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Iran's ex-defense minister announces presidential bid


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom

TEHRAN — Former Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan has announced that he’s running for the 2021 presidential election.

“I consider myself a completely patriotic, revolutionary element and a person who has striven so far to offer my own intellectual, executive and mental capacity to advance the goals and interests of the system and the Revolution,” Dehghan said, ISNA reported on Tuesday.

He also said he is not aligned to any political faction, including the reformist and principlist camps.

Dehghan is a former Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRCG) officer who served in the IRGC Air Force. He served as defense minister from 2013–2017 in the Hassan Rouhani administration.

The presidential election is scheduled to be held in Iran on June 18, 2021. It will be the thirteenth presidential election in Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

In remarks in August, Jamal Orf, the deputy interior minister in charge of election headquarters, said with the Guardian Council’s approval June 18 was set for holding presidential, council and midterm parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections.

Candidates hoping to run in the next elections are to apply in early April for approval. The final list is to be announced by the Guardian Council in early June.

Under Iran’s law, an incumbent president cannot run for a third term if he has already served for two consecutive terms. Rouhani was first elected in 2013 and reelected four years later.

So far, Foreign Minister Zarif has categorically rejected presidential candidacy, saying he is not the right person for the job. Recently, it was also reported that Jahangiri, who currently serves as first vice president, has refused to accept candidacy.


I like this man, he is a no nonsense, stern character.
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He is the front runner to win in my opinion, unless some unpleasant facts come to light about him during the debates.

He’s a candidate most people can get behind. Unlikely the reformists candidates can win and the hardline candidates are usually too extreme/boring.
I like this man, he is a no nonsense, stern character.
He is the traitor who suspended almost every defense project including Qaher 313 to save money for Rouhani's import campaign (with the excuse that after JCPOA they will compensate) and for this treason received his medal beside Zarif and the rest of traitors from Rouhani.


His decision (treason/ tail wagging for Rouhani) forced the leader's direct intervention to order Parliament to specify at least 4% of the global budget for defense.

so he can sck my dck for election, he is no different from Rouhani.
He is the traitor who suspended almost every defense project including Qaher 313 to save money for Rouhani's import campaign (with the excuse that after JCPOA they will compensate) and for this treason received his medal beside Zarif and the rest of traitors from Rouhani.


His decision (treason/ tail wagging for Rouhani) forced the leader's direct intervention to order Parliament to specify at least 4% of the global budget for defense.

so he can sck my dck for election, he is no different from Rouhani.
Any one serving under traitor ROHANNI must be considered with suspicion. Seems like just like his former boss his achievements are limited to canceling programs..(by the way Trump graduated from the same school of thought!!).
He is the traitor who suspended almost every defense project including Qaher 313 to save money for Rouhani's import campaign (with the excuse that after JCPOA they will compensate) and for this treason received his medal beside Zarif and the rest of traitors from Rouhani.


His decision (treason/ tail wagging for Rouhani) forced the leader's direct intervention to order Parliament to specify at least 4% of the global budget for defense.

so he can sck my dck for election, he is no different from Rouhani.

You dont know what you are talking about.....but disturbing to think you would want this man to give you sexual favoures.

Truely sick.
Any one serving under traitor ROHANNI must be considered with suspicion. Seems like just like his former boss his achievements are limited to canceling programs..(by the way Trump graduated from the same school of thought!!).

