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Iranian UCAVs exercising combat missions in Persian Gulf

Don't you think the process of making these drones combat ready in this number & scale is time consuming? mounting them on cars a runway & ... ???
I did a post on this very topic a page or so back,check it out as it has both pics and vids of the alternative launch systems.
Its actually a much better system than the alternatives of gas/pneumatic catapults or rocket assisted zero length take off systems,as in addition to requiring specialised launchers the drones would still have to be placed onto the launchers just as they have to be placed on top of the truck/4x4 launch vehicles,the other advantage of the currentsystem is that it allows you to do mass launches very easily.Its a very clever,cheap,mobile and flexible system,more so than its alternatives.A large drone like an s-129 maybe slightly quicker to get armed and off the ground and into the air,but it is both more expensive to build and to operate and also requires expensive infrastructure like runways to operate from.
Air power by its very nature is extremely demanding in terms of both infrastructure and logistics,it takes time to get an air strike ready,and the larger it is the more time it takes and the more support it requires.I think this may have been a contributing factor to the iris luke warm enthusiasm for airpower,at least compared to the pahlavi regime who seemingly couldnt get enough of it,and the iris search for indigenously produced systems like missiles and drones that could provide an alternative to it.
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I did a post on this very topic a page or so back,check it out as it has both pics and vids of the alternative launch systems.
Its actually a much better system than the alternatives of gas/pneumatic catapults or rocket assisted zero length take off systems,as in addition to requiring specialised launchers the drones would still have to be placed onto the launchers just as they have to be placed on top of the truck/4x4 launch vehicles,the other advantage of the currentsystem is that it allows you to do mass launches very easily.Its a very clever,cheap,mobile and flexible system,more so than its alternatives.A large drone like an s-129 maybe slightly quicker to get armed and off the ground and into the air,but it is both more expensive to build and to operate and also requires expensive infrastructure like runways to operate from.
Air power by its very nature is extremely demanding in terms of both infrastructure and logistics,it takes time to get an air strike ready,and the larger it is the more time it takes and the more support it requires.I think this may have been a contributing factor to the iris luke warm enthusiasm for airpower,at least compared to the pahlavi regime who seemingly couldnt get enough of it,and the iris search for indigenously produced systems like missiles and drones that could provide an alternative to it.

I think there should be a paradigm shift in how conventional militaries view traditional takes on air-power and how it is used. More so now than ever the technology to power massive fleets of drones that are increasingly taking on the tasks of traditional man-flown air craft is there even in an infant stage. Iran has the perfect chance to lead the world in this area. No longer rely on massive money sink airforce that as you so perfectly said cost a lot and need expensive infrastructure to house/support. Iran is in a horrible but equally beneficial unique situation in which Iran can't get any competent jet from any other country anytime soon but can indigenously develop drones that are by nature cheaper and in an area of technology Iran is arguably very efficient in.

Imagine if Iran can produce a reliable SLV, produce an adequate satellite, create a stronger power plant to make larger drones ultimately leading to an air power capability that is versatile and unmanned but cheaper than the traditional manned alternative.

Just my two-cents, I like technology and drones quite a bit. Personally manned jets are overrated and every military nerd never shuts up about them. F-15 this, F-35 that, Su-30 this etc...You know the usual ego stroking fantasy of jets, gets old for me.

Hopefully Iran can produce bigger, better, faster drones to fulfill Irans defense requirements!
I am misunderstood here or you are misunderstood.
the naming of these beautiful pahbads are so confusing.
Base on my understanding Saeghe 2 and S-191 are two different Pahbad.

At below pic at top we can see S-191 and down Saeghe2 or Am I wrong?


I think, I misunderstood here or you are misunderstood.
the naming of these beautiful pahbads are so confusing.
Base on my understanding Saeghe 2 and S-191 are two different Pahbad.

At below pic at top we can see S-191 and down Saeghe2 or Am I wrong?


at the top you can see the jet powered Shahed_191 ( Saeghe _ 2 )

and below them you can see the propeller driven Shahed_121 ( Saeghe _ 1 )

So after this ending by "1" mean stealth drone in the shahed family naming.
I'm true genius.

Which engine powers it?

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I think there should be a paradigm shift in how conventional militaries view traditional takes on air-power and how it is used. More so now than ever the technology to power massive fleets of drones that are increasingly taking on the tasks of traditional man-flown air craft is there even in an infant stage. Iran has the perfect chance to lead the world in this area. No longer rely on massive money sink airforce that as you so perfectly said cost a lot and need expensive infrastructure to house/support. Iran is in a horrible but equally beneficial unique situation in which Iran can't get any competent jet from any other country anytime soon but can indigenously develop drones that are by nature cheaper and in an area of technology Iran is arguably very efficient in.

Imagine if Iran can produce a reliable SLV, produce an adequate satellite, create a stronger power plant to make larger drones ultimately leading to an air power capability that is versatile and unmanned but cheaper than the traditional manned alternative.

