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Iran's ex-defense minister announces presidential bid

What if the order for suspension came from people with direct ties to the office of the supreme leader ? What if the supreme leader himself ordered such a thing to please the reformists ? Would you consider the SL a traitor too ? No you can not. Because you have no professionalism, no straight bone in your body. Your world is black and white, you do not see anything else.
Didn't read my previous comment?

One year later after these traitors cut 85% of the defense ministry's budget, Supreme leader criticized their short sighting and orderd to specify at least 4% of the country's budget to be directed into defense sector.

So far everything I predicted about Reformist goons and their relation with west has turned to be true, you can have a look here as well:
Didn't read my previous comment?

One year later after these traitors cut 85% of the defense ministry's budget, Supreme leader criticized their short sighting and orderd to specify at least 4% of the country's budget to be directed into defense sector.
Explain to me why our missile range is kept below 2500KM ? Why does the IRGC want to please the West ?
Iranian drone flown over US ship in Persian gulf, US war ships backed away from Iranian tanker (headed to Venezuela) in atlantic ocean.

That's way.
haha typical conservative nonsense reply. Answer me : Why are Iranian missiles limited to 2500 KM range ?
That is why i said you guys do not have a straight bone in your body. All you do is lie and lie. I agree, the reformists are prostitutes of the West but you, you claim to be the godfather of everything righteous and resistance. You have to explain why you limit our missile range and refrain from building tactical nuclear weapons. Explain.
haha typical conservative nonsense reply. Answer me : Why are Iranian missiles limited to 2500 KM range ?
That is why i said you guys do not have a straight bone in your body. All you do is lie and lie. I agree, the reformists are prostitutes of the West but you, you claim to be the godfather of everything righteous and resistance. You have to explain why you limit our missile range and refrain from building tactical nuclear weapons. Explain.
I like to answer the limit on 2500 km range..I asked the same questions and had long discussion with salarHaqq which partially convinced me.
If we consider Israel as the most important "state" of the United States.. (most important because of Jewish occupants) then by being able to destroy this "state" you have achieved the deterrence against any Jewish sponsored attack on Iran.
Not a bad argument....any how we know iran does have ICBM capability any way so why not play the game of hide and seek...
The 2000km range is just smoke and mirrors. Forgetting the recent and openly declared ICBM capability, Iran's Khoramshahr missile already has the range to go well beyond 2000km. In politics and military, never make the mistake of confusing the constructed perceptions with the truth.
I like to answer the limit on 2500 km range..I asked the same questions and had long discussion with salarHaqq which partially convinced me.
Salarhaqq is biased towards the pro-estabilishment camp. I gave up trying to convince him the errors and betrayal of the conservatives. He just doesn't see it. Better give up discussing with such people. He and the likes of @500 are on the same page. Denying the reality.

If we consider Israel as the most important "state" of the United States.. (most important because of Jewish occupants) then by being able to destroy this "state" you have achieved the deterrence against any Jewish sponsored attack on Iran.
Not a bad argument....any how we know iran does have ICBM capability any way so why not play the game of hide and seek...
I am sorry, it does not work like that. The main threat to Iran has always been the US. Lacking capacity to strike the US mainland will just empower the zionist state and threaten Iranian mainland.
haha typical conservative nonsense reply. Answer me : Why are Iranian missiles limited to 2500 KM range ?
That is why i said you guys do not have a straight bone in your body. All you do is lie and lie. I agree, the reformists are prostitutes of the West but you, you claim to be the godfather of everything righteous and resistance. You have to explain why you limit our missile range and refrain from building tactical nuclear weapons. Explain.
thats the limit the world/UN/World powers have set informally with Iran as the reasonable range for reasonable level of defense for a country with the size and power of Iran. Its just like how the world powers dont want Iran having highly enriched Uranium- same answer- its too high for the needs of a power the size of Iran's level should have...also the world doesnt feel it has that level of trust with Iran for Iran to have ICBMs....and Iran already has ICBMs now so what would you do with hte formal approval of longer range missiles??? In this Iran situation, definitions are so hazy and have multiple meanings, and so many things are relative relative to point of view, so terminology and semantics really dont mean much these days,, key thing is to have the upper hand/enough leverage to support your position and interests and not make NET costly, wasteful concessions or losses.
thats the limit the world/UN/World powers have set informally with Iran as the reasonable range for reasonable level of defense for a country with the size and power of Iran. Its just like how the world powers dont want Iran having highly enriched Uranium- same answer- its too high for the needs of a power the size of Iran's level should have...also the world doesnt feel it has that level of trust with Iran for Iran to have ICBMs....and Iran already has ICBMs now so what would you do with hte formal approval of longer range missiles??? In this Iran situation, definitions are so hazy and have multiple meanings, and so many things are relative relative to point of view, so terminology and semantics really dont mean much these days,, key thing is to have the upper hand/enough leverage to support your position and interests and not make NET costly, wasteful concessions or losses.
This post makes zero sense. There are no written or unwritten rules for countries Ballistic missile range. Are you kidding me ? It is just purely political. If Iran was a zionist lackey it could have missiles with 10.000KM range armed with nuclear and biological weapons.. the US would even be happy to supply it to Iran themselves.

