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Iranians Are Converting To Evangelical Christianity In Turkey

Just wait until their rotten regime falling. I think they would become magian again but culturally and not religiously since most of them are atheists/agnostics anyway. Some people say the mongol invasion was the biggest disaster that happened too the middle east but in reality it was the abbasids when they let the none-Arabs to take over.

Actually they are already Arabized (like many if not most modern-day Muslims whether they want or do not want to admit it) on almost every front and their so-called pre-Islamic culture is basically a copy of our much more ancient Semitic cultures (oldest in the world).

Be it their current Mullah regime or Safavids. It is the same story being retold again and again.

wrong ,in those times Arab valued tribal values and bloodline even more than today.

Yes, and last time I checked the same Abbasid Caliphate and Empire ruled for almost 800 years and Caliphate was Arab in nature on every front (language, heritage, culture, architecture, dynasty in power, Arabs being the largest ethnic group, most of the land being Arab etc.).

All those so-called Persians (Afghans) were Arabized on every front.

Its not just for that, based on my interaction with Iranians i found them to be the weakest Muslims of all, If you can call someone is Muslim just by name it would fit on Iranians, most of them even celebrate Christmas (which is fine) but wont celebrate any Muslim festival. I was even surprised someone Iranian I know did not even know when its Ramadhan and when was Eid.

The "wannabe Brown Aryan" syndrome. Since most of the outside world (especially West) confuse them with Arabs and other Muslims of the region (appearance as well) they adopt the "Brown Aryan syndrome" and tend to act like Uncle Toms in order to seek acceptance. The funny work it is not working (locals in the West don't accept them) and they just become a laughing stock of the local Muslim communities. They have become a meme among Arabs in Europe at least. Not even going to mention how their women act. In public they will claim to be anti-Arab but they are the biggest "groupies" in Arab "gangs". Something they share in common with their Koordish cousins. Just an amazing observation.

They talk about something they dont know

Arab those days worst than the white supremacist today

some of them even refused to marry their daughters to khalifs sons just because they were mixed!

today Arab for sure very soft about that and the least racist nation among Muslims and non Muslims!!!

What kind of nonsense are you blabbering about? Arabs mixed with locals in all conquered areas and areas where Arabs did trade (practically the entire Muslim world and even non-Muslim areas of the world such as Southern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa) which is why Arabs are the second largest ethnic group in the world today and why the Arab diaspora is one of the largest ethnic diasporas in the world. Which is why you can find confirmed (DNA) Arab ancestry in every single Muslim nation of today (almost). The reason why Afro-Arab communities exist. Arab-Latinos, Arab-Indonesians, Arab-South East Asians etc. List is endless.

Nothing racist about preferring to marry other Arabs as well. Completely normal. Go tell an Iraqi Shia Arab that he shall marry a foreigner, lol. You would probably love if people started marrying Iranians in the 10.000's. Not going to happen.:lol:

We should not let non-Arabs marry Arab women, female freedom is dangerous.

We should throw every non-Arab out of all the 20+ Arab countries. Declare worldwide jihad and continue the Arabization process that must and will include even Papua New Guinea and Vanutu.
Actually they are already Arabized (like many if not most modern-day Muslims whether they want or do not want to admit it) on almost every front and their so-called pre-Islamic culture is basically a copy of our much more ancient Semitic cultures (oldest in the world).

Be it their current Mullah regime or Safavids. It is the same story being retold again and again.

Yes, and last time I checked the same Abbasid Caliphate and Empire ruled for almost 800 years and Caliphate was Arab in nature on every front (language, heritage, culture, architecture, dynasty in power, Arabs being the largest ethnic group, most of the land being Arab etc.).

All those so-called Persians (Afghans) were Arabized on every front.

The "wannabe Brown Aryan" syndrome. Since most of the outside world (especially West) confuse them with Arabs and other Muslims of the region (appearance as well) they adopt the "Brown Aryan syndrome" and tend to act like Uncle Toms in order to seek acceptance. The funny work it is not working (locals in the West don't accept them) and they just become a laughing stock of the local Muslim communities. They have become a meme among Arabs in Europe at least. Not even going to mention how their women act. In public they will claim to be anti-Arab but they are the biggest "groupies" in Arab "gangs". Something they share in common with their Koordish cousins. Just an amazing observation.

