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Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

Bunch of f'ing children on this god damn site

Anyway, the more Turkey and Aliyev Republic push, the faster "persianification" of Iran will be completed and the worse it'll become for Turks in the country.

IR_Tab knows my views. I'm in favour of a system where Iran becomes a bilingual nation like Canada where I'm living in now.

And if you want proof about "persianification" of the Turkish minority than look further than me, my family and the following graph (my grandfather was a Qashqai who spoke Turkish as first language). It's a process that's happening and it'll only get worse if Turkey tries to push through the midget state of Aliyev Republic.

In 1964 19.3% of Iran spoke Turkish as first language
In 2004 13% of Iran spoke Turkish as first language
By 2020 the percentage will drop below 10%


dude your f'king map has nothing with reality that your fcking map show salmas makü khoy urmiye are kurdish
urmiye khoy makü salmas negadeh are west azerabaijan cities and these cities people 80 % is azerbaijani TURK
Please please please tell me that you are not serious. Israel will intervene militarily on behalf of Azerbaijan??? And don't even start talking about full scale invasion. Russia would not permit this. In fact, the only reason Turkey has not yet invaded Syria is because of Russia. But wait! I forgot that you are of the opinion that Turkey can do anything it wants to anytime anywhere. Nevermind the fact that Russia has nuclear weapons and a superior military.

Carry on with your BS:D
Pff, stop your bull about Russia. They are on Turkish side. What proves this? For example examine the relationship between Turkey and Armenia. Full border lock. Nothing gets through. What is Russia's stance towards Turkey and Azerbaijan? They sell arms to Azerbaijan. Do projects with Turkey that is worth billions. I'm sorry to brake your heart but whole of Armenia is not worth those projects and Russia won't jeopardise their relationship with Turks because of Armenia.

Mark my words, there will come a day when Russia will turn its eye and Azerbaijan will have its way with you because there are checks Armenia hasn't paid. Today we can see Russia is already making room for Turkey in Syria and soon they will also make space in Caucasus. Russia is on Turkish side. One day you will see this but then it will be too late.
Nope, Israel will just use the opportunity to own Iran's arse :) ASQ on the other hand have enough firepower and technological advantage to hold off for a certain period of time.
Yea yea, we're scared shitless.. This planet belongs to NATO bich, better get used to it

You're a little confused. Turkey belongs to NATO, and NATO knows its place. That's why it stays out of the Russia domain.

Pff, stop your bull about Russia. They are on Turkish side. What proves this? For example examine the relationship between Turkey and Armenia. Full border lock. Nothing gets through. What is Russia's stance towards Turkey and Azerbaijan? They sell arms to Azerbaijan. Do projects with Turkey that is worth billions. I'm sorry to brake your heart but whole of Armenia is not worth those projects and Russia won't jeopardise their relationship with Turks because of Armenia.

Mark my words, there will come a day when Russia will turn its eye and Azerbaijan will have its way with you because there are checks Armenia hasn't paid. Today we can see Russia is already making room for Turkey in Syria and soon they will also make space in Caucasus. Russia is on Turkish side. One day you will see this but then it will be too late.

All this coming from the guy who said Azerbaijan and Turkey had no border. If you spent as much time looking at a map as you do typing lies on this forum, you would be much better off.

L O L the source you just posted is also using the same bogus source ''A report published by Armenia's panarmenian.net news portal, citing an official website of the embassy,'' as its primary source :astagh:.

Is that so motherf*****???

Are you saying that this is not the opinion of Iran? Is panarmenian.net making up everying. I dare you to find me one story on the Armenian news site that is not correct. Try it, I guarantee you will fail.

Maybe if your lucky, Pakistan will have the same freedom of press in 20 years as Armenia does now.

Armenia: looking for a brighter future

While Georgia is presently the most progressive country in the South Caucasus, it would seem Armenia is increasingly signaling the intention to strengthen democratic values.
This has been demonstrated by intensified efforts in terms of its Euro-Atlantic integration processes and recent parliamentary elections which, while far from perfect, represented a step in the right direction. Today the political landscape is more vibrant, with active dialogue between the leadership and opposition -- a rare occurrence in the South Caucasus. However, the 2013 presidential elections will be the real test for Yerevan’s adherence to international standards.