The problem is Iran's stance vis a vis the US and its stooges. That is why i said it is totally nonsense of the conservatives playing by Washingtons book. We get nothing out of it, we better follow our own path, undeterred. The supreme leader is confusing the country by dancing to the tune of the reformists. This double dancing with the conservatives and the reformists is not doing anything good for the country.

I think you did not read the entire discussion, look at the previous posts and you will understand the context.
This post makes zero sense.
claim made with no back up...so emotional.
There are no written or unwritten rules for countries Ballistic missile range.
yes there are, this is a nihilist view, where you ignore the different contexts that exist in this situation
You know there is some rule because you already accept there is a limitation on Iran's announced ballistic missile range. Iranian govt is also not very interested in ICBM capabilities either, so you have to understand the Iranian missile power IS interacting with other power centers such as UN, NATO, etc in the world. Iran doesnt exist in a vacuum...even China and Russia care about the range of Iranian missiles.
Are you kidding me ? It is just purely political.
And politics matters.. .there are international laws, cultures, contexts and expectations that every country, including Iran has to consider and factor into decision making and actions...nobody lives in a vacuum, and you seem to assume Iran has a fully free hand of action- no country does!
If Iran was a zionist lackey it could have missiles with 10.000KM range armed with nuclear and biological weapons.. the US would even be happy to supply it to Iran themselves.
well Iran is not, and Iran is a very independence-seeking, militarist, statist regional power, carrying a powerful ideology and system, so many in the world are cautious, thats just the honest truth, and you cant be ignorant to that fact. You are using a hypothetical argument here, which isnt valid.

The problem is Iran's stance vis a vis the US and its stooges. That is why i said it is totally nonsense of the conservatives playing by Washingtons book. We get nothing out of it, we better follow our own path, undeterred.
What if undeterred leads to unpredictable costs? Also, Iran got certain things out of Trump, afterall, he;s a mulitary buffoon, he got US military kicked out of Iraq..thats a huge increase in Iran's regional power and consolidation....some gifts arent visible or obvious.. finally, who told you Iran hasnnt progressed militarily UNDETERRED?? CHeck the history out, it shows Iran has moved forward UNDETERRED - The ICBM decleration, the recent spy satellite launch on TEL, which no intelligence agencies found out about, the display of the missile rail cities chain launch silos , display of more newer, more potent military systems, new ships launched...Iran is not acting in a deterred way from common observation.. what do you want IRan to actually do? you seem to be complaining but not asking for exactly what you want Iran to do to show you its undeterred...
The supreme leader is confusing the country by dancing to the tune of the reformists. This double dancing with the conservatives and the reformists is not doing anything good for the country.
YOu might be confusing their lack of certain actions as lax attitude, but it might not be, they are better at strategy than you and me, lets accept it..you seem frustrated, so once again, WHAT DO YOU WANT IRAN TO DOO?? dont tell us that you dont want Iran to play to Washington's tune..what has Iran not already shown or announced that you want Iran to do?

I think you did not read the entire discussion, look at the previous posts and you will understand the context.
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