He fell out with Rohani....this is why he was forced out.
The leader is the person who asked him to stand in the elections....
Qaher would never be viable without Russian engine s or a far future domestic turbo fan and even then it will have to be different overall configuration in order to be useful for Iran for the investment. Also, Mr. Azarmehr who occasionally speaks on Omid Dana's podcast has proven to be reliable and unbiased and he stated that some statements made during Qaher's first presentation was a stunt by some officials and it was never meant to be more than that sort of ATD of sorts for an airframe and the frame was preliminary and suddenly some people were calling the mockup a flying prototype and the rest is history... Dehghan had stated in interviews the need for SU-30 type aircraft and ruled out Chinese counterparts, Karrar was unveiled during his time. I never got the sense that he wanted to import anything other than proper heavy fighter aircraft that the country does need and cannot make currently. Also, as others have pointed out, he only a cabinet member of that administration and didn't stay on anyway. Also, I would not condemn Hatami for the rohani admin failing either even though he is the current DM.
You dont know what you are talking about
Actually I do know what I'm talking about, every single word was based on actual news (even his own words).
Qaher would never be viable without Russian engine s or a far future domestic turbo fan and even then it will have to be different overall configuration in order to be useful for Iran for the investment. Also, Mr. Azarmehr who occasionally speaks on Omid Dana's podcast has proven to be reliable and unbiased and he stated that some statements made during Qaher's first presentation was a stunt by some officials and it was never meant to be more than that sort of ATD of sorts for an airframe and the frame was preliminary and suddenly some people were calling the mockup a flying prototype and the rest is history... Dehghan had stated in interviews the need for SU-30 type aircraft and ruled out Chinese counterparts, Karrar was unveiled during his time. I never got the sense that he wanted to import anything other than proper heavy fighter aircraft that the country does need and cannot make currently. Also, as others have pointed out, he only a cabinet member of that administration and didn't stay on anyway. Also, I would not condemn Hatami for the rohani admin failing either even though he is the current DM.
They could have carried out the flight tests using a borrowed engine, like many other countries, even Russia and it's Su57.

He reduced defense ministry's expenses to 15% through suspending all defense projects including major airborne programs. That medal wasn't for nothing!

We don't need Su30, these fighters are only good for show and waste of precious money which can go to R&D. we need a will for progress. people like Dehghan have been running our car industries and we all know where we are. Qaher was way more genuine than Karrar which 3 years later still doesn't exist.
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He is the traitor who suspended almost every defense project including Qaher 313 to save money for Rouhani's import campaign (with the excuse that after JCPOA they will compensate) and for this treason received his medal beside Zarif and the rest of traitors from Rouhani.


His decision (treason/ tail wagging for Rouhani) forced the leader's direct intervention to order Parliament to specify at least 4% of the global budget for defense.

so he can sck my dck for election, he is no different from Rouhani.

God you are an idiot and a clown.

He was first tasked as DM under Ahmadinejad administration, you know the corrupt politician you loved so much.

He disliked the F-313 presentation because it was clearly a publicity stunt by Ahmadinejad. You could tell it all over his face when he was interviewed how that plane became an embarrassment to Iran when it was unveiled as a prototype and not merely a demonstration concept.

They could have carried out the flight tests using a borrowed engine, like many other countries, even Russia and it's Su57.

He reduced defense ministry's expenses to 15% through suspending all defense projects including major airborne programs. That medal wasn't for nothing!

Qaher was way more genuine than Karrar which 3 years later still doesn't exist.

More propaganda ramblings from the village clown.

1) Russia refused to supply RD-33 for Shafaq project 20 years ago. What makes you think that any country including Russia which at the time was in a court battle over breaching ANOTHER contract (S-300) would supply heavy jet engines during an arms embargo? Again clown talk by you

2) He didn’t ORDER anything. The president holds power and decision making authority and he executes it. If he fails to execute an order from the president then that is TREASON.

3) Karrar doesn’t exist after 3 years? And Qaher does? It’s been over a decade since Qaher was unveiled. Are you that much of a clown?

The Karrar tanks have finished their last field tests according to recent news. Army recently announced they will be joining the military soon. Karrar has been shown moving,firing, and conducting exercise tests. Meanwhile Qaher has had one pathetic fake taxi demonstration.

The plane is so small it can’t carry a radar nor anything in its bay. The last design we saw was a joke. Plane needs to be 3-4x bigger!

The Qaher project should never have been unveiled until it reached a mature prototype stage like Karrar.
Khamenei is 81 today, and will potentially be 90 at the end of a 2 term president. and Dehghan would be the first military president of the Islamic Republics history... Make of it what you will....

