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Iranian UCAVs exercising combat missions in Persian Gulf


Heres a good shot of the e/o equipped drone that we saw on display previously


Heres some good ones of one of the jet powered drones being positioned on its launch vehicle



And heres some pics of one of the prop powered drones being launched

Where are those round circles underneath the belly of the drone?
Where are those round circles underneath the belly of the drone?
Those are the points where the drone sits on the launching system on top of the launch vehicle.You can see this in the 5th and 6th pictures
Those are the points where the drone sits on the launching system on top of the launch vehicle.You can see this in the 5th and 6th pictures

well , I don't get the point of having this kind of lunch system .... unless the engine can't produce enough power then there is no point of mounting uav on a pickup .... after all those pickup need some run away as well !!!
well , I don't get the point of having this kind of lunch system .... unless the engine can't produce enough power then there is no point of mounting uav on a pickup .... after all those pickup need some run away as well !!!
Its pretty obvious that the drones in question dont use wheeled undercarriages,this is a deliberate design choice that was made to save on weight and space,both of which are at a premium in drones like this.In addition the vehicle also allows the drones to reach a far higher take off speed with a much heavier payload than they could ever reach under their own power if they had a conventional wheeled undercarriage.The only other choice for drones of this type would either be some sort of large gas/pneumatic powered catapult type launcher which would likely be fairly large and would also require having the aircraft placed on it prior to launch as well as the aircraft itself being capable of standing up to the stresses of a catapult assisted take off,or it would need some sort of rocket boosted zero length take off system,which would also require some sort of launcher plus a jettisonable booster/boosters and an aircraft that could also handle the stresses of the launch.
The beauty of using this launch system is its very simplicity,its just a converted 4x4 so you can build and deploy a lot of these very,very cheaply as opposed to something purpose built like a catapult,it also enables you to put a lot of drones in the air very quickly,you also arent just limited to a runway,you can use a paved road,hell under the right circumstances you could probably even use an unpaved road or even a flat piece of ground if really had to,it is a 4x4 after all.
Personally I think its damn clever,not to mention that as far as I can tell iran is the first to launch drones of this size from vehicles.
If you`re wondering heres what a gas/pneumatic catapult type launcher looks like,not exactly compact is it?

Heres a vid of an rq-7 launch using a pneumatic catapult.The rq-7 is smaller and lighter than the iranian drones.
And heres a zero length drone launch in action
guys i was wondering is there a possiblity to arm our s-191 with short range light weight air to air missile?? we have light weight misagh missiles but they are longer than sadid bombs so they can't fit into the weapon bays. but there are missiles that show we can arm our drones:

hit to kill missile

blowpipe missile.
i'm sure we can make a missile with half size as sadid with misagh infrared seeker. we all can remember that how israelis distroyed our drone with a helicopter in its 6 oclock possition and firing a short range missile while it's distance of the saegeh was not more than 2-3 kilometers. so if we arm the shahed family with a pair of light weight missiles one forward looking and other one with rearward looking and a rocket booster to compensate the negative momentum, we will be able to protect our precious drones against drones/choppers and maybe fighter planes.
guys i was wondering is there a possiblity to arm our s-191 with short range light weight air to air missile?? we have light weight misagh missiles but they are longer than sadid bombs so they can't fit into the weapon bays. but there are missiles that show we can arm our drones:
View attachment 547474
hit to kill missile
View attachment 547475
blowpipe missile.
i'm sure we can make a missile with half size as sadid with misagh infrared seeker. we all can remember that how israelis distroyed our drone with a helicopter in its 6 oclock possition and firing a short range missile while it's distance of the saegeh was not more than 2-3 kilometers. so if we arm the shahed family with a pair of light weight missiles one forward looking and other one with rearward looking and a rocket booster to compensate the negative momentum, we will be able to protect our precious drones against drones/choppers and maybe fighter planes.

sure its possible.
They also equipped Mohajer UCAV with air to air missiles which were transformed from MANPAD´s

they can either have bulky wheels and its hydraulic system or they can carry two bombs internally, not both of them.
The bombs are clearly mounted externally. Or is there a version that I missed?
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