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Iran's Options


Dec 13, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Yesterday the US committed a crime so heinous, so stupid, that it is only right that we discuss the appropriate response. Usually I am dismissive of calls for or fear of war - but this time, direct military conflict between Iran and the US is on the cards, and even rarer so; the cards are in the hands of Iran.


Link to the full article: https://irangeomil.blogspot.com/2020/01/irans-options.html
The timing of this incident leaves Iran many options to respond militarily or non-militarily to the assassination. Iran is supposed to announce the 5th step of reducing its obligations under the JCPOA soon. Iran can start uranium enrichment to higher levels or even pull out of the NPT. Also, the US presidential election will start in 10 months and Iran can delay the military response until then.

Meanwhile, Iran has ten days of celebration for the 1979 revolution in February. Iran usually demonstrates new advances and achievements during these days. So, it's possible that Iran reveals a new missile or a new weapon during this time.

The timing of Iran's response is very important in my opinion. It should be done at a time that Trump is most vulnerable politically for his presidential campaign.
Iran should just test Nukes, and be Done with this once and for all .. this is perfect time and excuse to do it , If Iran miss this opportunity than it will be bad for them .
Such a challenge would have triggered other regional actors.

Sometimes what you do is actually what they want you to do. An important part of political history was written in this way.
Such a challenge would have triggered other regional actors.

Sometimes what you do is actually what they want you to do. An important part of political history was written in this way.

True, but every country has right to have deterrence , If Iran makes the bomb so should KSA or Turkey , America just set a very dangerous example by Assassinating a foreign Army General on a Foreign soil without even consulting or informing UN , if they get away with it no one from the third world countries will be save, they can kill anyone whom they think to be dangerous .
Do not make a retaliation since you will be bullied by America if you do like that. That action can only increase Trump popularity and if he win he will bully you more. Better improve relation with other Muslim countries since your reputation is going ugly since you help Assad Dictator to crush popular upraising there. You are alone can not win against America.

Better focus on developing economy, good governance, technology, and defense industry. Become a good actor in Yemen and pressure Houti to give up their military action and except political solution.
To be very honest, there is not match Iran or any other country can do. Even if Iran does retaliate, the US will retaliate even much harder and this cycle will not be sustainable for other countries else than the US.
the more intensive proxy war between them for sure and the battleground will be for these all proxy in Iraq.
Iran should just test Nukes, and be Done with this once and for all .. this is perfect time and excuse to do it , If Iran miss this opportunity than it will be bad for them .

Iran does not have nukes and is far far away from having any.
Do not make a retaliation since you will be bullied by America if you do like that. That action can only increase Trump popularity and if he win he will bully you more. Better improve relation with other Muslim countries since your reputation is going ugly since you help Assad Dictator to crush popular upraising there. You are alone can not win against America.

Better focus on developing economy, good governance, technology, and defense industry. Become a good actor in Yemen and pressure Houti to give up their military action and except political solution.

it was actually Iran doing the bullying up to this point....

They replaced the US as the biggest actor in the middle east. Captured and humiliated US navy sailors for the world to see... shot down state of the art 200 million dollar US aircraft and pride with impunity...

Iran also was responsible for the slaughter of thousands of American terrorists in occupied Iraq.... in essense this was a frustrated US lashing out against Iranian bullying with the an angry, stupid and uncalculated move that will backfire on them bigger then they could ever imagine....

this small d&%K Saudi/Asian mentality of taking a knee, or opening arse to some white euro power out of fear is alien to Iranian culture....

Iran is going nowhere... bythe time this is all set and done, it will be the American trash (like the british, and other failed trash before them) who will be leaving our region.. we don't need cowardice advice. Iran is the nation of Cyrus the great/Hussein
Do not make a retaliation since you will be bullied by America if you do like that. That action can only increase Trump popularity and if he win he will bully you more. Better improve relation with other Muslim countries since your reputation is going ugly since you help Assad Dictator to crush popular upraising there. You are alone can not win against America.

Better focus on developing economy, good governance, technology, and defense industry. Become a good actor in Yemen and pressure Houti to give up their military action and except political solution.

It's too late to build ties with other Muslim countries... at the exception of few, but still not enough... they took a side long time ago... and build their agenda upon it...it will be hard to change that in few years... let alone in months...

Same goes for dev the country... if no other superpower is willing to fully invest themselves in Iran, even if it means going against the US... Iran growth will be limited... The Iranian deal WAS the opportunity for them to expend in that direction...

Iran is in a position, where she can't let down those "Influential hotspot" they are the last line of defense... abandoning them will mean total isolation and reach and will push the US to be even more confident in subjuging Iran...

One option could be partially giving up their resources to another superpower, like China, in hope to gain a shield and even a sword at some extend in this matter...
Don't think Iran can escalate, unless they kill any US general or any top commander. But I doubt that will happen, they will kill some low tier soldier and will call it a day. Its about balls, US killed their general with impunity, lets see how they react.

It reminded me of how India came and bombed in our territory. We had option either sit down or react, on the very next day we shot down their planes and captured their pilot.
What options?

Nuclear ICBM is a must. Also nuclear MRBM. You can see the effekt in the developments between PRK and US.

All other actions are free and depend only on the possible effectivness of the action.
Such a challenge would have triggered other regional actors.

Sometimes what you do is actually what they want you to do. An important part of political history was written in this way.

so lets all middleEast start nuclear arm race and then we put eternal fear in the heart of these westerns bastards once for all
First thing the Iranians should do is kick the untrustworthy Indians out. Then they should cosy up to Pakistan by giving us cheap oil and gas. Then they should sacrifice the Mullahs to prevent being bombed into stone age and forced into regime change. Of course the new regime should be Pakistan friendly or else we will do to you what we did to Afghanistan-shut the border and fence it up. Surprising thing is that Pakistan was bought so cheap by the Saudis for this regime change game. Seems like Neocons are planning the game and the Saudis are paying for it. It's also now apparent why a cricketer was brought into power in Pakistan as he can'tr think beyond cricket and playing with his balls. The Neocon master plan of divide and rule is beautifully set in motion and working in fine tune at a regional level and country level. Pakistan is being squeezed and threatened by India while Iran is dealt with , then it will Pakistan's turn for regime change with hostile states on all sides and we will be defanged of our nukes. The Zion dream of true glory will be achieved and then they will return to Egypt for easy picking from whence they came.
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