In a speech by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan during a visit to Brussels earlier this week, he stated that Armenia is taking steps to democratize and bring about fundamental change in the country, including building a middle class -- not an easy task given the average annual income is only some $3,000. Armenia remains an extremely poor country, still shadowed by its Soviet past, including the ongoing negative role played by oligarchs in business and politics. With two closed borders (Turkey and Azerbaijan) as a result of its war with Azerbaijan over the Azerbaijani province of Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s, Armenia has been left reliant on Iran and Georgia as trade corridors. In 2008 during the Russia-Georgia war, trade through Georgia was stopped. And while Yerevan has a special relationship with Tehran, with international sanctions and pressure increasing on Iran because of its nuclear program, Yerevan is increasingly in a difficult situation. According to the prime minister, the sanctions on Iran are challenging Armenia’s potential for economic growth, which they are unhappy about. The optimal solution remains the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border. However, following the failure of efforts at rapprochement in 2011, principally as a result of Turkey linking it to progress on the Karabakh conflict, the issue has become frozen indefinitely.

According to the prime minister, Armenia has “cautiously” chosen a European development path and views the EU’s Eastern Partnership Policy as a vital tool for driving the reform process and closing the gap between values and aspirations. Three Armenian parties are now members of the European People’s Party (EPP), and according to EU officials, Armenia is making good progress in the negotiations for an association agreement with talks on a deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA) to kick off shortly.

Steps are being taken to reduce the country’s widespread corruption. There is now an interactive state budget, all public procurement deals are accessible online, and cabinet agendas are publicized and broadcast. When I asked him whether Armenia had drawn on the experience of Georgia, which has been so successful in eradicating corruption that the World Bank wrote a book about it, he said he considers Georgia’s approach to be too “revolutionary” and not sustainable -- although there are very few facts to support this. Armenia is aiming for a longer-term “evolutionary” approach.

Sargsyan reported that relations with the US have “never been better,” with mutual confidence so high that there are no political issues where agreement cannot be reached.

Yerevan continues to have very close political, economic and security ties with Moscow, which it sees as essential for its security. Yet Sargsyan stated this should complement its closer ties with Euro-Atlantic structures. In 2011 Yerevan entered a free trade agreement with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and Sargsyan did not see why Armenia could not have excellent security relations with Russia, while at the same time deepening ties with NATO.

Lastly, Sargsyan underlined that the only way the South Caucasus could reach its potential would be for all states to work toward a common platform of values. He pointed the finger of blame at Azerbaijan and Turkey, citing Turkey’s negative approach to the Karabakh conflict and backtracking on rapprochement, and Azerbaijan’s hostile language over Karabakh. However, Armenia also needs to take its share of the blame -- first because the ongoing occupation of Azerbaijani lands has been recognized in various international reports, including from the European Parliament, as contributing to regional instability. Moreover, I would argue that Armenia’s close military ties with Russia also help maintain regional instability. Russia has planned substantial military exercises in September, taking place under the auspices of “Caucasus-2012.” These exercises are supposed to demonstrate the preparedness of Russian troops for internal as well as international challenges and will be held in Russia, the occupied territories of Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia) and Armenia. They closely resemble the maneuvers Russia held prior to the 2008 Russian-Georgian War, threaten the security of the whole region and are far from constructive.

Armenia: looking for a brighter future

1- Armenia Pop: 3.260.000
Armenia's population declining, 44 percent see no future in homeland – UN

2- Armenia has been left reliant on only Iran as trade corridor. Border problems, so economic problems

3- Countries with no diplomatic relations
Armenia currently does not have diplomatic relations with the following countries:

Hungary (suspended by Armenia since 31 August 2012 due to Ramil Safarov's extradition to Azerbaijan)[4][5]
Pakistan (Pakistan does not recognize Armenia)
Palestinian Authority (Armenia does not recognize the State of Palestine)
Saudi Arabia

4- Is Armenia Russia's Partner Or Pawn? Pawn :/
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wow baran4417! You have combined sources from Zaman, Radio Free Europe, and Wikipedia. You must be some kind of genius or something.

