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Iran's Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV)

Will Iran test an HGV this year (2021)?

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Now people will start embargoing Iran for this weapon. After 20 years, Iran will still be tightening a nut in the backyard of prototype no: 1154. And meanwhile additional 40000 children will be dead due to embargoes. I don't know what Iranis are afraid of? Or what they get with such fooling.
Iran's enemies are powerful and Iran is not going to build Nuclear bomb (not my choice but any way that is the story!)..so Iran needs deterrence against enemies that are willing to use nuclear bombs on Iranian population...HGV is just one of the tools to make the price so expensive that they do not do what they desire to do.
Iran's enemies are powerful and Iran is not going to build Nuclear bomb (not my choice but any way that is the story!)..so Iran needs deterrence against enemies that are willing to use nuclear bombs on Iranian population...HGV is just one of the tools to make the price so expensive that they do not do what they desire to do.
Then bring that tools of your in front....test it. If you don't have, then get it. Simple.
What is the thread about....

What are you trying to suggest with your comment exactly? You need to clarify your comment as it appears incongruous.

This part" After 20 years, Iran will still be tightening a nut in the backyard of prototype no: 1154"

Are you claiming that Iran delays creations of its assets and they remain in prototype state?

As for this: "I don't know what Iranis are afraid of? Or what they get with such fooling."

Iran is afraid of what and who? What are you talking about?
Thread is about Hypersonic glide vehicle not hypersonic missile. A HGV maintains its high speed in the upper atmosphere and skips across building energy and avoiding a predictable trajectory reaching in excess of Mach 20.

A hypersonic missile is merely a missile with a warhead that can achieve high terminal speed without being cut up to shreds by physics. There is a limit to how fast a warhead can be in terminal phase in low altitude as forces of gravity and high thermal temperatures wreck havoc on the warhead.

Two different concepts.
I know the difference, my point was speed and required technologies for achieving it.

HGV is a ballistic missile which it's warhead employs aerodynamic lift in upper atmosphere to extend the range while maintaining it's speed.

and when our commander says unlike all similar missiles, Haj Qasem missile entirely relies on aerodynamic controls, then it means the differences have really narrowed. we have all the required technologies to turn Haj Qasem missile into a fully HGV like chinese DF-17.

I know the difference, my point was speed and required technologies for achieving it.

HGV is a ballistic missile which it's warhead employs aerodynamic lift in upper atmosphere to extend the range while maintaining it's speed.

and when our commander says unlike all similar missiles, Haj Qasem missile entirely relies on aerodynamic controls, then it means the differences have really narrowed. we have all the required technologies to turn Haj Qasem missile into a fully HGV like chinese DF-17.


A HGV uses the latest in material construction in order to be able to reach Mach 20 without burning up or being compressed into a soda can. Not merely “aerodynamic lift”.

Also Iran is not close to an HGV or Hyperosnic cruise missile as HGV engines typically use the chemicals in the atmosphere as a oxidizer for the fuel. To my knowledge Iran has yet to reveal such an engine to power an HGV or hypersonic cruise missile.
Nah not
Can you please post the article..seems as if you have to subscribe to be able to read it...thanks. I assume India used this for her hypersonic glide vehicle development "Brahmos" i think is the name.
Brahmos is a cruise missile with speed of Mach 3-4 it's supersonic
A hypersonic missile has a minimum speed of 6 mach only 2 of such misslie exist as of yet
The other missile that go over the limit are ballistic missiles with a known path
Brahmos rocket engine and boosters also require hypersonic wind tunnels as Well as engines
Wind tunnels are used for testing

This is the 3rd largest wind tunnel in the world with speeds up to Mach 15
This one is also used for cryogenic engine

Thier is another one that was inaugurated in 2020 which is used specifically for cruise missile
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I know the difference, my point was speed and required technologies for achieving it.

HGV is a ballistic missile which it's warhead employs aerodynamic lift in upper atmosphere to extend the range while maintaining it's speed.

and when our commander says unlike all similar missiles, Haj Qasem missile entirely relies on aerodynamic controls, then it means the differences have really narrowed. we have all the required technologies to turn Haj Qasem missile into a fully HGV like chinese DF-17.


When is Iranian fifth generation jet coming into prototype production? The one in your DP?
Can you please post the article..seems as if you have to subscribe to be able to read it...thanks. I assume India used this for her hypersonic glide vehicle development "Brahmos" i think is the name.
Brahmos is not a HGV it's a cruise missile

This is a HGV test with scram jet engine
All conventional missile use ramjet
Only 2 countries have working hypersonic misslie public china df-17 and Russia zircoin

Scramjet engines are like
Like lighting a match in cyclone’ — Beauty of India’s hypersonic flight tech is in its engine
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Brahmos is not a HGV it's a cruise missile

This is a HGV test with scram jet engine
All conventional missile use ramjet
Only 2 countries have working hypersonic misslie public china df-17 and Russia zircoin

Scramjet engines are like
Like lighting a match in cyclone’ — Beauty of India’s hypersonic flight tech is in its engine
Thanks for all the info you provided.. looks like India has done great work in this field and I wish them well in their work.
Thanks for all the info you provided.. looks like India has done great work in this field and I wish them well in their work.
All work is useless unless it produces a result only result so far is HGV for 22 secs not enough
Will this be like your cardboard cut out stealth plane?

Cardboard like your Tempest?

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