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Iran’s Game-Changing Rapid-Fire Underground Missile Base


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Incredible stuff from Iran.


Every second day Iran comes up with some Game-Changing technology. If that is truly the case that means Iran should be having a solid R&D eco-system in place (unless all these goodies are coming from some 3rd party). But it doesn't make sense since I have a first hand-knowledge regarding the Health/Pharma industry and Iran is heavily dependent on western medicine.

So if there is such a homegrown R&D environment, how come there is no focus on Health & Pharma sector and huge amounts of Foreign currency is spent each month despite sanctions and other restrictions, logically speaking something doesnt add up :undecided:
Every second day Iran comes up with some Game-Changing technology. If that is truly the case that means Iran should be having a solid R&D eco-system in place (unless all these goodies are coming from some 3rd party).

Because robust R&D in a particular field leads to great yield in said field. You cannot compare the defence sector to the civilian sectors.

But it doesn't make sense since I have a first hand-knowledge regarding the Health/Pharma industry and Iran is heavily dependent on western medicine.
So if there is such a homegrown R&D environment, how come there is no focus on Health & Pharma sector and huge amounts of Foreign currency is spent each month despite sanctions and other restrictions, logically speaking something doesnt add up

First of all, what do medicines have to do with the defence sector? Does heavy R&D in one fields have to be mirrored in other fields? Morever, over 97% of all Iranian medicines are being produced in-house, your claim of "heavily dependant on western medicine" is not factual.


A great article on the thread's topic:

Iran's path to a second strike capability

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I wonder if these could be used as Air defense too. Trucks are vulnerable to drone attacks as we saw in Libya, Syria and Armenia. Maybe if they were placed underground it would protect them. On the downside they are difficult to move around and if the enemy discovers where they are they could find a way to circumvent them.
First of all, what do medicines have to do with the defence sector? Does heavy R&D in one fields have to be mirrored in other fields? Morever, over 97% of all Iranian medicines are being produced in-house, your claim of "heavily dependant on western medicine" is something you're pulling out of thin air.

Irani people/armed forces are robots and not humans? If that is the case then it surely has nothing to do with medicine. You can assume that I am pulling it out of the thin air if that makes you sleep well at night, I know what I am talking about, Iran is heavily dependent on EU medicine. Period.

I was not questioning the abilitites of the greatest nation that has ever walked this planet earth but actually curious as to why this discrepancy, alas I believe all the countries starting with "I" have some sort of a superiority complex.
Irani people/armed forces are robots and not humans? If that is the case then it surely has nothing to do with medicine. You can assume that I am pulling it out of the thin air if that makes you sleep well at night, I know what I am talking about, Iran is heavily dependent on EU medicine. Period.

I was not questioning the abilitites of the greatest nation that has ever walked this planet earth but actually curious as to why this discrepancy, alas I believe all the countries starting with "I" have some sort of a superiority complex.
This is DEFENSE Forum not Medical or Pharma forum, if you want to know search Medical of Pharma forum on net
Irani people/armed forces are robots and not humans? If that is the case then it surely has nothing to do with medicine.

The defence sector and the pharmaceutical sector are not directly related, Iran has invested a very large amount of money over decades in its missile program hence why you're seeing these heavy developments. The situation in the pharmaceutical sector is not comparable. That is a civilian sector.

You can assume that I am pulling it out of the thin air if that makes you sleep well at night, I know what I am talking about, Iran is heavily dependent on EU medicine. Period.

Iran's 97% in house production figure is coming from Iran itself, and given Iran is under sanctions and cannot import even basic wound dressing, this is the reality. So refrain from spreading disinformation.

See below for confirmation of the above mentioned fugures.

Iran produces 97 percent of its needed medicines: Health Minister

Edit: Now that's dealt with, keep your questions specifically to the topic of thread.
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I wonder if these could be used as Air defense too. Trucks are vulnerable to drone attacks as we saw in Libya, Syria and Armenia. Maybe if they were placed underground it would protect them. On the downside they are difficult to move around and if the enemy discovers where they are they could find a way to circumvent them.


The only problem with such underground bases is that once the first few missiles are launched. The location of this base is known with a certain degree. Once the exact location is known all one has to do is destroy the launchpad. Doesn't matter if there's 100 missiles in the silo....if you can't launch them.....they're worthless.

Which is why nations like Russia and China work on movable TEL's (transporter erector launchers).


These are harder to destroy (shoot and scoot ability) and the more you have of them, the harder it is for the enemy to destroy all of them.

I would like to know Iran's progress in this area because it's more important.


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