BTW, half your statistics are incorrect. Let me know if you have an original thought.
=Kajutyun;3913114]Is that so motherf*****???

I had nothing to do with your mother best way to find out who your real dad is to ask your mother and if she cant remember then i feel sorry for you but i assure u i didn't fcuk your mother.
Forbes: Armenia is the world’s second worst economy

On Tuesday, the prestigious Forbes magazine published a list of the world’s ten worst economies in which Armenia occupies the second place next to Madagascar.

Forbes has selected the worst ten economies from among 117 countries according to three-year average statistics for gross domestic product growth and inflation (including the International Monetary Fund’s 2012 estimates), plus GDP per capita and the current account balance, a measure of whether the country is importing more than it exports.

Compared with the list for 2010, significant changes have taken place this year. While the previous release included mostly African nations, this year the list also includes Ukraine (4th position), Kyrgyzstan (7th) and Iran (10th). The authors of the research consider not only the economic crisis, but also mismanagement, corruption as causes of the decline of economies.

“Onetime losers like Ghana and Zimbabwe got their economic acts together and moved off the list while some countries, including Armenia and Jamaica, marched into the lower ranks primarily because of the global financial crisis. Others, like Madagascar and Nicaragua, earned their positions almost entirely due to the ineptitude of their rulers. It should come as no surprise that eight of the 10 worst economies also were in the bottom quartile of countries in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Perceptions Index, with Guinea, Kyrgyzstan and Venezuela scoring close to the bottom,” says the report.

“Beyond income, (corruption) extends to economic development,” it quotes Transparency International’s Robin Hodess, group director for research and knowledge, as saying. “All of the indices that reflect human development suffer. Where government doesn’t work, economies don’t grow.”

According to Forbes, Armenia mainly suffered because of the financial crisis: “Armenia’s economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry.”

Armenia’s well-known economist, head of the “Alternative” Research Center Tatul Manaseryan tends to trust the kind of assessment made by Forbes.

“Usually, the Forbes surveys are well grounded and our researches also show that Armenia’s economy, to put it mildly, is not in a good condition. In this sense, I can share this opinion. But I am confident that possibilities of redressing the situation are not exhausted,” Manaseryan told ArmeniaNow.

Forbes: Armenia is the world’s second worst economy
Forbes: Armenia is the world’s second worst economy

On Tuesday, the prestigious Forbes magazine published a list of the world’s ten worst economies in which Armenia occupies the second place next to Madagascar.

Forbes has selected the worst ten economies from among 117 countries according to three-year average statistics for gross domestic product growth and inflation (including the International Monetary Fund’s 2012 estimates), plus GDP per capita and the current account balance, a measure of whether the country is importing more than it exports.

Compared with the list for 2010, significant changes have taken place this year. While the previous release included mostly African nations, this year the list also includes Ukraine (4th position), Kyrgyzstan (7th) and Iran (10th). The authors of the research consider not only the economic crisis, but also mismanagement, corruption as causes of the decline of economies.

“Onetime losers like Ghana and Zimbabwe got their economic acts together and moved off the list while some countries, including Armenia and Jamaica, marched into the lower ranks primarily because of the global financial crisis. Others, like Madagascar and Nicaragua, earned their positions almost entirely due to the ineptitude of their rulers. It should come as no surprise that eight of the 10 worst economies also were in the bottom quartile of countries in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Perceptions Index, with Guinea, Kyrgyzstan and Venezuela scoring close to the bottom,” says the report.

“Beyond income, (corruption) extends to economic development,” it quotes Transparency International’s Robin Hodess, group director for research and knowledge, as saying. “All of the indices that reflect human development suffer. Where government doesn’t work, economies don’t grow.”

According to Forbes, Armenia mainly suffered because of the financial crisis: “Armenia’s economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry.”

Armenia’s well-known economist, head of the “Alternative” Research Center Tatul Manaseryan tends to trust the kind of assessment made by Forbes.

“Usually, the Forbes surveys are well grounded and our researches also show that Armenia’s economy, to put it mildly, is not in a good condition. In this sense, I can share this opinion. But I am confident that possibilities of redressing the situation are not exhausted,” Manaseryan told ArmeniaNow.

