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Iran’s New Missile A Tweak, Not A Breakthrough


Nov 1, 2010
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Iran’s New Missile A Tweak, Not A Breakthrough

Apparently following North Korea’s playbook for getting under the skin of President Trump, Iran wheeled a new missile, named the Khorramshahr, through Tehran during a parade last week on Friday, held to commemorate the 1980 start of the Iran-Iraq war.

A few hours later, Iran published a video of a launch, see Figure 1 for a screenshot. President Trump famously tweeted: “Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!”, pointing an accusing finger at North Korea and referring to the Iran nuclear deal. US media reports initially suggested that the launch took place after the parade, but later it emerged that US intelligence picked up no indication that this actually happened. The launch video may have been taken back in January, when the missile was first flight-tested.

Why Iran decided to release this video is unclear, but if the timing was chosen to suggest a brand new launch and for political impact they succeeded.


Figure 1: The Khorramshahr in flight. (screenshot from a video published by PressTV)

There are a number of known links between the North Korean and Iranian missile programs. For instance, Iran’s Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 are North-Korean built variants of what was originally the Soviet R-17 (SS-1B Scud-B). The Shahab-3 IRBM is an Iranian version of the North-Korean Nodong. Like the Scud, these missiles use kerosene as fuel and IFRNA (Inhibited Fuming Red Nitric Acid) as the oxidizer. During the boost phase, they are steered by moveable jet vanes mounted in the exhaust.

This is proven technology, but the propellant mix has a relatively low specific impulse (a measure for how much thrust the propellant can produce) and the thrust is further reduced by the jet vanes. Iran has built its own versions of the Shahab-3, culminating in the Ghadr 110 and Emad missiles. Their propulsion is largely unchanged, but due to a lighter structure and longer fuel tanks these missiles can fly up to 2,000km, depending on the payload. The Emad has an overall length of about 16.4m and, like the original Nodong, it has a diameter of 1.25m.


Figure 2: Launch of a North-Korean Hwasong-10 in June 2016. (photo: KCNA via EPA)

In June of 2016, North Korea published photographs of the launch of its then-newest ballistic missile, named the Hwasong 10 (see Figure 2). This missile, also known as the Musudan, was first driven through Pyongyang on top of a large twelve-wheeled transporter back in 2010. It was visually similar to the originally Soviet R-27 (SS-N-6 “Serb”) submarine-launched ballistic missile. The R-27 used a more energetic propellant combination of UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine) and N2O4 (dinitrogen tetroxide), had a light-weight structure with a shared bulkhead between the oxidizer and fuel tanks and used two separate so-called vernier engines for steering rather than thrust vectoring vanes. It was a far more potent missile than the Scud or Nodong derivatives. The original R-27 had a range of 2,400km to 2,500km with a 650kg payload.

The Hwasong-10 launch pictures confirmed the use of an R-27 engine but also showed a few differences with the original missile. At approximately 11.1 m in length the North-Korean missile is longer, it has a set of eight lattice fins for stability and it probably uses a heavier airframe. The missile’s diameter is 1.5 m, which is larger than previous DPRK ballistic missiles. Access to this technology has allowed North Korea to make a quantum leap in its missile program. There have been persistent rumours that the DPRK exported this missile to Iran. However, this alleged Iranian version, usually referred to as the BM-25, was never shown to the public.

During the Khorramshahr test in January of this year, the missile reportedly failed after flying 600 miles. News reports at the time speculated that the test was linked to the BM-25. At a first glance, the missile in the launch video published last week indeed appears similar to the Hwasong-10. It looks relatively wide for its length and the video shows the exhaust plumes of vernier engines on either side of the main engine exhaust. Furthermore, the plumes are a lot clearer and less orange in color than for a missile that uses kerosene and IFRNA. This suggests the use of amine fuel such as UDMH. Inevitably, speculation started that the long-awaited BM-25 has now finally been unveiled, which would be clear evidence that the DPRK and Iran are continuing their collaboration.


Figure 3: A Khorramshahr missile being driven through Tehran on September 22nd.

Unfortunately, the photographs of the missile displayed in the parade do not show engine details. We can estimate the missile’s diameter by comparing it to the size of the tires, however. The tractor unit pulling the trailer is a Mercedes Actros. According to the manufacturer’s specification, this has a tire diameter of 1.096m. In Figure 3, the tires are compressed slightly due to the weight of the vehicle, but the top of the tires on the tractor and the center of the wheel hubs can be located. This allows reconstructing the uncompressed tire heights.


Figure 4: The Khorramshahr and its estimated dimensions.