What kind of nonsense are you blabbering about? Arabs mixed with locals in all conquered areas and areas where Arabs did trade (practically the entire Muslim world and even non-Muslim areas of the world such as Southern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa) which is why Arabs are the second largest ethnic group in the world today and why the Arab diaspora is one of the largest ethnic diasporas in the world. Which is why you can find confirmed (DNA) Arab ancestry in every single Muslim nation of today (almost). The reason why Afro-Arab communities exist. Arab-Latinos, Arab-Indonesians, Arab-South East Asians etc. List is endless.

Nothing racist about preferring to marry other Arabs as well. Completely normal. Go tell an Iraqi Shia Arab that he shall marry a foreigner, lol. You would probably love if people started marrying Iranians in the 10.000's. Not going to happen.:lol:

We should throw every non-Arab out of all the 20+ Arab countries. Declare worldwide jihad and continue the Arabization process that must and will include even Papua New Guinea and Vanutu.

They will all be Arabized and those anti-nationalist Dawah faggots whom sleep in the mosques can do nothing about it.

In a hotel conference room in Denizli, Turkey, about 60 Iranians sing along to songs praising Jesus mixed with Iranian pop music. When the music stops, American pastor Karl Vickery preaches with the help of a Persian translator.

"I'm not famous or rich. But I know Jesus. I have Jesus," he says, with a Southern drawl. The Farsi-speaking Christian converts shout "Hallelujah!" and clap.

Vickery, who's part of a visiting delegation from Beaumont, Texas, then offers to pray for each person in the room.

Women with hair dyed blond and short skirts and clean-shaven men in slacks stand up to pray in unison. Vickery puts his hand on one woman's head and speaks in tongues. One man closes his eyes as tears fall. Another woman raises her hand and shouts "Isa," Jesus' name in Arabic and Persian. The room smells of sweat.

Among the parishioners are Farzana, a 37-year-old hairdresser from Tehran, and her daughter Andya, 3, who runs around, taking photos with her mother's cellphone.

"It feels good. Our relationship to God becomes closer," Farzana says. She doesn't want to give her last name because she says her family in Iran might face persecution for her conversion. Her family knows she is a convert and they're scared for their own safety inside Iran.

In Turkey and across the Middle East and Europe, evangelical Christians are converting Muslim refugees eager to emigrate to the West. The refugees in Turkey escaped Iran, where conversion to anything but Islam is illegal.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran. Those considered part of the native Christian communities are permitted to practice their religion with restrictions, but a Muslim converting to Christianity is considered an apostate. The Iranian government jails converts, especially those who proselytize. The authorities see it as a Western plan to turn Iranians against Islam and the Islamic regime, according to converts in Turkey.

In Iran Protests, Women Stand Up, Lift Their Hijab, For Their Rights

It is also illegal to convert from Islam in several other Muslim-majority countries, including Saudi Arabia, and punishable by jail time or death.

The converts in Turkey apply for asylum to a third country through the United Nations, claiming they would face religious persecution if they return home. Turkey hosts more than 3.5 million Syrians and other migrants escaping war and conflict.

But Turks are becoming increasingly intolerant of refugees. While the Turkish government allows freedom of religion and even protects churches in many cities, refugees are assigned to live in small conservative towns where they may face discrimination from the local population wary of evangelicals.

Despite local objections, evangelical pastors say they will continue to preach the Bible because Turkey's constitution gives them the right.

Many foreign evangelicals left Turkey after a botched coup attempt in 2016, when American preacher Andrew Brunson was jailed and charged with terrorism. The high-profile case strained Turkish-U.S. relations until Brunson was released in October.

But refugees have continued to come, and demand for more churches has grown.

A small church consisting of 20 to 30 families has become a much bigger congregation housing 80 to 100 people on a regular Sunday.

Sabnem Koser Akcapar, sociologist

Sebnem Koser Akcapar, a sociology professor at Istanbul's Koç University who has been studying refugees and their change of faith, says she has witnessed the rise in conversions.

"The numbers of Iranian refugees converting have grown tremendously over the years. A small church consisting of 20 to 30 families has become a much bigger congregation housing 80 to 100 people on a regular Sunday," she says.

Akcapar believes only some of the refugees are genuine converts. Others are using religious persecution as a way to get to the West, which may be the only way for them to lead a normal life, she says.

With more U.S. sanctions on Iran, Iranians are facing economic hardships and political pressure.

The United Pentecostal Church in Denizli can't keep up with the demand, says the church's Turkey representative Rick Robinson, who has lived in the country for 13 years. It has churches in eight Turkish cities and refugees are calling on them to open more.

