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Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

Bullshit, each one of those dynasties are more Turkish than the Ottoman dynasty.
Who's talking about Cyrus the great? What the fvck about them?

Turkic migration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't give a rat's *** about the identity issues of Azeri Turkmens or other Turkmen people in Iran. There's no way they will ever gain independence on their own or embrace iranian identity all of a sudden. The only clash that'll happen in future will be a military one, it was always about military. If Azerbaijan reaches the military technology and competence to take on Iran they'll pluck southern Azerbaijan or northern Iran whatever you call it. And the world will stand and watch.

go play total war, armchair general. azerbaijan will never have the resources to dominate iran, in which field whatsoever. the chance that azerbaijan will be invaded by iran is much more likelier than otherwise.
imbecile, Cyrus the great created the acheamind 2600 years ago, long before your mongol tribes even came to that region.
Oh, this is where I'm supposed to give a sh.t... right? They were here before, what a great achievement :D
Azeris happened to fall under the influence of Mongol (Turks)
There's no such thing as Mongol(Turk) there's Mongol and there's Turk just. I know this must be too much to get for your brain.
Just remember, even Turkey was inhabited by Persians long before your ancestors came to that region so If I was a Turk, I would remain quite and not talk about history as you have no roots in that region.
Soooo what? We came here and we screwed over all the nations.
Having said all that, no body except Pan-Mongols like you claim Azerbaijanis are Turks. go to any major university and say "Are Azeris Turks" and you will be laughed at. Azeri's are both genetically and culturally Iranic, it's such a shame that today they are under Mongol influence.
Here is what a Turk looks like:
Thank god for the Persians and greeks giving you their DNA.
It's how a Mongol looks like. You can't comprehend the difference.
Azeri people need freedom from Iran. Ethnic Persian, who is a minority in Iran is just too fanatic, and they try to keep the upper hand with dictatorship and authoritarianism. One day this will back-fire on them. Azeri have allegiance to Turks. Iranians try to split Turkish brothership with Shia/Sunni but this won't work.
Now Turks are not Mongol LOL. did you Turks came from Mars then?
I head some Turks even claimed to be from Mars.
Turks was never Mongols, here's where Turks came from: Xiongnu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's encoded in your Mongol DNA. Your Persian and Greek part is the only human part of you. but still, you guys are still subhumans. You need more Persian DNA.
a turk whose grandfather arrived from the mongolian steppes , where he used to put the meat under the horse saddle to get it soft and eatable, says to us to give away one inch of our country. HAHAHAHA
We don't want giveaways, we invade your miserable country and take whatever we want. All in good time :)
Here is a comment by an azeri:

I can also write "here is a comment by an Persian" and write whatever BS that comes to my mind. Whats more pathetic is that its written by a two years old.

The "Azeri" designation was invented by Pahlavi regime, so how can you even say those things? Soviet Union likewise adopted "Azerbaijani" for Turks of Azerbaijan in 1936. During Russian Empire period, the official state designation for Azerbaijani Turks was "Tatar".

"Transcaucasian Tatar", by Gustav-Teodor, 1862.


Кавказские татары считают себя потомками орд
Чингисхана и Тамерлана; они постоянно помнят
о некогда колоссальной мощи и огромных тер-
риториях, подвластных этим ордам.


Caucasian Tatars consider themselves descendants of hordes
Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, they always remember
the once enormous power and immense ter-
ritores, which was subject to these hordes.


Also, if you are interested in pre-Turkic Azerbaijan, than see Caucasian Albania, you fake twat. Absolutely nothing Iranian or Persian about it. On the other hand, Turkic peoples like Khazars had settled in north of Azerbaijan, the town of Gabala was even known as "Khazar" in medieval Arab sources.

Caucasian Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@Feyen @Gestapo when will you two persians show your true flags and stop being a shameless false flaggers? WHATS GOING ON PERSIANS?? ARE YOU GUYS ASHAMED OF YOUR OWN FLAG?!??!? is that why you guys hiding behind German flags??
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Tabriz_Azari always has to expose himself, how did you manage to post dozens of posts before exposing yourself again?

Anyway, lets await Deno to clear this thread.

And then they say Turks troll Iranians, yet a Iranian mod Era claims that Azerbaijan supposedly belongs to Iran.
Pitiful thing is they are ashamed of their own flag and those two smartass were hiding behind German ones for months now believing people dumb enough to not notice...:hitwall:
Always funny to start the day on this thread. Despite what any of you have to say, know that serious conversation about "South Azerbaijan" will never take place outside this forum. For Aliyev to make claims against Iran will mean the end of the Azerbaijani state. Azerbaijan will never produce as much oil as it did in 2011, and they have yet to diversify (but hey! they might have the tallest building in the world lmao). Nobody will fight Azerbaijan's fight for them. Azerbaijan can not risk war on two fronts.
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