Forbes: Armenia is the world’s second worst economy

I talked to a Armenian "friend" and he told me Armenians are only alive in Armenia because of foreign support of Armenian diaspora. He said ARmenians who live abroad send money back home to their relatives. Otherwise how could a country survive with just 3000 GDP per capita? When this diaspora dies out or get's assimilated like Kim Kardasian who has nothing to do with Armenia. Armenia will cease to exist. For this to happen. We need to keep the borders shut. Even if Armenia agrees to give up Armenian genocide, we need to make new excuses such as give back Karabakh, pay WW1 restorations, acknowledge genocides Armenians commited on Azeri's.
I had nothing to do with your mother best way to find out who your real dad is to ask your mother and if she cant remember then i feel sorry for you but i assure u i didn't fcuk your mother.

Good one, but I know who my father is. Did yours join the Taliban? He must love living in caves...were you born in one?


Why do you turks love that Forbes article so much? That was from 2011, and only because of decline in construction. It was a bubble.

Armenian economic growth in 2012 was larger that Azerbaijani and Turkish growth combined.:super:

I talked to a Armenian "friend" and he told me Armenians are only alive in Armenia because of foreign support of Armenian diaspora. He said ARmenians who live abroad send money back home to their relatives. Otherwise how could a country survive with just 3000 GDP per capita? When this diaspora dies out or get's assimilated like Kim Kardasian who has nothing to do with Armenia. Armenia will cease to exist. For this to happen. We need to keep the borders shut. Even if Armenia agrees to give up Armenian genocide, we need to make new excuses such as give back Karabakh, pay WW1 restorations, acknowledge genocides Armenians commited on Azeri's.

Why did God give you a mouth? I will consult him today about this.
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Armenian economic growth in 2012 was larger that Azerbaijani and Turkish growth combined.:super:

That is like an homeless person being happy because he found 100 dollar. Those proportions are not worth talking about for us. Maybe it is for you because Armenia is second worst economy in the world and that is why you take happiness in those small gains. Average Armenian has only 3000 dollar to spend per year. I spend that money in just one month.

Why did God give you a mouth? I will consult him today about this.

God gave me a mouth so I can educate you.
Anti-Iran sanctions damaging Armenia economy: Armenian PM


Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:26AM GMT

International sanctions practically nullify our opportunities to work with Iran. This creates serious problems for Armenia."

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan says the US-engineered sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic are damaging the economy of Armenia.

“International sanctions practically nullify our opportunities to work with Iran. This creates serious problems for Armenia,” Sargsyan said in an interview with Interfax on Monday.

“At the same time we face problems exporting goods to the Middle East, which reduces the opportunities for diversification and creates more difficult conditions for competitiveness with higher transport fees,” the Armenian premier said.

The illegal US-engineered sanctions have been imposed on Iran based on the unfounded accusation that the Islamic Republic is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence of divergence toward military objectives in Iran's nuclear energy program.

PressTV - Anti-Iran sanctions damaging Armenia economy: Armenian PM

12:05, October 31, 2012 According to "hetq.am", Economic growth was maintained without the development of effective and prospective sectors of the economy. Therefore, the economy of the Republic of Armenia could "explode" any moment!

16:42 07.02.2013 Gallup poll says 59% of Armenian voters unhappy about economic situation
That is like an homeless person being happy because he found 100 dollar. Those proportions are not worth talking about for us. Maybe it is for you because Armenia is second worst economy in the world and that is why you take happiness in those small gains. Average Armenian has only 3000 dollar to spend per year. I spend that money in just one month.

God gave me a mouth so I can educate you.

Oh I see. The only proportions that interest you are the ones shining a negative light on Armenia. Well I can assure you there are plenty of those. But, given the blockade with its neighbors and lack of natural resources, Armenia is doing well. And it will continue to do better every year.

Yes, I understand that the standard of living in the Netherlands is higher than in Armenia. So what? Are you taking pride in your materialism? You are a diaspora Turk, and moved from your homeland for the same reason that some Armenians do.


I have literally read every single article you have posted thus far. They aren't even currenct. Stop spending time dredging up old news, it's pathetic.
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