He says the church provides a spiritual outlet for refugees, not financial support, and that he welcomes anyone regardless of whether they are genuinely converting or not.

Robinson thinks many of the congregants may not be believers, at least not at first. "There might even be some who start with the help just for the refugee status and become sincere," he says matter-of-factly.

Robinson, a tall pastor with silver hair, welcomes the Iranians into the church with hugs and laughter.

Farzana says one reason she converted was the way Iran's interpretation of Islam treats women. When she divorced an abusive husband, she says, an Iranian court granted him custody of her older son and daughter. Under Iran's Sharia Islamic law, fathers get custody of older children.

"Mostly because of this I became disillusioned with Islam," she says. "That judge sitting there and giving orders was completely siding with men. Everywhere in Iran men come before women."

Farzana says she was shattered and felt lost after her children were taken away.

But a year later, Farzana married her current Iranian husband and they had Andya. She hired a high school friend to assist her in her thriving beauty salon, and soon her friend, a Christian convert, began to recruit her to Tehran's secret churches.

"Once she began trusting me, she gave me photocopied writings and said, 'I'm giving these to you as a gift. Go read them. These are the word of God,'" Farzana recalls.

Christian groups report that secret home churches are growing in Iran and one reason, says an award-winning Iranian athlete who converted to Christianity, is to rebel against the Islamic regime.

"The system of authority in Iran has put Iranians under a lot of pressure, and they don't see any hope. They are in search of God, but they want to find another path because they're discontent with the options they've been given," says the athlete, who is part of the Denizli congregation. He didn't feel safe sharing his name.

Many of the Iranians in Turkey say they converted in Iran and had to flee. Farzana says after three months of attending a home church, two men from the Revolutionary Guards who were watching her church detained her when they found a Bible in her car.

"The interrogator sat in front of me ... he said you're an apostate, you're not ashamed of that. You're creating problems in the country. I got scared and began to cry," she says.

Farzana says she was released after her husband signed a form that she wouldn't return to church. But her church advised her to leave Iran. A smuggler helped her family escape to Turkey, where they settled in Denizli, a city of 600,000 in southwest of the country. Farzana got a job at a Turkish beauty salon, found the Pentecostal church and applied for asylum, waiting to resettle in the West.

But the odds are against resettlement.

Selin Unal, the spokeswoman for the United Nations refugee agency in Turkey, wrote in an email that the U.N. doesn't aggregate the number of religious persecution cases filed. They just process the most vulnerable, and only a handful of Iranians have resettled in the U.S. this year.

Other aid workers involved with refugees say religious persecution cases among converts have become so common that the U.N. has become distrustful.

Lanna Walsh, a spokeswoman for the U.N. International Organization for Migration, urges refugees to be honest on their asylum applications.

"If during the process, inconsistencies or inaccuracies in their stories are uncovered, then their case and application actually may be deemed inadmissible and they may not get another chance to apply," Walsh says.

Anti-immigration policies sweeping the West also crush refugee hopes. President Trump and Vice President Pence said during their presidential campaign in 2016 they would allow Christian refugees to immigrate to the United States. Instead, Trump enforced a travel ban against citizens of seven Muslim countries, including Iran. The U.S. even denied entry to a group of native Iranian Christians in limbo in Austria, who had applied under a law that gives religious minorities the right to asylum. Those Iranians are suing the U.S.

Pastor Robinson backs Trump's refugee policy. He says Turkey should allow Iranian refugees to live and work here. That way, Iranians can be closer to their families in Iran because the two countries share a border.

"I can tell you what I tell a lot of our people here. If you can make a life in this country, and it's not a bad country ... the chances of you seeing your family every year are almost guaranteed," he says.

Yet refugees are only allowed to work in Turkey if a Turkish employer sponsors them, and that's rare. Most have under-the-table jobs earning half of what Turks do. They also face a backlash from local communities, especially if they're Christian converts.

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Some Turks in Denizli complain that refugees are taking their jobs. One shop owner hung a banner that says "No Syrians, Iranians and Afghans are allowed in this shop."

Yasin Sarikaya, a Turkish cab driver in Denizli, is dismayed at the visible number of refugees working and living in his neighborhood. When he realizes that some of them are Muslims converting to Christianity, he becomes visibly upset.

"It's a mistake to know Islam and what a widespread and pleasant religion it is, and then change to another religion," Sarikaya says.

Many of the congregants say they have faced workplace discrimination. Farzana says her Turkish boss at the salon gave her cleaning work and refused to let her take a break after she shared that she was a convert.

