious adventurist thought that they can also follow Iran's model. Then it is not Iran's fault. Iran was in a different situation and had altogether different motivation levels to pursue their objectives.

I feel the statement highlighted in red should have been substantiated with proof, otherwise, it becomes just another sweeping statements being used to wage propaganda.
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