Entering the Era of the geopolitical jungle, disintegrating nation states, and the globalist/zionist agenda... if you ask me ,I want IRan in the hands of a stable, no nonesense military leadership
He certainly has the necessary calmness, no nonsense view and some charisma.

He didn't look affected by whether its Rohanis or Ahmadinejads administration.

That can't be said for many others, like current DM Hatami.
I think Dehghan has good chances of winning especially since Qalilbaf became speaker and reformists lost in last parliamentary election. It seems like number 1 thing Iran needs is stability and no one is better at that than Sepah. I think impending hardline shift in 2021 election is obvious to anyone with a pulse at this point but I also think the top leadership doesn't want to lean in too far hardline so as to burn bridges of JCPOA. It seems like they want someone more hardline than Rouhani, but more moderate than Ahmadinejad. Dehghan sounds like a good pick between them. IRGC record will only help him, although Dehghan is not the only IRGC guy who could be President.
God you are an idiot and a clown.

He was first tasked as DM under Ahmadinejad administration, you know the corrupt politician you loved so much.

He disliked the F-313 presentation because it was clearly a publicity stunt by Ahmadinejad. You could tell it all over his face when he was interviewed how that plane became an embarrassment to Iran when it was unveiled as a prototype and not merely a demonstration concept.

More propaganda ramblings from the village clown.

1) Russia refused to supply RD-33 for Shafaq project 20 years ago. What makes you think that any country including Russia which at the time was in a court battle over breaching ANOTHER contract (S-300) would supply heavy jet engines during an arms embargo? Again clown talk by you

2) He didn’t ORDER anything. The president holds power and decision making authority and he executes it. If he fails to execute an order from the president then that is TREASON.

3) Karrar doesn’t exist after 3 years? And Qaher does? It’s been over a decade since Qaher was unveiled. Are you that much of a clown?

The Karrar tanks have finished their last field tests according to recent news. Army recently announced they will be joining the military soon. Karrar has been shown moving,firing, and conducting exercise tests. Meanwhile Qaher has had one pathetic fake taxi demonstration.

The plane is so small it can’t carry a radar nor anything in its bay. The last design we saw was a joke. Plane needs to be 3-4x bigger!

The Qaher project should never have been unveiled until it reached a mature prototype stage like Karrar.
I'm way more rational than a moron like you who thinks Iran will sends it's gamers to Israel, just because you have seen an article in Zionist websites, don't compare your none functioning brain with me.

I don't care where he has served, I didn't criticize him for his job, I criticized him for being naive enough to play in Rouhani's scheme.

Other countries unveil their projects when it's just a painting, the propaganda could have stopped quickly if this moron wouldn't change the design and later suspend it. Rouhani couldn't decrease the defense ministry's budget to 15% just by himself, this traitor had a key role. suspending R&D is no achievement.

I didn't say to buy engine, we could have used an engine from existing fleet, or even an unfinished engine which still doesn't have sustainable life time, even smuggling from other countries (as we have done for many stuff!), nonetheless they were going to use a different single engine before this moron intervened.

Do we have Tank engine? answer is clear. Karrar is a copy of T90, and 3 years later we still don't see it even in wargames, I don't have a problem with R&D (even though our commanders keep demanding the T90), I'm saying these projects had the same situation.

I will classify anybody who suspends the R&D in Iran as a traitor, no matter who and where he has been.
It would be nice if Iranians do not call each other names..We get that enough from non-iranians... and on that note...this fu**king, moron asshole, traitor of a president has to go.....I was talking about "Trump" not Rohanni....lol

PS: my vote is for Q-313..
I will classify anybody who suspends the R&D in Iran as a traitor, no matter who and where he has been.
What if the order for suspension came from people with direct ties to the office of the supreme leader ? What if the supreme leader himself ordered such a thing to please the reformists ? Would you consider the SL a traitor too ? No you can not. Because you have no professionalism, no straight bone in your body. Your world is black and white, you do not see anything else. You and your buddies are also responsible for limiting our missile range below 2500 KM due to ''political reasons''. Both reformists and conservatives are a bunch of traitors.
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