"Before she found out I was a Christian, her interaction was different. It was much better," she says.

Farzana eventually quit and is looking for another job.

Despite the challenges, the Iranians say the church is a place to release their sorrows and feel part of a community. But the church keeps its location and activities a secret for safety reasons. Some churches in Turkey request protection from local police.

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For converts to prove they're Christian for the asylum process, they have to get baptized. On a recent Friday, the pastors enter a swimming pool inside a Turkish bathhouse and help parishioners dressed in colorful robes dunk their head under the water. Behind a clear glass in the adjacent room, a half-naked man gets a rubdown from a bathhouse attendant.

Sabah Allahvardi, a 22-year-old university student, is excited about her baptism. She moved to Turkey six months ago. She and nine others exit the pool beaming and dripping wet. They will receive a certificate that documents their change of faith with hopes that they can live in a country with freedom and acceptance.

"I never thought this would happen to me in Iran, but now I'm really happy because my life is changing," Allahvardi says shyly.

As for this post, Evangelical retards thinking they will go to heaven for `converting` some green-card seekers. Jesus freaks. Sinned all their life as whores and suddenly repented. Fucking Saleebis!
They will all be Arabized and those anti-nationalist Dawah faggots whom sleep in the mosques can do nothing about it.

As for this post, Evangelical retards thinking they will go to heaven for `converting` some green-card seekers. Jesus freaks. Sinned all their life as whores and suddenly repented. Fucking Saleebis!

Christianity should be re-Arabized. First Christian followers (large groups) were Arabs outside of the small minority of Jews who adopted it. First reeducation camps in the Chinese model should be built for some Arab Christians and minorities such as Assyrians, Copts, Maronites etc.
We should not let non-Arabs marry Arab women, female freedom is dangerous.
49:13) O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

So Allah doesn't know its danger but we humans know

Bro look at Europeans do that every day and night look at Asians do the same we shall leave the tripe mentality behind
49:13) O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

So Allah doesn't know its danger but we humans know

Bro look at Europeans do that every day and night look at Asians do the same we shall leave the tripe mentality behind

Europeans and Americans spawn degeneracy and want genders to fade away on the social level, no thanks. By the time their women marry they've slept around with a classroom of people and you're looking at the as an example when it comes to human bonding?

Asian women want non-Asian men, there's a Vietnamese girl that wants to be with me and the reason is she wants her kids not to be fully Asian. What a great insult to every Asian man out there.

I don't like reverts, they're infiltrators
49:13) O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

So Allah doesn't know its danger but we humans know

Bro look at Europeans do that every day and night look at Asians do the same we shall leave the tripe mentality behind

Yes, we should leave our culture, civilization, history and people and instead adopt blind sectarianism that for instance makes you incapable of criticizing Iran (only due to them being "Shia" even though you know that the average Iranian is as Shia as I am, lol) and makes you write anti-Arab nonsense aimed at Arab countries and Arabs that do not happen to be Shia Twelvers, lol.

Starting with your initial nonsense in this thread of Arabs not mixing while Arabs have mixed with more people (foreigners of all ethnic groups and races even) than practically every other ethnic group on the entire planet.

Which ethnic groups like Arabs can be found (having mixed with locals) in practically every continent (In Latin America alone some 20-30 million locals are of Arab ancestry), South East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Europe etc. Every race (Black, White, Mongoloid etc.). as well.

Even today this continues.

However vast majority marry other Arabs (good and should and will continue) but that is a very bad idea. We should die out as a people and only non-Arabs are allowed to marry among themselves. Great logic.
Actually they are already Arabized (like many if not most modern-day Muslims whether they want or do not want to admit it) on almost every front and their so-called pre-Islamic culture is basically a copy of our much more ancient Semitic cultures (oldest in the world).

Be it their current Mullah regime or Safavids. It is the same story being retold again and again.

Yes, and last time I checked the same Abbasid Caliphate and Empire ruled for almost 800 years and Caliphate was Arab in nature on every front (language, heritage, culture, architecture, dynasty in power, Arabs being the largest ethnic group, most of the land being Arab etc.).

All those so-called Persians (Afghans) were Arabized on every front.

