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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Can you explain what's all in background. Is it one of UAV recovered from Persian Gulf ... ? rebuilding in progress ??

It is the MQ-4 Triton UAV Iran shot down. They salvaged its remains from the Persian Gulf.
Mohajer-6 UCAV model has been seen in a conferance by Maduro about Venezuela aviation industry.

We could possibly see a license production of M6 in Venezuela, previously Mohajer2s were manufactued in Venezuela.

I have not seen the engine, either it was destroyed or they have taken it and are reverse engineering it.
On the subject of reverse engineering, can you explain to me in simplest terms HOW Iran can do it SO WELL??? How does the physical, often damaged real life version help Iran in creating the same thing(the copy) again??? It seems Iran can reverse engineer anything it gets its hands on...it might be another technical tactic by Iran to get more western equipment- bait and tempt US and Israel to use their top tech...and then hope to recover pieces of it for recreation..
On the subject of reverse engineering, can you explain to me in simplest terms HOW Iran can do it SO WELL??? How does the physical, often damaged real life version help Iran in creating the same thing(the copy) again??? It seems Iran can reverse engineer anything it gets its hands on...it might be another technical tactic by Iran to get more western equipment- bait and tempt US and Israel to use their top tech...and then hope to recover pieces of it for recreation..

I think it is a combination of seeing sample, even damaged samples coupled with what is already speculated and discussed in the public sphere regarding various technology and some guess work and trial and error until a simulacre can be achieved.
On the subject of reverse engineering, can you explain to me in simplest terms HOW Iran can do it SO WELL??? How does the physical, often damaged real life version help Iran in creating the same thing(the copy) again??? It seems Iran can reverse engineer anything it gets its hands on...it might be another technical tactic by Iran to get more western equipment- bait and tempt US and Israel to use their top tech...and then hope to recover pieces of it for recreation..
IMO iran relies on some serious corporate espionage. also chinese/iranian hackers could help...
there is no way to rebuild something like Iran does, unless you have blueprints or something.
On the subject of reverse engineering, can you explain to me in simplest terms HOW Iran can do it SO WELL??? How does the physical, often damaged real life version help Iran in creating the same thing(the copy) again??? It seems Iran can reverse engineer anything it gets its hands on...it might be another technical tactic by Iran to get more western equipment- bait and tempt US and Israel to use their top tech...and then hope to recover pieces of it for recreation..

There is no question these western technologies falling into Iran's hand have been a blessing. I recall General Hajizadeh stating that the engine they recovered from RQ-170 would propel Iran's technology in this sector by 30 years. Technology is technology, where it comes from does not matter, the more shortcuts we can find the better. In terms of how Iran manages to reverse engineer, we need to keep in mind that Iran has a very robust underlying science and technology base that can help it in this regard. There are teams in Iran dedicated to just such a thing.

I have said this before many times and we need to always keep this in mind. Iran had lost centuries of development, what we have managed to do in the last decade alone has been nothing short of extraordinary. In terms of military hardware, regional influence etc, we have done things in a decade that others needed decades/centuries to accumulate. There are still many areas we need to fix, but despite the problems we faced, Iran is still leaps beyond these other regional states. No wonder they're scared to death of Iran. Unfortunately for them, they have seen nothing yet.
IMO iran relies on some serious corporate espionage. also chinese/iranian hackers could help...
there is no way to rebuild something like Iran does, unless you have blueprints or something.
Very plausibe. Betting money that China isnt sharing sensitive blueprints with Iran is unwise.
There is no question these western technologies falling into Iran's hand have been a blessing. I recall General Hajizadeh stating that the engine they recovered from RQ-170 would propel Iran's technology in this sector by 30 years. Technology is technology, where it comes from does not matter, the more shortcuts we can find the better. In terms of how Iran manages to reverse engineer, we need to keep in mind that Iran has a very robust underlying science and technology base that can help it in this regard. There are teams in Iran dedicated to just such a thing.

I have said this before many times and we need to always keep this in mind. Iran had lost centuries of development, what we have managed to do in the last decade alone has been nothing short of extraordinary. In terms of military hardware, regional influence etc, we have done things in a decade that others needed decades/centuries to accumulate. There are still many areas we need to fix, but despite the problems we faced, Iran is still leaps beyond these other regional states. No wonder they're scared to death of Iran. Unfortunately for them, they have seen nothing yet.
Insightful and accurate. Thanks for the info on engines and military technology development in Iran.
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Iran needs to give the SAA atleast a dozen UAV's for their upcoming operation in Idlib. A few Ababils, Mohajers, Shahed-129s and some Karrars. Add to that a few short/medium range air defense systems to shoot down Turkish Bayraktar drones. That is precisely what the SAA needs.
Ababil-3 and Mohajer-6 UCAVs should do the job — plus some ADS-M2 sytems (Mersad-16 export version) to deal with Turkish UAVs, though these might not be urgently required since the Syrians have Buk-M1-2E and Buk-M2E systems which have proved to be good enough for that task.
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