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Irans new long range missile SHABAB III


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
DEAR, commrads plz , feel free to experss ur ideas and ur thoughts on the subject. GROWING IRANIAN.. capabilities making IRAN more influential in world affairs, even irans fears are real but still , IRAN is showing the path by not bowing to imperial powers.

i guss it is the time that pakistan should make its superiorty in the field WMD & MISSILIES in the region, by making its missiles further more long range as, much as it can be possible:agree::tup:
That would go against Pakistans doctrine of self defence against India. There is no need for longer range missiles other than the arsenal Pakistan already has.
ahhh but can we say that having a strike range of 8000miles can act as a deterrent.

As for Iran ..................


Keep up the good work
Iran and Pakistan have different threat perceptions and required different kind of responses. Our threat perception is next door and Irans quite far away. Therefore we need short range and medium range missiles while Iran needs and long range missile. Simple as that.

The only interesting thing to see is that once hostilities begin would these missiles be able to achieve any thing for the Iran.
Iran's greatest deterrent aint missiles. its oil. iran knows that if its attacked, oil prices will go through the roof. and right now world economy cannot afford higher oil prices.
i've heard yesterday they have tested and lauched...about 7 missiles....at the same time. But they were not long range missiles, according to news resources they have the range of about 2000 miles, reaching up to Israel.

And the media speculated, funny though, that they can also reach and target US bases.
i've heard yesterday they have tested and lauched...about 7 missiles....at the same time. But they were not long range missiles, according to news resources they have the range of about 2000 miles, reaching up to Israel.

And the media speculated, funny though, that they can also reach and target US bases.

Well there are U.S. bases in Iraq and Saudi so technically they are right.
Point is how will these missiles act as a deterrent against a nuclear armed rival i.e Israel? The answer is no it wont, no matter Israel comes into the range of Iranian missiles. Fact of the matter is that if Israel attacks Iranian nuclear installations it would be on the bases of its nuclear deterrent because if Iran retaliates there would be a fear of nuclear response from Israel and the western world would justify it. So IMO its as waste of time and resources until Iran can deploy nuclear warheads. A nuclear deterrent is something that would keep both parties at bay.

As for Pakistan, it is more important for us to get a triad capability rather then increasing our range for the time being. We need to have an SLCM with a range not less then 2000kms so that we can hit major Indian installations without having the need to expose our Subs in the international waters.
Conventional warheads on ballistic missiles? Are they really good for anything? I dunno they haven't really been tested, at least not since WW2, but we know that the Scuds completely SUCK. So whatever the Iranians have, I hope its better than a rotten Scud 1/2/3 otherwise the maximum they will achieve in the whole war is killing only 6 Israeli civilians while Israel will turn Iranian cities into giant garbage yards!
Iran test-fires more missiles in Persian Gulf

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran test-fired more long-range missiles overnight in a second round of exercises meant to show that the country can defend itself against any attack by the U.S. or Israel, Iranian state television reported Thursday.

The weapons have "special capabilities" and included missiles launched from naval ships in the Persian Gulf, along with torpedoes and surface-to-surface missiles, the broadcast said. It did not elaborate.

A brief video clip showed two missiles being fired simultaneously in the darkness.

The report came hours after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran that Washington will not back down in the face of threats against Israel.

"We are sending a message to Iran that we will defend American interests and the interests of our allies," Rice said Thursday in Georgia at the close of a three-day Eastern European trip.

Among the missiles Iran said it tested Wednesday was a new version of the Shahab-3, which officials have said has a range of 1,250 miles and is armed with a 1-ton conventional warhead.

That would put Israel, Turkey, the Arabian peninsula, Afghanistan and Pakistan all within striking distance.

Wednesday's missile tests were conducted at the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway at the mouth of the Persian Gulf through which up to 40 percent of the world's oil passes. Iran has threatened to shut down traffic in the strait if attacked.

Another Iranian state channel, Press TV, quoted a senior Republican Guard commander Thursday as saying Iran would maintain security in the Strait of Hormuz and the larger Gulf.

Gen. Mohammad Hejazi, chief of the Guards' joint staff, called the missile tests a "defensive measure against invasions," according to the channel's Web site.

Iran will not jeopardize the interests of neighboring countries, he said without elaborating.

Oil prices jumped on news of Wednesday's tests, rising $1.44 to $137.48 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Iran test-fires more missiles in Persian Gulf - Yahoo! News
Well there are U.S. bases in Iraq and Saudi so technically they are right.

But it seems unlikely that Iran will strike inside saudi territory a muslim country to destroy US bases, like what Sadam did during gulf war.

But yes they can hit US interests and shipping such as US fleet in the Persian Gulf along with some bases in Iraq.
DEAR, commrads plz , feel free to experss ur ideas and ur thoughts on the subject. GROWING IRANIAN.. capabilities making IRAN more influential in world affairs, even irans fears are real but still , IRAN is showing the path by not bowing to imperial powers.

i guss it is the time that pakistan should make its superiorty in the field WMD & MISSILIES in the region, by making its missiles further more long range as, much as it can be possible:agree::tup:

Superiority as mentioned by you has relevance only if backed by a strong, self reliant economy, non dependence ( at least not entirely) on out side sources for essentials coupled with a strong & stable Govt. Iran meets most of these criteria.