The "wannabe Brown Aryan" syndrome. Since most of the outside world (especially West) confuse them with Arabs and other Muslims of the region (appearance as well) they adopt the "Brown Aryan syndrome" and tend to act like Uncle Toms in order to seek acceptance. The funny work it is not working (locals in the West don't accept them) and they just become a laughing stock of the local Muslim communities. They have become a meme among Arabs in Europe at least. Not even going to mention how their women act. In public they will claim to be anti-Arab but they are the biggest "groupies" in Arab "gangs". Something they share in common with their Koordish cousins. Just an amazing observation.

What kind of nonsense are you blabbering about? Arabs mixed with locals in all conquered areas and areas where Arabs did trade (practically the entire Muslim world and even non-Muslim areas of the world such as Southern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa) which is why Arabs are the second largest ethnic group in the world today and why the Arab diaspora is one of the largest ethnic diasporas in the world. Which is why you can find confirmed (DNA) Arab ancestry in every single Muslim nation of today (almost). The reason why Afro-Arab communities exist. Arab-Latinos, Arab-Indonesians, Arab-South East Asians etc. List is endless.

Nothing racist about preferring to marry other Arabs as well. Completely normal. Go tell an Iraqi Shia Arab that he shall marry a foreigner, lol. You would probably love if people started marrying Iranians in the 10.000's. Not going to happen.:lol:

We should throw every non-Arab out of all the 20+ Arab countries. Declare worldwide jihad and continue the Arabization process that must and will include even Papua New Guinea and Vanutu.
All this you spewed is utter non sense it's Islam not Arab wake up these great nations from Turkey to Indonesia these people respect the Arabic language Because the religion came using not because its beautiful try to understand

We Arab without Islam are no better than any nation if not worse stop your ignorance its really smell to bad.
All this you spewed is utter non sense it's Islam not Arab wake up these great nations from Turkey to Indonesia these people respect the Arabic language Because the religion came using not because its beautiful try to understand

We Arab without Islam are no better than any nation if not worse stop your ignorance its really smell to bad.

Nothing that I wrote or ever write is nonsense. Based on pure facts alone that I can back up at any given moment in time if needed. Everything that I wrote in this thread (just seen it today) as well.

Great or not is subjective and is of no importance to what was discussed. There are very different opinions about what you say depending on political ideology.

Arabs/Semites have been great (the builders of the oldest civilizations and cultures on the planet and most famous artifacts in the world) with our without Islam. Every informed historian will tell you that.

Being an Arab patriot and Muslim are not opposites but two sides of the same coin. The sooner you realize it the better. Drop that sectarian nonsense as well. It should only be relevant against hostile foreigners.

The only people that you share anything in common with other than religion (next you will claim that you share as much in common with some Jamaican convert to Islam in some UK prison as you do with an Arab Muslim) in Iran are the "Iranian" Arabs.

If you want to adopt some foreign identity or failed identity (pan-Shiism of some sort) you are free to do that. It won't work.

BTW funny that you mention Turkey. Arabs in Anatolia predate the small Turkic migrations and millions of Turks (modern-day) are Turkified Arabs genetically. As for Indonesia the largest non-local ethnic group (along with the Han Chinese) are Arabs and it were Arabs who spread Islam (peacefully) to Indonesia as well. Mainly from Hijaz and Yemen. Made a thread about this as well here on this section.
Europeans and Americans spawn degeneracy and want genders to fade away on the social level, no thanks. By the time their women marry they've slept around with a classroom of people and you're looking at the as an example when it comes to human bonding?

Asian women want non-Asian men, there's a Vietnamese girl that wants to be with me and the reason is she wants her kids not to be fully Asian. What a great insult to every Asian man out there.

I don't like reverts, they're infiltrators
Im not talking about free SEX that's forbidden I dont want it to my sister or daughter know but Im talking as Muslims why not.

As Iraqi you should know that many Iraqi women married to egyptains can you believe it Iraqis let their daughters marry non Iraqi thats unbeleivable at least to me because I was supremacist too then I woke up.
Im not talking about free SEX that's forbidden I dont want it to my sister or daughter know but Im talking as Muslims why not.

As Iraqi you should know that many Iraqi women married to egyptains can you believe it Iraqis let their daughters marry non Iraqi thats unbeleivable at least to me because I was supremacist too then I woke up.

They can do what they want, I personally prefer to see them staying with their own. Egyptians, not that much different. However that ain't the same as someone from France or a Chinese guy.
Nothing that I wrote or ever write is nonsense. Based on pure facts alone that I can back up at any given moment in time if needed. Everything that I wrote in this thread (just seen it today) as well.

Great or not is subjective and is of no importance to what was discussed. There are very different opinions about what you say depending on political ideology.

