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Iran’s Being Tricked Into Making Balochistan The New Kurdistan

Salaam Brothers, How are you?
As someone who has lived in Iran I must make you aware that Iran absolutely does not consider Pakistanis as brothers. They are the most hated filled people I have ever met, and I have lived in the West most of my life. The ideology that the majority of the people and all of the political leaders is in the words of one of their own religiously authorities, 'pagan nationalism'. They will never be our friends! They consider themselves overly clever and openly brag about how they go to other nations and 'fool' them all the while bringing back valuable knowledge and appropriating it as their own. Not a single Iran person I've met has even heard of Dr. A.Q. Khan, nor do they know that Pakistan taught the Iranians nuclear technology.
It gets even worse, they believe that:
Iranians invented the computer
Invented the Atom bomb
Invented pants (I'm not joking, this is taught in their schools)
They have incorporated their pagan beliefs into Islamic practices, all their pagan holidays based on the solar calendar somehow have a hadith to support its significance?! Throughout our Prophet's pbuh life he never gave importance to the solar calendar, yet they have hadith that distinguishes their pagan holidays.
They treat the Afghanis, both legal residents & refugees, as well as the Pakistanis there, worse than I've ever seen anyone treat our people in the West. They venom and vitriol they spew openly on the streets, offices, even their howsas is unprecedented.
The Iranian establishment is no longer what was brought about by Khomeni. They are reverting back to what they were before Islam, and there true face is being shown. When troubles and sorrows appear, ones true colors are shown.

I detest war anyone, Iran and even India, even though I know it can not be avoided any longer. That decision was made a long time ago and no matter what Pakistan does or says, they (India and Afghanistan) will attack us.

We must realize that Pakistan is on its own, and as far as I'm concerned, that's just fine with me!
We need to be calm and calculated in how we act.

Let these dogs bark, we will watch their movements.

We should start counter terror ops on high alert to get ready for an influx of Indian proxy terrorists from Iran.

The next Kulbushan Yadav should be brought to the UN against not only India, but Iran as well.

We should pursue sanctions and blockade of India in Chahbahar from all sides, and get Arabs and Afghans on board.
Salaam Brothers, How are you?
As someone who has lived in Iran I must make you aware that Iran absolutely does not consider Pakistanis as brothers. They are the most hated filled people I have ever met, and I have lived in the West most of my life. The ideology that the majority of the people and all of the political leaders is in the words of one of their own religiously authorities, 'pagan nationalism'. They will never be our friends! They consider themselves overly clever and openly brag about how they go to other nations and 'fool' them all the while bringing back valuable knowledge and appropriating it as their own. Not a single Iran person I've met has even heard of Dr. A.Q. Khan, nor do they know that Pakistan taught the Iranians nuclear technology.
It gets even worse, they believe that:
Iranians invented the computer
Invented the Atom bomb
Invented pants (I'm not joking, this is taught in their schools)
They have incorporated their pagan beliefs into Islamic practices, all their pagan holidays based on the solar calendar somehow have a hadith to support its significance?! Throughout our Prophet's pbuh life he never gave importance to the solar calendar, yet they have hadith that distinguishes their pagan holidays.
They treat the Afghanis, both legal residents & refugees, as well as the Pakistanis there, worse than I've ever seen anyone treat our people in the West. They venom and vitriol they spew openly on the streets, offices, even their howsas is unprecedented.
The Iranian establishment is no longer what was brought about by Khomeni. They are reverting back to what they were before Islam, and there true face is being shown. When troubles and sorrows appear, ones true colors are shown.

I detest war anyone, Iran and even India, even though I know it can not be avoided any longer. That decision was made a long time ago and no matter what Pakistan does or says, they (India and Afghanistan) will attack us.

We must realize that Pakistan is on its own, and as far as I'm concerned, that's just fine with me!

Which pagan holidays you are talking about? And what's your opinion about Muslim countries following Gregorian calendar? I agree that post revolution Iran is not our brother and Pakistanis should stop this one way love, it's just like any other country with whom we should try maintain neutral relations (if friendly is not possible) and should keep us ready for situation turning into hostile, but you don't need to invoke pagan/sectarian BS for this.
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I don't think Iran's being tricked. Iran knows full well what it's doing in this situation lol.

Why is it so hard for Pakistanis to just acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, Iran isn't actually a good ally or even an ally at all.

With the language they've been using towards Pakistan and Pakistanis, it was like there was another India to our west.

It's actually a good analytical piece. What if RAW is intentionally infiltrating Iran without their knowledge and making these terrorist attacks intensify to cause tensions between the two neighbours, to what Iran seems naturally to think to come from Pakistan, I mean that's what Iranians are known for; not thinking before they speak.

Truth stares us right in the face and we keep lying to ourselves that iran is " our muslim brother "---.
They were once our friends better then arabs... But not now
A Pakistani nuclear attack on Tehran will easily put an end to Iranian confusion.
We do not need to nuke Iran.Iran policies against Muslims will ultimately will cut it to size

All this talk of independent Balochistan is bullshit.

Pakistan and Iran will never allow it.

Already Musharraf killed one of the renegade Baloch leaders.
Iran lack wisdom

I find it amusing how the title seems to imply that Iran is (borrowing Sheikh Rasheed's analogy) like a sixteen year old girl who is being misled by someone's false claims (sola saal ki dosheeza jisko warghala raha koi).

Iran has a sophisticated intelligence network which they are using in their cold conflict with Saudi etc and we think they are being mislead.

