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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

At least they could have built it with retractable landing gears. @PeeD did warn us that anything IRIAF shows will be behind MOD and very very far behind IRIGC. What I don't understand is why they didn't just place orders for s129 like the regular navy did and this way there can be interoperability between the branches leading to a more efficient and modern force. Or mohajers or ababils mentioned earlier or even Fotros for that matter, or better yet, even a combination allowing for greater flexibility of missions.
Unfortunately this is a situation that is not just unique to iran,sadly you see this sort of pointless interservice rivalry,squandering of resources and wasted duplication of effort in many [or even all] militaries to some degree.
A big part of the problem seems to be a lack of any general approval and oversight when it comes to the various weapons programs,there needs to be an administrative body that is in charge of overall approval of new weapons programs to ensure that there are either no duplicate or competing programs by the different branches that are in effect just trying to produce something that is either nearly identical or very similar in capability.In addition one also needs to prevent the pointless duplication of already in service weapons simply so that one branch or the other can have its own unique weapon ie a navy or airforce only atgm.
Ideally all new weapons programs must have some degree of interservice potential unless it is something that offers a specific needed capability that is unique to that branch of the military ie vtol drones for shipboard operations for the navy for instance.
At this point in time iran cannot afford to continue to squander valuable military industrial resources on pointless duplication of effort and reinventing of the wheel by the various branches of the military.
Unfortunately this is a situation that is not just unique to iran,sadly you see this sort of pointless interservice rivalry,squandering of resources and wasted duplication of effort in many [or even all] militaries to some degree.
A big part of the problem seems to be a lack of any general approval and oversight when it comes to the various weapons programs,there needs to be an administrative body that is in charge of overall approval of new weapons programs to ensure that there are either no duplicate or competing programs by the different branches that are in effect just trying to produce something that is either nearly identical or very similar in capability.In addition one also needs to prevent the pointless duplication of already in service weapons simply so that one branch or the other can have its own unique weapon ie a navy or airforce only atgm.
Ideally all new weapons programs must have some degree of interservice potential unless it is something that offers a specific needed capability that is unique to that branch of the military ie vtol drones for shipboard operations for the navy for instance.
At this point in time iran cannot afford to continue to squander valuable military industrial resources on pointless duplication of effort and reinventing of the wheel by the various branches of the military.
do you agree that all branches of army and irgc should only order mohajer-6 or shahed-129 as their ucavs? Unless they will go to manufacture a Larger ucav (shahed-149) or a turbofan/tubrojet one. My point is enough with the usless drones that are watse of time and money, like kaman-12 and others...
do you agree that all branches of army and irgc should only order mohajer-6 or shahed-129 as their ucavs? Unless they will go to manufacture a Larger ucav (shahed-149) or a turbofan/tubrojet one. My point is enough with the usless drones that are watse of time and money, like kaman-12 and others...
Having only few types of weapons among all branches gives you cheap maintaince and easier training, but also have disadventage, these are fair new weapons... what if some of them show some weakness and enemy find out about... so this thing needs to be balanced
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question guys, why does shahed-129 carry only two sadid bombs during drills or even combat operations in syria? Does carrying 4 bombs instead of 2 it affect the endurance and range a lot? @skyshadow @Mithridates @TheImmortal @Philosopher @PeeD
I suspect that its the ideal trade off between endurance and fire power.
The main role of the shahed in syria at the moment is probably long duration over watch,basically to keep a near constant eye on whats going on on the ground while also having minimum offensive/retaliatory capability incase it needs to act,such as if it spots targets of opportunity ie isis terrorists,or to retaliate if someone tries to take a shot at it.
do you agree that all branches of army and irgc should only order mohajer-6 or shahed-129 as their ucavs? Unless they will go to manufacture a Larger ucav (shahed-149) or a turbofan/tubrojet one. My point is enough with the usless drones that are watse of time and money, like kaman-12 and others...
I`d also add the ababil 3 in the dual reconnaissance/light ucav role as well.
I think that these 3 make the most sense for multi-service use,at least initially,as they are all tried and tested combat proven platforms with fairly long service under their belts,very long in the case of the ababil 3.
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I suspect that its the ideal trade off between endurance and fire power.
The main role of the shahed in syria at the moment is probably long duration over watch,basically to keep a near constant eye on whats going on on the ground while also having minimum offensive/retaliatory capability incase it needs to act,such as if it spots targets of opportunity ie isis terrorists,or to retaliate if someone tries to take a shot at it.

I`d also add the ababil 3 in the dual reconnaissance/light ucav role as well.
I think that these 3 make the most sense for multi-service use,at least initially,as they are all tried and tested combat proven platforms with fairly long service under their belts,very long in the case of the ababil 3.

this is iranian best FLIR I guess. Does it have a laser designator?
I thought the circular target being bombed by karrar seemed familiar and it is from earlier this year.

There is a better and longer video of the exercise where karrar dropped the weapon and it was tracked by the camera in free fall with at least a few seconds passing before the circular target came into view and the bulls eye hit happened.
Amazing precision. It's a dumb bomb, right?
It was discussed a while back. I think the FLIR allowed the operator to see the target and drop in time to make it to target on a downward & forward trajectory. The footage of it was very graceful actually. Some speculated that the drone was preprogrammed to drop the bomb but that would suppose a very smart system and avionics whereby it saw the target ahead and calculated when it would need to drop it's ordinance in order for it to arrive at the desired spot. Or it could have been operated by a person with the software telling him when to drop the bomb, based on distance and speed from target etc.
And yes the bomb itself is not pgm as far as I know so it has to be dropped based on old fashion calculations made either by an onboard computer or the computer interface for the human pilot.
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