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Iran's military chief says ready for war with US, Israel

Could you please tell me who on earth talked about the so-called Apocalypse, antichrist and so forth that made you to bring them up? the unfair,abysmal, one-sided mismanagement of today world directed by self-proclaimed centers of power which could be called the law of the jungle is merely root of all problems that human beings face now. Dividing people on earth to first and secondary citizens by different given rights is galaxy-away of what we call justice. The joke is Iran is negotiating with countries which possess 95 percent of existing nukes in the world to make them sure that it wouldn't risk international security by making a bomb in the future.
No one doubts over here in Iran that they've got technological edge over us and they enjoy modern warfare and sophisticated equipments but if we'd wanted to give up our sovereignty, dignity and independence by virtue of American supremacy we wouldn't have revolted in the first place to overthrow American puppet "Shah".
We've not attacked any other nation since 3 centuries ago and we don't have any plan to do so in the future. what we seek is a respectful relations with the other countries if you respect us we'll respect you in return if you threaten us we'll threaten you in return and be sure we are aware of our capabilities.

Gandi says: first they ignore you then they laugh at you then they fight you then you win.

you actually got some good-strong words, gotta admit that.

as to one side having a bigger 'stick' than the other guy (meaning usa and countries in nato and russia and other valid superpowers have nukes and weapons like that, and muslims aren't allowed those weapons by (some in) that club), i still think that is the most secure way to peace.

you muslims like to talk about terrorists as military assets.

have you ever considered what guys like me could do for free for decades without any dangers from anyone for you? if you'd just hop on the exclusively-non-violent resistance train? why do you think i come here to idealogically engage muslim defenders who are still stuck in violent resistance? it's because of those 500 million to 950 million (my guestimate) peaceful muslims on earth.
you actually got some good-strong words, gotta admit that.

as to one side having a bigger 'stick' than the other guy (meaning usa and countries in nato and russia and other valid superpowers have nukes and weapons like that, and muslims aren't allowed those weapons by (some in) that club), i still think that is the most secure way to peace.

you muslims like to talk about terrorists as military assets.

have you ever considered what guys like me could do for free for decades without any dangers from anyone for you? if you'd just hop on the exclusively-non-violent resistance train? why do you think i come here to idealogically engage muslim defenders who are still stuck in violent resistance? it's because of those 500 million to 950 million (my guestimate) peaceful muslims on earth.

What you call violent resistance is actually a government function. Every government in this world is obligated to have a military budget to serve the state and protect it from any threats. That's why your nations have some of the heaviest build up. Military's are essential and necessary in today's world and you deny that right to Muslim nations for some reason. Don't refer to us as 'you Muslims', we aren't a single monolithic being. Be specific when you refer to an entity because people won't understand what point you're trying to make.
He's no fool. Iraq said,"we have no wmd." US invaded them.
Afghanistan said,"9/11 terrorists are Saudis, not afghans." US invaded them.
N. Korea said,"Bring it on uncle Sam." US did not attack.

Get the picture?

yeah well, the first rule that all the leaderships you mentioned run on is : "when asked about it, always point your finger at some other country"
Ah, an actual military discussion :) THIS i'll respect :)

So ehm, how about we mass produces drones to take out those missiles and/or any other targets on our target list? That would include all of y'all's centrifuges, so PLEASE DONT GO PLACING THOSE NEAR INNOCENT IRANIAN CIVILIANS EH. pretty please? i'll get onto one knee for this one. (meaning you score peacefan-shutup-please credits you all can use later on this forum)

You're not taking our ability to switch to a true war economy in mind and just mass produce the drone designs we already perfected against your still non-existent drone fleet. Or do you want to claim you can outproduce all of NATO?, dear fellow.

i'll give you a real tip here: you can say the Russians and Chinese won't allow a war of that scale against Iran. You might be hitting truth there. Only truth as best as we can detect it, works in this arena we now stand in, hussain0216.

Hence the US is developing more tech that the Iranians can't perfect, muslims as a whole global group won't be ALLOWED to start a real arms industry of their own, you don't have the necessary social cultural standards in your military and industrial communities that has shown to be vastly superior to every muslim force that has opposed it (please don't go to "but you're leaving Afghanistan, so we consider that a win". we'll be back when the muslims in any area give us reasons to, ok)

Ah, i'm replying each paragraph as soon as I read it in this message, so please excuse me not noticing this until now.
How you gonna hit back when your space program and semi-but-badly-hidden nuclear bomb program aren't complete yet? especially NW-EU and the continental USA, please, explain.