The relative heights of the front tire and the cab are consistent with a 1.096 m diameter, as is the vehicle wheelbase. The perspective in the image results in the tires further aft on the vehicle appearing a bit smaller than at the front, but extending lines that connect their tops and bottoms towards the rear shows that the trailer uses the same tire diameter. Furthermore, the lines show how tall a height of 1.096m appears directly underneath the missile. By comparing the size of the visible diameter of the missile to this, we can estimate the missile’s diameter to be 1.25m.

A similar photograph of the entire missile allows an estimate of its length: 11.1 m overall and 8.34 m for just the booster (excluding parts of the nozzles that may protrude from the base).


Figure 5: The approximate sizes of the Hwasong-10, Khorramshahr and Emad missiles compared.

The relative sizes of the missiles are illustrated in Figure 5. The Khorramshahr’s overall length happens to be the same as that of the Hwasong 10, but its 1.25m diameter is significantly smaller than the 1.5m of the R-27 and the Hwasong-10. This leaves the notion that it is an Iranian derivative of the Hwasong-10 dead in the water. The missile is considerably narrower and lighter and the Hwasong-10 engine arrangement simply does not fit.

This raises an obvious question. If it is not an Iranian version of the Hwasong-10, then what is the Khorramshahr and what can it do? Statements in the Iranian press are confusing, but according to the Tehran Times (the Islamic regime’s English-language newspaper), the commander of the (rather fancifully named) Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Aerospace Force, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, claimed it boasts a 2,000km range and can carry warheads of up to 1,800kg, although presumably not both at the same time. He also stated that it is smaller and “more tactical” than other ballistic missiles developed by the Defense Ministry. Such claims should be treated with scepticism, of course, but computer simulations can be used to check whether this performance is realistic. The launch video allows an estimate of the missile acceleration. A series of frames is shown in Figure 6. Fitting a second-order polynomial to the position as a function of time gives an initial acceleration of approximately 6 m/s2.


Figure 6: Missile position as a function of time, shown at a rate of six per second. Original footage: PressTV.

The estimated size of the missile and the properties of the propellant allow us to make an estimate of the propellant mass. For the number used in the simulations it is assumed that, apart from an engine bay of about 2m in length, most of the booster is filled with propellant. It makes sense for the missile to use UDMH as its fuel and IFRNA as the oxidizer, rather than N2O4. Although this results in a somewhat lower specific impulse, IFRNA is a more suitable choice for mobile use, since desert temperatures are likely to exceed the limited temperature range in which N2O4 remains a liquid. Iran also has ample experience in working with IFRNA for its existing arsenal.

Table 1: Estimated Khorramshahr parameters.

Usable propellant mass [kg] 8,840
thrust [kN] 173
dead-weight mass fraction incl. unused propellant [%] 12
burnout mass [kg] 1,205
Isp (sea level) 260
Isp (vacuum) 288
burn time 130
payload mass [kg] 1,000
takeoff mass [kg] 11,045

A remaining variable is the so-called dead-weight mass fraction: the mass of the booster at burnout, as a percentage of the booster mass at take-off. The chosen value of 12 percent signifies a fairly light construction, but it is close to the value for the Emad. The thrust-to-weight ratio that corresponds to the acceleration gives the engine thrust and burn time. The resulting thrust is a further indication of the difference with the Hwasong 10: 173 kN is significantly less than the (roughly) 270 KN of the Hwasong 10. The full parameter set is listed in Table 1.


Figure 7: Simulated range as a function of payload for the Khorramshahr missile.

Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

Since launching the Hwasong 10, North Korea has moved to launching the longer-ranged Hwasong 12 and 14 and is intent on convincing the United States that these pose a direct threat to Guam and even the continental United States (CONUS). With the Khorramshahr, Iran seems to have gone in a rather different direction. It is not a significantly longer-ranged missile than already in their inventory and there is no evidence that it is related to the Hwasong 10. Iran has previously demonstrated the use of vernier engines on the first stage of its Simorgh satellite launch vehicle, so this development is not wholly unexpected. The new fuel does represent a significant step forward. The Khorramshahr is about two-thirds the size of the Shahab-3 variants, but theoretically it can deliver a similar payload over similar distances.

For a mobile missile this smaller size is a big advantage: it is easier to conceal before launch, easier to transport and easier to erect once it has arrived at the intended launch site. This pretty much matches what Gen. Hajizadeh claimed. As such, it is mainly a potential threat to Saudi Arabia and Israel, as well as regional US bases.