Remember how " Superior" North Korea was ? Where has its ' superiority' led it ? Rhetoric sounds good & is heard by the world when it is coupled with the points mentioned above.
meant to show that the country can defend itself against any attack by the U.S. or Israel, state television reported Thursday.


The weapons have "special capabilities" and included missiles launched from naval ships in the Persian Gulf, along with torpedoes and surface-to-surface missiles, the broadcast said. It did not elaborate.

A brief video clip showed two missiles being fired simultaneously in the darkness trailed by red plumes of fire and smoke.

The report came hours after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran that Washington will not back down in the face of threats against Israel.

"We are sending a message to Iran that we will defend American interests and the interests of our allies," Rice said Thursday in Georgia at the close of a three-day Eastern European trip.

The director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Lt. Gen. Henry Obering, said Iran's missile tests have emphasized the urgency of going ahead with plans to place a proposed U.S. missile defense system in Eastern Europe.

Among the missiles Iran said it tested Wednesday was a new version of the Shahab-3, which officials have said has a range of 1,250 miles and is armed with a 1-ton conventional warhead.

That would put Israel, Turkey, the Arabian peninsula, Afghanistan and Pakistan all within striking distance.

Wednesday's missile tests were conducted at the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway at the mouth of the Persian Gulf through which up to 40 percent of the world's oil passes. Iran has threatened to shut down traffic in the strait if attacked.

Another Iranian state channel, Press TV, quoted a senior Republican Guard commander Thursday as saying Iran would maintain security in the Strait of Hormuz and the larger Gulf.

Gen. Mohammad Hejazi, chief of the Guards' joint staff, called the missile tests a "defensive measure against invasions," according to the channel's Web site.

Iran will not jeopardize the interests of neighboring countries, he said without elaborating.

Even as Hejazi tried to reassure Iran's neighbors, Tehran's standoff with the West took a new toll when French energy giant Total SA said it is too risky to invest in Iran for now. The decision raised questions about the future of major western involvement in developing Iranian gas reserves.

"The conditions are not present for investing in Iran today," said Total spokeswoman Lisa Wiler. "We hope that the political relations will improve so that we can invest."

Total had been in discussions for developing a liquefied natural gas project linked to Iran's South Pars gas field with Malaysia's Petronas.

But Total and oil majors have been under increasing political pressure from the United States and its allies over their activities in Iran amid mounting tensions over Iran's nuclear program. The U.S. and other countries fear that program is aimed at building nuclear weapons but Tehran insists is for producing energy.

Israel showed off its latest spy plane Thursday in what defense officials said was a display of strength in response to Iranian war games and missile tests.

"It has the most sophisticated early warning and intelligence devices to date and is capable of reaching all destinations required by the air force," said Assaf Dargan, a spokesman for Israel Aerospace Industries.

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Off the Wires:sniper::usflag:

ANYWAY, i dont agree, with peoples ideas that we, should have strong economy so tht we, can go for more or longer range, its not ecomnomy , its good weapons....... good miltry power which ! itself brings securtiy, for example..... in late 40s... GREAT BRITAIN,, wanted to dominate the world because of the fact at that time UK , had the strong army, strong navy..... and thus, UK succeded making colonies in different parts of the world........ including SOUTH EAST ASIA. wht does UK HAVENT STEEL from these so called BRITISH colonies...... every thing... even the DIAMOND IN THE CROWN OF QUEEN of england comes from south east asia.
why, USA +UK+ ISRAEIL... are against growing any muslim miltry ?
and plz make ur mind clear that IRAN is the last remaining.... oil producing muslim country..... out of hand.

my, dear fellows . i certnly dont wana be a maniac just because, i like it, but its al the same kind of fears at the time when we blasted our frist nuke, at that time there were a lot of peoples were saying tht it will effect pakistan....... and it true it did but we survived. i think its the perfect time for pakistan............ go ahead for the longer version....... of missiles, belive me it will bring some order, in the arab israeili conflict, where there is only 1 power....... dominating the afairs well, on the other hand it will make USA & NATO... BACKING OFF from unlogical war of terror on muslims states........ it can bring something to...... have real and justified dialoge.... between muslims and the west:cheers::agree::coffee:
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Updated at: 1915 PST, Saturday, July 12, 2008
TEHRAN: Iran will target "32 US bases and the heart of Israel" if it is attacked, a foreign news agency quoted an aide to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as saying on Saturday.

"If America and Israel shoot any bullets and missiles against our country, Iranian armed forces will target the heart of Israel and 32 US bases in the region before the dust from this attack has settled," Mojtaba Zolnoor said.

Zolnoor is Khamenei's deputy representative for the elite Revolutionary Guards, the force which controls Iran's more potent weaponry, particularly its longer-range missiles capable of striking Israel and US bases in the Gulf.
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