Oh man, that is only the surface, and when the Israelis do any war warnings, they usually mean business. They have a certain influence through their Jewish Lobby in all countries that determine the fate of your attempt to get to the bomb and icbms with nuke bombs you know..

OMG your post is hilarious, retarded and delusional all at the same time

Take a look at the history of U.S military **** ups in the post WW2 era, the problem is that people (idiots like you) seem to think being a super power will allow you to roll over any obstacle whilst no damage is caused to you whatsoever

Your name "peace fan" is becoming more ironic by the minute

In order to attack iran you need a massive military build up, iran is huge, its has a population of 80 million (thats more then 3 times the population of iraq or afghanistan), it also has a massive land mass. There are numerous diverse nuclear sites, some in hardened bunkers, alot of them are unknown. The Belief is that iran isnt that far from being able to produce a nuclear war head, any attack on iran wouldnt stop that it would gurantee it.

In order to effectivley hurt iran you require this massive military build up of thousands of troops and assets, costs alone would be astronomical running into the many billions.

You are under estimating iranian missiles, they dont have to be super duper, all they have to be is largely accurate, iran is able to concentrate their missile arsenal on specific area's, so ANY Military build up in its close vicinity would be very likely to be destroyed, dont be stupid, dont be retarded thinking that anti-missile defence shields could withstand a attack of big proportions.

The U.S knows this, every country in the reigion knows this,

The closest The U.S could have a proper base is maybe diego garcia or Israel & thats not good enough

At the moment, the U.S has thousands of troops in Afghanistan, it knows that any attack on iran would mean that thousands of U.A troops would come under attack, hell iran may even use its allies and assets in afghanistan and arm them with more heavy weaponery with iranian republican guard helping out like they do with Hezbollah

So currently the USA does not have the money to conduct such a massive war
There is neither international nor home support for such a massive and wastefull war
The U.S.A has just come off two expensive, bruising, frustrating wars that wasted TRILLIONS and killed thousands of U.S soldiers

The idea that the USA would get involved in another long protracted war in the middle east must be scaring the shit out of the USA

War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire | World | McClatchy DC

Simulated War Between U.S.-Iran Has Grisly End : NPR

The Insider - US loses war games in simulated conflict with Iran
OMG your post is hilarious, retarded and delusional all at the same time

Take a look at the history of U.S military **** ups in the post WW2 era, the problem is that people (idiots like you) seem to think being a super power will allow you to roll over any obstacle whilst no damage is caused to you whatsoever

Your name "peace fan" is becoming more ironic by the minute

In order to attack iran you need a massive military build up, iran is huge, its has a population of 80 million (thats more then 3 times the population of iraq or afghanistan), it also has a massive land mass. There are numerous diverse nuclear sites, some in hardened bunkers, alot of them are unknown. The Belief is that iran isnt that far from being able to produce a nuclear war head, any attack on iran wouldnt stop that it would gurantee it.

In order to effectivley hurt iran you require this massive military build up of thousands of troops and assets, costs alone would be astronomical running into the many billions.

You are under estimating iranian missiles, they dont have to be super duper, all they have to be is largely accurate, iran is able to concentrate their missile arsenal on specific area's, so ANY Military build up in its close vicinity would be very likely to be destroyed, dont be stupid, dont be retarded thinking that anti-missile defence shields could withstand a attack of big proportions.

The U.S knows this, every country in the reigion knows this,

The closest The U.S could have a proper base is maybe diego garcia or Israel & thats not good enough

At the moment, the U.S has thousands of troops in Afghanistan, it knows that any attack on iran would mean that thousands of U.A troops would come under attack, hell iran may even use its allies and assets in afghanistan and arm them with more heavy weaponery with iranian republican guard helping out like they do with Hezbollah

So currently the USA does not have the money to conduct such a massive war
There is neither international nor home support for such a massive and wastefull war
The U.S.A has just come off two expensive, bruising, frustrating wars that wasted TRILLIONS and killed thousands of U.S soldiers

The idea that the USA would get involved in another long protracted war in the middle east must be scaring the shit out of the USA

War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire | World | McClatchy DC

Simulated War Between U.S.-Iran Has Grisly End : NPR

The Insider - US loses war games in simulated conflict with Iran

This is a serious discussion indeed, and if you'll refrain (like i will too) from name-calling, I'll give you an honest an polite answer later today perhaps (i will reply in any way, but your next message i hope will be as polite as i've become once again too)
Wars in Serbia, Libya and Iraq tends to tell us what the Russian systems can do. Did it saved them from being bombed constantly? Don't know why Putin is involved in this conversation. Its not like Russia helped save Serbia from being bombed.