Ralph Savelsberg is an associate professor for missile defence at the Netherlands Defence Academy in Den Helder. The author would like to thank James Kiessling for his valuable comments and insights.
Why so much strike through text?
Cause the "Expert" is retarded.

"The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload"
"With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km"

Imao!!!! I'm glad enemy analysts are this stupid. Makes our job easier when we need to pummel them. The only correct thing in this article is the N2O4 fuel we use and our past history with shahabs.

They even managed to screw up the estimated width of the missile. A high school kid could've figured this out.
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this article is just deliberate misinformation in order to downplay iran's missile capabilities imo

however leading up to the iraq war many defence "analysts" overhyped the iraqi threat when their really was no threat, they are doing the opposite of this for iran which means there is a credible threat etc
I can calculate exact dis if someone has hi res pic of the missile
What a bunch of shit , lmao.

Khorramshahr has a range of more than 2500kms with a payload of 1800 kg which can be extended to 4000kms with lower payloads.

the test was an epic success and the "rumors" are factually wrong. whatever tho. we don't care what a bunch of lowlife Iran haters think. those who are the target know whats going on
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OMG!,What a complete total fu#king idiot this guy is,hes right up there with anthony cordesman and babak taghvaee,jesus I`m still laughing after reading this utter idiocy:haha::omghaha::yahoo::rofl:
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Iran’s New Missile A Tweak, Not A Breakthrough

Apparently following North Korea’s playbook for getting under the skin of President Trump, Iran wheeled a new missile, named the Khorramshahr, through Tehran during a parade last week on Friday, held to commemorate the 1980 start of the Iran-Iraq war.

A few hours later, Iran published a video of a launch, see Figure 1 for a screenshot. President Trump famously tweeted: “Iran just test-fired a Ballistic Missile capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!”, pointing an accusing finger at North Korea and referring to the Iran nuclear deal. US media reports initially suggested that the launch took place after the parade, but later it emerged that US intelligence picked up no indication that this actually happened. The launch video may have been taken back in January, when the missile was first flight-tested.

Why Iran decided to release this video is unclear, but if the timing was chosen to suggest a brand new launch and for political impact they succeeded.


Figure 1: The Khorramshahr in flight. (screenshot from a video published by PressTV)

There are a number of known links between the North Korean and Iranian missile programs. For instance, Iran’s Shahab-1 and Shahab-2 are North-Korean built variants of what was originally the Soviet R-17 (SS-1B Scud-B). The Shahab-3 IRBM is an Iranian version of the North-Korean Nodong. Like the Scud, these missiles use kerosene as fuel and IFRNA (Inhibited Fuming Red Nitric Acid) as the oxidizer. During the boost phase, they are steered by moveable jet vanes mounted in the exhaust.

This is proven technology, but the propellant mix has a relatively low specific impulse (a measure for how much thrust the propellant can produce) and the thrust is further reduced by the jet vanes. Iran has built its own versions of the Shahab-3, culminating in the Ghadr 110 and Emad missiles. Their propulsion is largely unchanged, but due to a lighter structure and longer fuel tanks these missiles can fly up to 2,000km, depending on the payload. The Emad has an overall length of about 16.4m and, like the original Nodong, it has a diameter of 1.25m.


Figure 2: Launch of a North-Korean Hwasong-10 in June 2016. (photo: KCNA via EPA)

In June of 2016, North Korea published photographs of the launch of its then-newest ballistic missile, named the Hwasong 10 (see Figure 2). This missile, also known as the Musudan, was first driven through Pyongyang on top of a large twelve-wheeled transporter back in 2010. It was visually similar to the originally Soviet R-27 (SS-N-6 “Serb”) submarine-launched ballistic missile. The R-27 used a more energetic propellant combination of UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine) and N2O4 (dinitrogen tetroxide), had a light-weight structure with a shared bulkhead between the oxidizer and fuel tanks and used two separate so-called vernier engines for steering rather than thrust vectoring vanes. It was a far more potent missile than the Scud or Nodong derivatives. The original R-27 had a range of 2,400km to 2,500km with a 650kg payload.

The Hwasong-10 launch pictures confirmed the use of an R-27 engine but also showed a few differences with the original missile. At approximately 11.1 m in length the North-Korean missile is longer, it has a set of eight lattice fins for stability and it probably uses a heavier airframe. The missile’s diameter is 1.5 m, which is larger than previous DPRK ballistic missiles. Access to this technology has allowed North Korea to make a quantum leap in its missile program. There have been persistent rumours that the DPRK exported this missile to Iran. However, this alleged Iranian version, usually referred to as the BM-25, was never shown to the public.

