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Iran's envoy to Azerbaijan claims Turkey spreading pan-Turkism

It's not even a belief, It's an ideology and i think it's much less hostile than Greek megali idea or Armenian "Greater Armenia" wet dream :) I for personally think we can't leave Hungary out of any Altaic union, they should have a say. We just want to put together the old gang that's all :)

I just find it hilarious lol WTF did they expect? a firendly Azerbaijan when they were practically in-bed with Armenia? Truth is, Azerbaijan isn't just arming for Armenia :) this procurement policy of theirs point otherwise.

ERA's cool.. there are worse morons polluting pages in this forum.

Oh really, Pan-Turkism is not violent ideology? Then tell me: what place does Armenia have in this theoretical nation?

If Turkey was smart, it would tell Azerbaijan to back off of South Azerbaijan claims and general antagonism. We can both agree that Azerbaijan would be soundly defeated by Iran. Where we differ is that you claim Turkey would intervene on Azeri side, I say this will not happen. Even if you are right, Turkey has nothing to gain but potentially much to lose from war with Iran. So either way, Turkey benefits by telling Azerbaijan to back off.
If Turkey was smart, it would tell Azerbaijan to back off of South Azerbaijan claims and general antagonism. We can both agree that Azerbaijan would be soundly defeated by Iran. Where we differ is that you claim Turkey would intervene on Azeri side, I say this will not happen. Even if you are right, Turkey has nothing to gain but potentially much to lose from war with Iran. So either way, Turkey benefits by telling Azerbaijan to back off.
I could argue that Israel would intervene on Azeri side :P that way Iranian airforce would cease to exist and most of their nuclear facilities. If Turkey intervenes it's a full-scale invasion.
Oh really, Pan-Turkism is not violent ideology? Then tell me: what place does Armenia have in this theoretical nation?

If Turkey was smart, it would tell Azerbaijan to back off of South Azerbaijan claims and general antagonism. We can both agree that Azerbaijan would be soundly defeated by Iran. Where we differ is that you claim Turkey would intervene on Azeri side, I say this will not happen. Even if you are right, Turkey has nothing to gain but potentially much to lose from war with Iran. So either way, Turkey benefits by telling Azerbaijan to back off.

really bro? Well, I think the forumers are bored to prove that Turkey's superior in all sectors against Iran in military. I know, I'll be bored too. So this time I won't see these words. :D
The funny thing is that the Iranian sub admin(he is called ERA or something) called Turkey a barking dog couple of weeks ago. Hypocrites. I thought Iranians on this forum didn't represent real Iran, unfortunately it does.

Look who is talking...
Why don't you quote my post in which I have called 'All Turks' or whole 'Turkey' barking dogs and hence,running away from being a laughing stock?

I could argue that Israel would intervene on Azeri side :P that way Iranian airforce would cease to exist and most of their nuclear facilities. If Turkey intervenes it's a full-scale invasion.

in 72 hours also? :coffee: you claimed that you can invade Syria in 72 hours, and now you are claiming of invading Iran... and yet the Turkish army asks NATO for protection and you are talking about invading other nations...
in 72 hours also? :coffee: you claimed that you can invade Syria in 72 hours, and now you are claiming of invading Iran... and yet the Turkish army asks NATO for protection and you are talking about invading other nations...
I'm pretty sure ballistic missiles are NOT tools of an invasion so again, your post couldn't get more simple-minded than this :) We have four armies with hundreds of thousands of troops and billions of dollars worth hi-tech equipment and world-class training. Iran isn't such a weakling as your country but we have drawn the line about Azerbaijan. They know what happens :tup:

so spare me the sarcasm
I'm pretty sure ballistic missiles are NOT tools of an invasion so again, your post couldn't get more simple-minded than this :) We have four armies with hundreds of thousands of troops and billions of dollars worth hi-tech equipment and world-class training. Iran isn't such a weakling as your country but we have drawn the line about Azerbaijan. They know what happens :tup:

so spare me the sarcasm

and yet you keep asking NATO to start a war against Syria, and you couldn't even make a no-fly zone area over the northern part of Syria...

No one is underestimating Turkish military power... but someone like you is OVERESTIMATING....

What a retarded claim. Pan-Turkism was founded by Azerbaijani Turks, such as Ali Bey Huzeynzade and Ahmet Ağaoğlu, alongside Tatars such as Ismail Gaspıralı (Gaspirinski) from Crimea and Yusuf Akçura from Kazan.

Ahmet A
Ali bey Huseynzade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the blue color on Azerbaijan's flag (created in 1918) carries the symbol of Turkic identity.

Flag of Azerbaijan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the "Azadlıq" square in 1990, protests against the Soviet regime.


In short, to claim that Pan-Turkism was spread from somewhere else in Azerbaijan is simple laughable.
Pan-Turkism :undecided:

If they are spreading their belief in other Muslim country. What's wrong with it ? If tomorrow, Christians say that their belief system is challenged by Muslim countries.

Everyone has right to spread their belief as long as they don't force anyone.

KRAIT People also claim they were abducted and probed by Aliens.:rofl:

Look at the source it says it all.

A report published by Armenia's panarmenian.net news portal, citing an official website of the embassy.
and yet you keep asking NATO to start a war against Syria, and you couldn't even make a no-fly zone area over the northern part of Syria...

No one is underestimating Turkish military power... but someone like you is OVERESTIMATING....


he's not overestimating, unlike you he's not a freakin warmaniac
Iran's ambassador to Azerbaijan has reportedly accused Turkey of spreading pan-Turkism in Azerbaijan and Central Asian countries.

A report published by Armenia's panarmenian.net news portal, citing an official website of the embassy, quoted Ambassador Mohsen Pak Ayeen as saying that “Turkey is spreading pan-Turkism.”

The ambassador claimed in the report that Turkey behaves like an “elder brother to Central Asian countries,” but he implied that Turkey's agenda will not advance because of sectarian differences.

He said there is a certain difference between the beliefs of people living in Turkey and Azerbaijan: Turks are Sunnis while Azerbaijanis are Shiites.

The ambassador alleged that pan-Turkists are making many efforts in Azerbaijan and sometimes “their propaganda casts doubt on the territorial integrity of other countries,” without elaborating further.

Iran and Turkey have built close ties since Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Justice and Development Party (AK Party) first came to power in 2002, but these ties have been strained over the past months due to differing stances between the two countries over the conflict in Syria. Iranian officials have made several statements condemning Turkey's support for the Syrian opposition and the deployment of NATO Patriots near Turkey's border with Syria at a Turkish request, angering Ankara.

I dont know Turk Brothers are either aware of the fact or not..... But the allegation raised on Turkey were actually done in Pakistan by Iran herself... Pakistan having sunnies in majority....They opened consulates and spread thier culture and orthodox shiiete beliefs..... The results were very fatal for peace and unity of Pakistani nation..... Anti shia organizations evolved an endless sectarian battle and violence started in Pakistan. Such organizations still claim that if poisonous iranian books are banned... Peace will return to streets of Pakistan....
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