I wouldn't mention Serbia as an example of anything if I was you, it certainly was not NATO's or USAF's finest hour.

Are there any independent confirmations that Iran has S-300? Last I heard, the Russians won't sell them
you actually got some good-strong words, gotta admit that.

as to one side having a bigger 'stick' than the other guy (meaning usa and countries in nato and russia and other valid superpowers have nukes and weapons like that, and muslims aren't allowed those weapons by (some in) that club), i still think that is the most secure way to peace.

So as I got, You're calling those who brought WW I and WW II those who brouth the entire planet to the brink of destruction in the Cuban missile crisis those who used nuclear weapon against civilian in Japan, those who caused death of around 10 million Iranian, those who used agent Orange in Vietnam, those who used depleted uranium in Iraq, those who gave Saddam chemical weapons to be used against Iranian people, those who massacred approximately 1 million Algerians, and caused death of million people, valid superpowers?


you muslims like to talk about terrorists as military assets.

I think you've forgotten who created and funded Taliban and Al-quaede in Afghanistan to confront Soviet Union:

or :
US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran

Once you realize the truth tell me to discuss on who is terrorist who isn't

have you ever considered what guys like me could do for free for decades without any dangers from anyone for you? if you'd just hop on the exclusively-non-violent resistance train? why do you think i come here to idealogically engage muslim defenders who are still stuck in violent resistance? it's because of those 500 million to 950 million (my guestimate) peaceful muslims on earth.

We've already hoped on exclusively-non-violent train since we stood against oppression of a handful number of countries whom attempt to put pressure on their opponents by labelling them as terrorist, anit-democracy, funfumentalsit and so on to distract people attention of their own craps.
keep it to yourself its like the islamic republic doesnt know what is good for them or need someone advise
Well since this is an open forum i can discuss what i want and its pretty clear that iran cant take any of the two by itself (at the moment)
So as I got, You're calling those who brought WW I and WW II those who brouth the entire planet to the brink of destruction in the Cuban missile crisis those who used nuclear weapon against civilian in Japan, those who caused death of around 10 million Iranian, those who used agent Orange in Vietnam, those who used depleted uranium in Iraq, those who gave Saddam chemical weapons to be used against Iranian people, those who massacred approximately 1 million Algerians, and caused death of million people, valid superpowers?


You've missed at least 1 on the Iranian side, and that's "Syria".

But yes, precisely because the superpowers are so often involved in other countries, is why they are called superpowers. If smaller countries like yours don't recognize that, to the extent the Iranian leaderships are at the moment, then you see another one of those deplorable invasions.

I think you've forgotten who created and funded Taliban and Al-quaede in Afghanistan to confront Soviet Union:

or :
US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran

Once you realize the truth tell me to discuss on who is terrorist who isn't

Maybe all governments listed here are state users of terrorism, perhaps in the form of 'asymetrical force' sometimes as well?... :(

We've already hoped on exclusively-non-violent train since we stood against oppression of a handful number of countries whom attempt to put pressure on their opponents by labelling them as terrorist, anit-democracy, funfumentalsit and so on to distract people attention of their own craps.

I'm willing to patiently and politely explain once more on this forum how Iran is heading down the wrong path with their poorly-hidden nuclear weapons program,... You interested to listen to my viewpoints?
the mullahs do pray for a war. why? because it will allow them to cement their power above dead iranian peoples bodies.

idiots like this "military chief" are the real enemies of my country. and if iran would behave mature instead of exporting terror and its shai islamism to pakistan, africa....the country would be much safer then now.
You've missed at least 1 on the Iranian side, and that's "Syria".

But yes, precisely because the superpowers are so often involved in other countries, is why they are called superpowers. If smaller countries like yours don't recognize that, to the extent the Iranian leaderships are at the moment, then you see another one of those deplorable invasions.

Maybe all governments listed here are state users of terrorism, perhaps in the form of 'asymetrical force' sometimes as well?... :(

I'm willing to patiently and politely explain once more on this forum how Iran is heading down the wrong path with their poorly-hidden nuclear weapons program,... You interested to listen to my viewpoints?
Go make me a doner kabob shlomo.
Go make me a doner kabob shlomo.

i love donner kabab but i'll let the muslims make it for me, anytime :D

will you please chill? i haven't gone native, and won't. nor will i convert/turn, just as i wont change my sexual orientation from straight-only.

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