During the Khorramshahr test in January of this year, the missile reportedly failed after flying 600 miles. News reports at the time speculated that the test was linked to the BM-25. At a first glance, the missile in the launch video published last week indeed appears similar to the Hwasong-10. It looks relatively wide for its length and the video shows the exhaust plumes of vernier engines on either side of the main engine exhaust. Furthermore, the plumes are a lot clearer and less orange in color than for a missile that uses kerosene and IFRNA. This suggests the use of amine fuel such as UDMH. Inevitably, speculation started that the long-awaited BM-25 has now finally been unveiled, which would be clear evidence that the DPRK and Iran are continuing their collaboration.


Figure 3: A Khorramshahr missile being driven through Tehran on September 22nd.

Unfortunately, the photographs of the missile displayed in the parade do not show engine details. We can estimate the missile’s diameter by comparing it to the size of the tires, however. The tractor unit pulling the trailer is a Mercedes Actros. According to the manufacturer’s specification, this has a tire diameter of 1.096m. In Figure 3, the tires are compressed slightly due to the weight of the vehicle, but the top of the tires on the tractor and the center of the wheel hubs can be located. This allows reconstructing the uncompressed tire heights.


Figure 4: The Khorramshahr and its estimated dimensions.

The relative heights of the front tire and the cab are consistent with a 1.096 m diameter, as is the vehicle wheelbase. The perspective in the image results in the tires further aft on the vehicle appearing a bit smaller than at the front, but extending lines that connect their tops and bottoms towards the rear shows that the trailer uses the same tire diameter. Furthermore, the lines show how tall a height of 1.096m appears directly underneath the missile. By comparing the size of the visible diameter of the missile to this, we can estimate the missile’s diameter to be 1.25m.

A similar photograph of the entire missile allows an estimate of its length: 11.1 m overall and 8.34 m for just the booster (excluding parts of the nozzles that may protrude from the base).


Figure 5: The approximate sizes of the Hwasong-10, Khorramshahr and Emad missiles compared.

The relative sizes of the missiles are illustrated in Figure 5. The Khorramshahr’s overall length happens to be the same as that of the Hwasong 10, but its 1.25m diameter is significantly smaller than the 1.5m of the R-27 and the Hwasong-10. This leaves the notion that it is an Iranian derivative of the Hwasong-10 dead in the water. The missile is considerably narrower and lighter and the Hwasong-10 engine arrangement simply does not fit.

This raises an obvious question. If it is not an Iranian version of the Hwasong-10, then what is the Khorramshahr and what can it do? Statements in the Iranian press are confusing, but according to the Tehran Times (the Islamic regime’s English-language newspaper), the commander of the (rather fancifully named) Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Aerospace Force, Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, claimed it boasts a 2,000km range and can carry warheads of up to 1,800kg, although presumably not both at the same time. He also stated that it is smaller and “more tactical” than other ballistic missiles developed by the Defense Ministry. Such claims should be treated with scepticism, of course, but computer simulations can be used to check whether this performance is realistic. The launch video allows an estimate of the missile acceleration. A series of frames is shown in Figure 6. Fitting a second-order polynomial to the position as a function of time gives an initial acceleration of approximately 6 m/s2.


Figure 6: Missile position as a function of time, shown at a rate of six per second. Original footage: PressTV.

The estimated size of the missile and the properties of the propellant allow us to make an estimate of the propellant mass. For the number used in the simulations it is assumed that, apart from an engine bay of about 2m in length, most of the booster is filled with propellant. It makes sense for the missile to use UDMH as its fuel and IFRNA as the oxidizer, rather than N2O4. Although this results in a somewhat lower specific impulse, IFRNA is a more suitable choice for mobile use, since desert temperatures are likely to exceed the limited temperature range in which N2O4 remains a liquid. Iran also has ample experience in working with IFRNA for its existing arsenal.

Table 1: Estimated Khorramshahr parameters.

Usable propellant mass [kg] 8,840
thrust [kN] 173
dead-weight mass fraction incl. unused propellant [%] 12
burnout mass [kg] 1,205
Isp (sea level) 260
Isp (vacuum) 288
burn time 130
payload mass [kg] 1,000
takeoff mass [kg] 11,045

A remaining variable is the so-called dead-weight mass fraction: the mass of the booster at burnout, as a percentage of the booster mass at take-off. The chosen value of 12 percent signifies a fairly light construction, but it is close to the value for the Emad. The thrust-to-weight ratio that corresponds to the acceleration gives the engine thrust and burn time. The resulting thrust is a further indication of the difference with the Hwasong 10: 173 kN is significantly less than the (roughly) 270 KN of the Hwasong 10. The full parameter set is listed in Table 1.


