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Iran's domestic advanced jet trainer "Yasin"

Actually, if my memory serves me well, the official figures claim that Iran has 11 million people registered in the Basij, but fewer than 2 million of them are active members (official numbers claim that +500,000 Basijis are available for mission). Anyway, I'm not sure, but I highly doubt that inactive members receive any sort of long-term, frequent benefits.

So, 2 million * 20 * 12 = 480 million dollars.
Let's say that Iran has 1 million military personnel combined (Artesh + IRGC) and on average, Iran has to spend 150,000 Toman on each personnel (active or reserved) for salary + benefits per day:

15 * 1,000,000 * 365 = 5,475,000,000

So, 6.3 Billion dollars seems sufficient for providing the basic needs of Artesh + IRGC + Basij.

Also, let's not forget that IRGC has its own economic activities and they control important parts of the Iranian economy like the construction sector and the telecommunications sector (which is the second profitable sector of the Iranian economy after the energy sector). This is their own income and it has nothing to do with the Iranian government (which is the subject of our discussion) and therefore, you can't include it in the calculations. As a matter of fact, the IRGC is prosperous enough to support itself without receiving much from the government.

Also, when Global Fire Power says that Iran 162 helicopters, I think this is how they calculate it:

Number of helicopters Iran has = Number of helicopters received before the 1979 revolution - Number of helicopters lost during the Iraq-Iran war + Number of helicopters received after the 1979 revolution

Obviously, they don't count the number of helicopters we have produced domestically because nobody knows the true number of helicopters we have produced locally. I don't blame them for that.

Lol! NO!

I'll say it again Iran has OVER 5 Million active Basij card holders who receive government benefits in one form or another. And these people include full time paramilitary Basij members to kids receiving something as simple as Basij provided class at a community center. Personally before I even graduated high school I took advantage of Taekwondo and Kung-fu classes provided out of our community mosques provided by the Basij and they have all types of class. So being an active Basij cardholder doesn't necessarily make you an active solder!

The 2 million number your referring too is for the full time and part time Basij members that actually receive paychecks from the Basij

And I gave you a list of how many different things that makes you think you can just simply jump on that absurd number?

How much of this math do I actually have to do for you? Fine here is the last one!

Food and Beverages: If Iran has to feed an average total number of 1Million people and an absurdly low figure of $1.50 per day that = over half a BILLIOIN!!

And we haven't gotten to healthcare for active, reservist and retired military personal and families (excluding the Basij), we haven't gotten to fuel, housing, maintenance, ammo and training costs.....

So no! Iran has to practically do magic to even get by with $9 Billion

And that $6.3 Billion is as fiction as Iran helo size of 126 or 12 attack helo's!

And NO they don't get those figures based on those factors because if they had actually done that they would have ended up with a number larger than Iran's current Helo force. FYI With over 900 Helo's & +230 attack helo's Iran had the 3rd largest helo force in the world prior to the revolution. So NO that is NOT what they base their info on and its simply fiction just as the $6.3B number is purely fiction!

....... نمونه‌ای از این تلاش‌ها است، علاوه بر این هواپیمای جت آموزشی یاسین را داریم که سال گذشته رونمایی شد و یک هواپیمای تماماً ایرانی است که بنا داریم این هواپیما را هم به‌عنوان هواپیمای آموزشی و هم جنگنده پشتیبانی نزدیک هوایی توسعه دهیم.............

.......... An example of these efforts is the Yassin training jet, which was unveiled last year and is an all-Iranian aircraft that we plan to develop as both a training aircraft and a close air support fighter.......

My Photoshop in simple configuration

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i am waiting for its new flight videos but cant see it, iranians are very good at exibit of their military hardware, what happen to it? why nobody post its videos?
i am waiting for its new flight videos but cant see it, iranians are very good at exibit of their military hardware, what happen to it? why nobody post its videos?
because they did not release any new footage lately apart from some pictures from new prototype.
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