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Iranian UCAVs exercising combat missions in Persian Gulf

They have airpower sir more then anyone in arabian gulf .i am not high sir

If you mean Persian gulf, then like I told you, their airforce struggled to even down a much less advanced version of these UAV's. We're talking about how difficult these UAV's are to detect and shoot down, are you not paying attention or are you just clueless in these matters?
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They are safe from houthi missiles since begeing
You seriously believe their propaganda?
Media of a country that it's government, ministers, president, military leader, parliament etc is represented by one person and its not other than clown prince!. It must a free media with best standards. Yeah well....

What's "arabian gulf"? This?:


If you mean Persian gulf, then like I told you, their airforce struggled to even down a much less advanced version of these UAV's. We're talking about how difficult these UAV's are to detect and shoot down, are you not paying attention or are you just clueless in these matters?
@Imran Khan , our old friend is trying to touch that nerve. He himself knows that its Persian Gulf but having a bit fun with with us. :lol:
You seriously believe their propaganda?
Media of a country that it's government, ministers, president, military leader, parliament etc is represented by one person and its not other than clown prince!. It must a free media with best standards. Yeah well....

@Imran Khan , our old friend is trying to touch that nerve. He himself knows that its Persian Gulf but having a bit fun with with us. :lol:
Bro is media free in iran?

I have no news about this honestly

If you mean Persian gulf, then like I told you, their airforce struggled to even down a much less advanced version of these UAV's. We're talking about how difficult these UAV's are to detect and shoot down, are you not paying attention or are you just clueless in these matters?
Tbh i trust in f15 and tornados sir
Bro is media free in iran?
Depends sir. We have defined some red lines in our parliament. The laws that are chosen by MPs.

For example no media can insult prophet Muhammad, just a simple example. Every country has some kinds of redlines and China should have the most redlines in this field.
Depends sir. We have defined some red lines in our parliament. The laws that are chosen by MPs.

For example no media can insult prophet Muhammad, just a simple example. Every country has some kinds of redlines and China should have the most redlines in this field.
Agreed can we bash others red lines?

Good systems, but more useless than you think when dealing with such UAV's as we have seen.
No evedence sir . F15 is greatest fighter
Keep it safe from saudi f15 and tornados .they can take it with tomoto souce anytime
no one would get it's stealth drone/planes close enough to enemy radars that they could detect it
Looks like computer graphics
screenshots of a footage
And then they bombed t4 base in syria

They are safe from houthi missiles since begeing
we didn't respond israelis because all the people of world are against us thanks to the israelis giant propaganda machine. also it does not matter if they are bombing us because they can't stop us without controlling ground.
They are safe from houthi missiles since begeing
patriot systems can engage with 9 targets simultaneously so if we fire 10 missiles at them even if they could target the 9 incoming missiles 1 missile will hit the ground.
They have airpower sir more then anyone in arabian gulf .
i know pakistani education is bad (objective fact substantiated by statistics), but you don't learn geography? that's surprising for me.

it is easy to have the best airpower in a place that exists only in your imagination.
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