Figure 7: Simulated range as a function of payload for the Khorramshahr missile.

Using computer simulations, maximum-range trajectories were calculated, as a function of the payload mass. The results are shown in Figure 7. The claimed 2,000km range is possible with a 550kg payload (including the heatshield). With a 1,800 kg payload, the range drops to about 900 km. Obviously, a larger dead-weight mass fraction than 12 percent (associated with a heavier structure or more unused propellant) would also be possible, but only at the expense of the payload at a given range. That would shift the graph left by however much the dead-weight mass is increased.

Since launching the Hwasong 10, North Korea has moved to launching the longer-ranged Hwasong 12 and 14 and is intent on convincing the United States that these pose a direct threat to Guam and even the continental United States (CONUS). With the Khorramshahr, Iran seems to have gone in a rather different direction. It is not a significantly longer-ranged missile than already in their inventory and there is no evidence that it is related to the Hwasong 10. Iran has previously demonstrated the use of vernier engines on the first stage of its Simorgh satellite launch vehicle, so this development is not wholly unexpected. The new fuel does represent a significant step forward. The Khorramshahr is about two-thirds the size of the Shahab-3 variants, but theoretically it can deliver a similar payload over similar distances.

For a mobile missile this smaller size is a big advantage: it is easier to conceal before launch, easier to transport and easier to erect once it has arrived at the intended launch site. This pretty much matches what Gen. Hajizadeh claimed. As such, it is mainly a potential threat to Saudi Arabia and Israel, as well as regional US bases.

Ralph Savelsberg is an associate professor for missile defence at the Netherlands Defence Academy in Den Helder. The author would like to thank James Kiessling for his valuable comments and insights.

90% of the article is NONSESE after Nonsense! Starting with the diameter of the Missile!

According to the CIA Iran received 19 BM-25's from N.Korea over a decade ago so comparing Iran's to outdated Russian R-27's is nothing but delusions because the Russian version where mainly used for sub launch version with much heavier airframe even the land version had a much heavier airframe

Plus Iran's version is a major improvement on what the North Korean had on the Hwasong-10 ! It's Airframe is much lighter due to materials used, it produces less drag & more likely than not the engine has had major improvements...

DPRK BM-25 had 3,000-4000km range with 1000kg-1250kg warhead
Iran's version is a clear improvement on that in terms of capability of the 1st stage booster

And your comparing SCUD propellant with the same type of propellant used on RD-250 engines that power
Tsyklon-3 SLV

So nonsense after nonsense!
Massive mistake made in this article. The Khorramshahr is not 1.25 diameter. It is a 1.5 metre diameter missile.

Khorramshahr, 1.5 m diameter.


Emad, 1.25 m diameter


You honestly have to be blind NOT to see the difference in diameter!!!!!!!

And the fact is the difference in diameter is irrelevant! This is all about Iran's ability to use a far more efficient N204 Oxidizer

Plus, if Iran somehow managed to get the 1st stage of a missile with that length with added TVC (Increase in durability in different weather and atmospheric conditions) without an increase in diameter to inject a warhead into space for a 2000km range that's just more props to Iran not less!

And how fast Iran's Khoramshar missile takes off has to do with the size of the warhead NOTHING MORE! And unless you know for a FACT how much weight they put on top of the 1st stage then those pics of the missiles taking off mean absolutely NOTHING!

Also the idea that Iran would go threw the trouble of fielding a completely new oxidizer just to reduce the length of it's BM with no added capability is absurd! Fuel storage is a nightmare of it's own and no easy task so the idea that Iran would go to the trouble and costs of fielding a new oxidizer for a new 2000km 650kg warhead BM is ABSURD! And fielding a new oxidizer is no tweak and most definitely no easy task!

And the fact that is uses a new oxidizer is quite evident! NO ONE can deny that!
OMG!,What a complete total fu#king idiot this guy is,hes right up there with anthony cordesman and babak taghvaee,jesus I`m still laughing after reading this utter idiocy:haha::omghaha::yahoo::rofl:
Believe it or not hes still insisting that he is correct and that Tal Inbar got his measurements wrong.:disagree::sarcastic:

Believe it or not hes still insisting that he is correct and that Tal Inbar got his measurements wrong.:disagree::sarcastic:

The other thing I`ve just realised is that if this was a 1.25m missile then why is it not fitted with one of irans standard missile warheads ie triconic or emad

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