Arabs/Semites have been great (the builders of the oldest civilizations and cultures on the planet and most famous artifacts in the world) with our without Islam. Every informed historian will tell you that.

Being an Arab patriot and Muslim are not opposites but two sides of the same coin. The sooner you realize it the better. Drop that sectarian nonsense as well. It should only be relevant against hostile foreigners.

The only people that you share anything in common with other than religion (next you will claim that you share as much in common with some Jamaican convert to Islam in some UK prison as you do with an Arab Muslim) in Iran are the "Iranian" Arabs.

If you want to adopt some foreign identity or failed identity (pan-Shiism of some sort) you are free to do that. It won't work.

BTW funny that you mention Turkey. Arabs in Anatolia predate the small Turkic migrations and millions of Turks (modern-day) are Turkified Arabs genetically. As for Indonesia the largest non-local ethnic group (along with the Han Chinese) are Arabs and it were Arabs who spread Islam (peacefully) to Indonesia as well. Mainly from Hijaz and Yemen. Made a thread about this as well here on this section.
The prophet PBUH fought this same mentality that you promote now its the same Quraish who rejected what the Islam came to null.

They can do what they want, I personally prefer to see them staying with their own. Egyptians, not that much different. However that ain't the same as someone from France or a Chinese guy.
Whats the difference as long as he is a Muslim and a good responsible person why not I go with Indian Muslim that is a good muslim and good person (absolutely not wahhabi thats for sure ) than I go with Iraqi or Arab that is bad.

About been far from home I can understand that.
The prophet PBUH fought this same mentality that you promote now its the same Quraish who rejected what the Islam came to null.

Did Islam came to null Arabs?I Is that what you are trying to say? Why have all the most important personalities of Islam and dynasties been of Arab origin then?

Why do Shia Twelvers worship and put great emphasis (as every Shia Twelver dynasty did in history and to this very day) a certain Arab lineage hence the black turbans?

Why is the Mahdi (as) going to belong to the Arab people?

Why have 100's of Arab tribes, clans and Arab lands been praised in the ahadith? Even in the Qur'an I can give you many examples.

The thing is that Arabs have been the most multicultural people in the entire world for millennia. Gave you plenty of examples. Even to this day Arabs host more foreigners than any Muslim ethnic group. So this "racism" nonsense is not going to work.

We are saying no to Western multiculturalism nonsense that destroys cultures and civilizations. We are not interested in 100.000's of Arab women marrying foreigners or Arab males marrying foreigners systematically. No people are interested in such a thing.
Did Islam came to null Arabs?I Is that what you are trying to say? Why have all the most important personalities of Islam and dynasties been of Arab origin then?
To null the mentality not the people or culture yes some of our culture is also he try to null it.
religiosly only Ahlul bayt are the most important and some Sahaba due to them being close to the prophet.

Why do Shia Twelvers worship and put great emphasis (as every Shia Twelver dynasty did in history and to this very day) a certain Arab lineage hence the black turbans?
We are not worshipping no but Allah and follow Ahlul bayt as you see theres big difference between worshipping and following.

Why is the Mahdi (as) going to belong to the Arab people?
Who said so who knows what Muslims going to be around when he revealed also Arab still live in this middleeast land and the war is for the palestine so its not about the Arab its for the human race at all.

Why have 100's of Arab tribes, clans and Arab lands been praised in the ahadith? Even in the Qur'an I can give you many examples.
Its just Yemen for sure otherwise theres a land where the prophet said Thats where horn of satan going to arise.

The thing is that Arabs have been the most multicultural people in the entire world for millennia. Gave you plenty of examples. Even to this day Arabs host more foreigners than any Muslim ethnic group. So this "racism" nonsense is not going to work.
Yes just like England today or the US also thats the fate of the Rising nations.

We are saying no to Western multiculturalism nonsense that destroys cultures and civilizations. We are not interested in 100.000's of Arab women marrying foreigners or Arab males marrying foreigners systematically. No people are interested in such a thing.
Well that already happened hence the afro-arab persian-arab turks-arab do you think we are 100%pure Arab if you think so yourd delusional.
Yes of course. All Turks are just confused Arabs. LMAO

Millions = all? Ok. There are millions of so-called Turkish Arabs and millions more of Turkified Anatolians of Arab origins as confirmed by DNA. Similar to the number of Turkified Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Circassians, Bosnians, Albanians etc. Actual "Turkic" people number less than 5-10% in Anatolia.
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