Just my two-cents, I like technology and drones quite a bit. Personally manned jets are overrated and every military nerd never shuts up about them. F-15 this, F-35 that, Su-30 this etc...You know the usual ego stroking fantasy of jets, gets old for me.

Hopefully Iran can produce bigger, better, faster drones to fulfill Irans defense requirements!

are they American trucks ( ford? ).


yes, my bad
Which engine powers it?
Its a small turbojet,but as to who manufactures it and what its called then that I dont know,however we do have pictures of it.Its not only quite a bit smaller than the tolue 4 turbojet that iran uses on drones like the karrar or cruise missiles like the noor or the hoveizer,but it also doesnt appear to be related to it either,it also doesnt appear to be related to the teledyne turbojets that powered irans old pahlavi era harpoon cruise missiles either.

You can see the engine in front of the s-191 drone
Our Jew brothers are now more open about their prophecies of defeat by Iran too.
Perhaps we have deepened their faith to their prophet's words! (You're welcome) :lol:

Iran Conducts Its Largest Offensive Drone Exercise | theTrumpet.com

Tal Inbar's comment about the flying wing drone which was shot down over Golan heights was interesting too:

“It’s more sophisticated since it’s supposed to be jet powered. But from the video released by the Israel Defense Forces, you don’t see any trails of hot air typical of jet-powered vehicles,” said Tal Inbar, director of the uav and space program at Israel’s Fisher Brothers Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies. “Either way, the fact that it was tracked and shot down by the Israel Air Force was a test for both sides: For the Iranians, it showed that they need to improve upon their stealth properties.”
Our Jew brothers are now more open about their prophecies of defeat by Iran too.
Perhaps we have deepened their faith to their prophet's words! (You're welcome) :lol:

Iran Conducts Its Largest Offensive Drone Exercise | theTrumpet.com

Tal Inbar's comment about the flying wing drone which was shot down over Golan heights was interesting too:

“It’s more sophisticated since it’s supposed to be jet powered. But from the video released by the Israel Defense Forces, you don’t see any trails of hot air typical of jet-powered vehicles,” said Tal Inbar, director of the uav and space program at Israel’s Fisher Brothers Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies. “Either way, the fact that it was tracked and shot down by the Israel Air Force was a test for both sides: For the Iranians, it showed that they need to improve upon their stealth properties.”
the fact that they used one million dollar missile to take down saeqeh istead of 200k irondome tamer missile shows it's stealth works well.
Its a small turbojet,but as to who manufactures it and what its called then that I dont know,however we do have pictures of it.Its not only quite a bit smaller than the tolue 4 turbojet that iran uses on drones like the karrar or cruise missiles like the noor or the hoveizer,but it also doesnt appear to be related to it either,it also doesnt appear to be related to the teledyne turbojets that powered irans old pahlavi era harpoon cruise missiles either.

You can see the engine in front of the s-191 drone

look at this .

There are other methods of launch for fast attack missions ... ;)

I think for these small drones with low combat value it's not such a big issue. When using larger drones like Shahed-129 which has its own landing gear it will be faster.
I did a post on this very topic a page or so back,check it out as it has both pics and vids of the alternative launch systems.
Its actually a much better system than the alternatives of gas/pneumatic catapults or rocket assisted zero length take off systems,as in addition to requiring specialised launchers the drones would still have to be placed onto the launchers just as they have to be placed on top of the truck/4x4 launch vehicles,the other advantage of the currentsystem is that it allows you to do mass launches very easily.Its a very clever,cheap,mobile and flexible system,more so than its alternatives.A large drone like an s-129 maybe slightly quicker to get armed and off the ground and into the air,but it is both more expensive to build and to operate and also requires expensive infrastructure like runways to operate from.
Air power by its very nature is extremely demanding in terms of both infrastructure and logistics,it takes time to get an air strike ready,and the larger it is the more time it takes and the more support it requires.I think this may have been a contributing factor to the iris luke warm enthusiasm for airpower,at least compared to the pahlavi regime who seemingly couldnt get enough of it,and the iris search for indigenously produced systems like missiles and drones that could provide an alternative to it.

That would be great If we could design something like a helicopter carrier with catapult which could carry 50 of them+S129 on board first it would the first of its kind & second we could increase their range, they could be useful in the hands of our navy for example against pirates in Aden gulf or elsewhere.
Our Jew brothers are now more open about their prophecies of defeat by Iran too.
They will not be defeated before sending Iran back to stone age (along with the region). They are strengthening their holds in countries like Egypt but you are standing tall, people. I enjoy reading about Iranian arms.
They will not be defeated before sending Iran back to stone age (along with the region). They are strengthening their holds in countries like Egypt but you are standing tall, people. I enjoy reading about Iranian arms.
Nuclear weapon is like a grenade in your hand with zero delay, I will consider nuclear states as suicide bombers.
Do you know what jews are famous for?!

we will leave the sea open!
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