I can't say for sure what their objectives are but they do know what they are doing.

Salaam Brothers, How are you?
As someone who has lived in Iran I must make you aware that Iran absolutely does not consider Pakistanis as brothers. They are the most hated filled people I have ever met, and I have lived in the West most of my life. The ideology that the majority of the people and all of the political leaders is in the words of one of their own religiously authorities, 'pagan nationalism'. They will never be our friends! They consider themselves overly clever and openly brag about how they go to other nations and 'fool' them all the while bringing back valuable knowledge and appropriating it as their own. Not a single Iran person I've met has even heard of Dr. A.Q. Khan, nor do they know that Pakistan taught the Iranians nuclear technology.
It gets even worse, they believe that:
Iranians invented the computer
Invented the Atom bomb
Invented pants (I'm not joking, this is taught in their schools)
They have incorporated their pagan beliefs into Islamic practices, all their pagan holidays based on the solar calendar somehow have a hadith to support its significance?! Throughout our Prophet's pbuh life he never gave importance to the solar calendar, yet they have hadith that distinguishes their pagan holidays.
They treat the Afghanis, both legal residents & refugees, as well as the Pakistanis there, worse than I've ever seen anyone treat our people in the West. They venom and vitriol they spew openly on the streets, offices, even their howsas is unprecedented.
The Iranian establishment is no longer what was brought about by Khomeni. They are reverting back to what they were before Islam, and there true face is being shown. When troubles and sorrows appear, ones true colors are shown.

I detest war anyone, Iran and even India, even though I know it can not be avoided any longer. That decision was made a long time ago and no matter what Pakistan does or says, they (India and Afghanistan) will attack us.

We must realize that Pakistan is on its own, and as far as I'm concerned, that's just fine with me!
@padamchen @Tokhme khar @Nilgiri what is he talking about?
Iran has access to everything - ocean, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Middle East
They have oil and natural gas. They have educated population by regional standards.
they have limited population growth rate

Iran is effectively the regional hegemon now. And they have paid for it in blood and treasure. Full marks to the mullas on that.

And they can partly thank India for keeping the one nuclear Muslim power tied and trussed tight for that.

The one Sunni Muslim nuclear power.

Cheers, Doc

This faggot is a class A genius. We have situation bioiling on our eastern front and this punk wants to have a nuke war with Iran.


Cheers, Doc

It's is true..
Yes they cannot be our true friend.
But we can not fight our all three neighbours together .
We need normal Relations and peace at border with Afghanistan and Iran Atleast..

You get it. But now you have little choice. Those three neighbors are firmly wedded.

Cheers, Doc
Not in current Iran favor. Not in the future Grand Iran's favor either.

Stupid topic for trolls.
Salaam Brothers, How are you?
As someone who has lived in Iran I must make you aware that Iran absolutely does not consider Pakistanis as brothers. They are the most hated filled people I have ever met, and I have lived in the West most of my life. The ideology that the majority of the people and all of the political leaders is in the words of one of their own religiously authorities, 'pagan nationalism'. They will never be our friends! They consider themselves overly clever and openly brag about how they go to other nations and 'fool' them all the while bringing back valuable knowledge and appropriating it as their own. Not a single Iran person I've met has even heard of Dr. A.Q. Khan, nor do they know that Pakistan taught the Iranians nuclear technology.
It gets even worse, they believe that:
Iranians invented the computer
Invented the Atom bomb
Invented pants (I'm not joking, this is taught in their schools)
They have incorporated their pagan beliefs into Islamic practices, all their pagan holidays based on the solar calendar somehow have a hadith to support its significance?! Throughout our Prophet's pbuh life he never gave importance to the solar calendar, yet they have hadith that distinguishes their pagan holidays.
They treat the Afghanis, both legal residents & refugees, as well as the Pakistanis there, worse than I've ever seen anyone treat our people in the West. They venom and vitriol they spew openly on the streets, offices, even their howsas is unprecedented.
The Iranian establishment is no longer what was brought about by Khomeni. They are reverting back to what they were before Islam, and there true face is being shown. When troubles and sorrows appear, ones true colors are shown.

I detest war anyone, Iran and even India, even though I know it can not be avoided any longer. That decision was made a long time ago and no matter what Pakistan does or says, they (India and Afghanistan) will attack us.

We must realize that Pakistan is on its own, and as far as I'm concerned, that's just fine with me!

Hmmmm ...


Cheers, Doc

He is talking about the same thing I have been for ten plus years now.

And I plan to get deeper into on the ground in a few years time.

Who knows .... I might even one day be side by side with @Tokhme khar jaan and he would not realize it. :enjoy:

Cheers, Doc

Which pagan holidays you are talking about? And what's your opinion about Muslim countries following Gregorian calendar? I agree that post revolution Iran is not our brother and Pakistanis should stop this one way love, it's just like any other country with whom we should try maintain neutral relations (if friendly is not possible) and should keep us ready for situation turning into hostile, but you don't need to invoke pagan/sectarian BS for this.

You n @Rafi and @Indus Pakistan are fighting a lost cause.

Come over to the dark side.

We have Koloocheh and Sohan here.

Cheers, Doc
Hmmmm ...


Cheers, Doc

they iranians fully know whatever they are doing and doing it intentionally. Pakistanis should have known that, iranians consider them a hurdle between them and their ancient friend now called india.

Shit has just started revealing itself, and I am glad I am witnessing it and stood on the right side.
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