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Iran's drone power

Qaem series bomb: These come with a variety of guidance, such as, TV guided, laser guided. These have an incredible accuracy of 50cm.

Speaking about Qaem, the general said that it is also a “smart bomb,” meant for precision strikes, and could hit within 50 centimeters of a target. Supposedly Qaem can be equipped with different warheads, including penetrating and explosive fragmentation versions, which can be loaded on a broad range of drones, such as the Iranian-made Shahed-129, Hamase and Mohajer-6.

Qaem 1:



Qaem-5, small TV guided bomb:




yet Iranian UCAVs dont have SATCOM capability

Correction: Iranian UCAV do have SATCOM capability. They had them for years.


I am sure the Ayoub was also detected "long before". They allowed it to get close to your nuclear reactor and gather data for the fun of it.
Did not come anywhere close. Did not gather any data at all (it lacked SATCOM so could not transmit anthing even if it collected something).

What about the Ayoub? You had to resort to using an F-16. If those are the "cheapest" ways of destroying a simple drone than I hate to see your expensive method.
Heat seeking missile is cheapest missile. Thanks for providing us free practice target.

Pay attention to your own military's statement:

"it was possible the drone could have transmitted imagery of the nuclear research center."


If it flew just over "empty desert" then I suppose it must have some super camera that allowed it to see so far
No Israeli military did not say that. They said it is possible he was sent to make pics of the reactor but it was tracked already over the sea and shot down some 40 km from the reactor.

As I said, it lacked SATCOM, so in order to obtain pics it had to return back to Lebanon.
Iran does not reveal everything. For example, here is the winged suicide UAV that attacked the Saudi Abqaiq, but it was never officially revealed:



Did not come anywhere close. Did not gather any data at all (it lacked SATCOM so could not transmit anthing even if it collected something).

Heat seeking missile is cheapest missile. Thanks for providing us free practice target.

No Israeli military did not say that. They said it is possible he was sent to make pics of the reactor but it was tracked already over the sea and shot down some 40 km from the reactor.

As I said, it lacked SATCOM, so in order to obtain pics it had to return back to Lebanon.

Okay, stop wasting thread space please. Apparently your own military disagrees with these comments you're making.
Did not come anywhere close. Did not gather any data at all (it lacked SATCOM so could not transmit anthing even if it collected something).

Heat seeking missile is cheapest missile. Thanks for providing us free practice target.

No Israeli military did not say that. They said it is possible he was sent to make pics of the reactor but it was tracked already over the sea and shot down some 40 km from the reactor.

As I said, it lacked SATCOM, so in order to obtain pics it had to return back to Lebanon.
That's still dangerous :D
can't we just gives a thumb up for others achievement instead of eagerly trying to proved that "we are better"?
especially this mme dude, every threads turned into a troll feasts when he jump in.
Okay, stop wasting thread space please. Apparently your own military disagrees with these comments you're making.
This is what Israeli military actually said:

"Nonetheless, the army reported that it began tracking the plane while it was still over the sea and shot it down over the Yatir forest, on the edge of the southern Negev desert, after it reached an unpopulated area."


Yatir forest is 40 km from Dimona nuclear site.
can't we just gives a thumb up for others achievement instead of eagerly trying to proved that "we are better"?
especially this mme dude, every threads turned into a troll feasts when he jump in.
He thinks Turkey will be global superpower because of thorium lol. He is probably a schizophrenic or something but entertaining none the less.
UAV, boat and submersible drones is an area Iran can excel at. Underwater drones that swarm would be a massive threat. Glad Iran has invested in UCAVs, hopefully more advanced drones will be revealed soon.
This is what Israeli military actually said:

"Nonetheless, the army reported that it began tracking the plane while it was still over the sea and shot it down over the Yatir forest, on the edge of the southern Negev desert, after it reached an unpopulated area."


Yatir forest is 40 km from Dimona nuclear site.

Be very very afraid Zionist.... even a spoilt deluded child like bin salman apparently learned his lesson regarding these deadly drones.

you were spanked in 2006 when UCAVs, precision ballistic missiles, and offensive tunnels were absent. Imagine the surprise and destruction that lays ahead.

UCAVs have virtually unlimited growth potential for the future. a dispensible, relatively cheap weapon system that can be used to attack, swarm, or surprise high value enemy targets/infastracture.

its almost hilarious in a way how any weapon Iran builds is such a deadly threat to israel.. Egypts thousands of shiny American MBTs wouldn't be able to kill a fly in israel before they were slaughtered en masse in the desert by comparison.

Iran really knows how to invest...
Iran has its own UCAV technology . and better than many countries including India and Russia

but not about the same with Turkey , yet Iranian UCAVs dont have SATCOM capability but Turkish ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs have SATCOM capability
Last time I showed you it:
been in service for years, here is Iran pin point missile technology combined with Iran drone power in real battlefield:
They forgot this engineering marvel. :(


Hehehe, I remember the time when you were impressed by Iranian drones because they pushed their developments into the field before properly testing them :-)
Be very very afraid Zionist.... even a spoilt deluded child like bin salman apparently learned his lesson regarding these deadly drones.

you were spanked in 2006 when UCAVs, precision ballistic missiles, and offensive tunnels were absent. Imagine the surprise and destruction that lays ahead.

UCAVs have virtually unlimited growth potential for the future. a dispensible, relatively cheap weapon system that can be used to attack, swarm, or surprise high value enemy targets/infastracture.

its almost hilarious in a way how any weapon Iran builds is such a deadly threat to israel.. Egypts thousands of shiny American MBTs wouldn't be able to kill a fly in israel before they were slaughtered en masse in the desert by comparison.

Iran really knows how to invest...
Before 2006 Hezbalshaytan was attacking Israel on regular basis.
After 2006 Hezbalshaytan afraid to fire a bullet. Our border with Lebanon an Syria are calmest borders in the world.

All you can do is slaughter helpless civilians in Syria.
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