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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

do they even use drones??

The author needs to work on their grammar. They were not talking specifically about drone technology but generally.
The article is from CNN so you can't expect these people to know much. They're imbeciles. I bet this same author probably does not know the difference between a cruise missile and a ballistic missile.

The only thing Iran got from the koreans was the scub/nodong series back in the 80's. Since then, true experts believe it is Iran that is giving them technology. N korea is a poor, technologically backward state in many regards. They're nowhere near Iran in technology. Just because they openly test longer range weapons and Iran (for strategic reasons) holds back, it means nothing.
The operator check its equipment but not by turning on the lights as he can't see if the lights are actually turned on or not and he can check the systems with other ways more thoroughly also isn't it strange that the strong wind come out exactly when they were over emir of Kuwait Palace .
there are S-191 versions that have FLIRs, on the other hand there is a marker in iranian drones operational software that points the direction of FLIR. so what happens if your direction marker malfunction?? you need to know which direction you are going, so you need to turn on the lights. however i don't say it was what happened.
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good point but some drone went there and we do not know what kind
View attachment 579538

It's strange no one is talking about this, I thought people would bring this up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_triangle_(UFO)#TR-3A_Black_Manta

But seriously I really hope it is a S-191 that flew over Kuwait, because that would just be amazing and will show that iran both has very capable drones and that it has such drone bases in Iraq and it can use at any time to strike anywhere without any limitations.
there are S-191 versions that have FLIRs, on the other hand there is a marker in iranian drones operational software that points the direction of FLIR. so what happens if your direction marker malfunction?? you need to know which direction you are going, so you need to turn on the lights. however i don't say it was what happened.

s-191 has GPS/GLONASS reciever. I mean stop it people. You don’t turn on lights on a UAV to see where you are going. What an absurd comment.

And @skyshadow posted a RUMOR of his own accord with no proof. Just his analysis of blurry cellphone video footage.

And who cares what dumb Arab eyewitness said. They also said the drone “hovered” and also it was “jet powered”. That is physically impossible for jet powered drone to hover. Might as well call it a UFO at this point.

Can’t believe we are talking about something with zero credible proof and some desert dwellers eyewitness’ opinion. Not to mention the whole thing was posted in Arab newspaper which are highly unreliable to begin with.

All we know is an unidentified object was spotted in arab air space. That’s it.


" Whatever Iran is up to, the Saudi Aramco strike was a significant escalation. Seventeen points of impact were precisely targeted, U.S. officials said. This surveillance and planning required for this strike were evidence of a whole new level of sophistication."

" Russia and China could easily have provided know-how at some point. Or Iran may have used unmanned drones to determine the coordinates."

" The Iranian cruise missile specter has worried military planners for quite some time. Novator, the Russian company that made the 9M729 missile that led to the end of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, began marketing the Club-K “cruise missile in a box” several years ago."

" The point is that Russia, China and others have sold Iran advanced missile technology. "


It's strange no one is talking about this, I thought people would bring this up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_triangle_(UFO)#TR-3A_Black_Manta

But seriously I really hope it is a S-191 that flew over Kuwait, because that would just be amazing and will show that iran both has very capable drones and that it has such drone bases in Iraq and it can use at any time to strike anywhere without any limitations.

i think it was one of the Shahed drone family be it Shahed 171 or 191 they did hit targets near US bases undetected before sooo the capability is there and well proven.
there are S-191 versions that have FLIRs, on the other hand there is a marker in iranian drones operational software that points the direction of FLIR. so what happens if your direction marker malfunction?? you need to know which direction you are going, so you need to turn on the lights. however i don't say it was what happened.
what turning the lights on will do when you are hundreds of km away , you don't see the lights , enemy will see them and i assure you they wont call you and inform you of the direction of your uav they point gun at it and fire

" Whatever Iran is up to, the Saudi Aramco strike was a significant escalation. Seventeen points of impact were precisely targeted, U.S. officials said. This surveillance and planning required for this strike were evidence of a whole new level of sophistication."

" Russia and China could easily have provided know-how at some point. Or Iran may have used unmanned drones to determine the coordinates."
the data needed for strike could have been easily gathered from google and other such companies who provide satellite imagery.

i think it was one of the Shahed drone family be it Shahed 171 or 191 they did hit targets near US bases undetected before sooo the capability is there and well proven.
the problem with your theory .
Shahed drones are not suicide drones for that we have Ababil and the ones based on it
what turning the lights on will do when you are hundreds of km away , you don't see the lights , enemy will see them and i assure you they wont call you and inform you of the direction of your uav they point gun at it and fire

the data needed for strike could have been easily gathered from google and other such companies who provide satellite imagery.

the problem with your theory .
Shahed drones are not suicide drones for that we have Ababil and the ones based on it

no i did not mean suicide drones, you saw the marks those are too accurate to be from suicide drones i think they released Sadid like bombs.


s-191 has GPS/GLONASS reciever. I mean stop it people. You don’t turn on lights on a UAV to see where you are going. What an absurd comment.

And @skyshadow posted a RUMOR of his own accord with no proof. Just his analysis of blurry cellphone video footage.

And who cares what dumb Arab eyewitness said. They also said the drone “hovered” and also it was “jet powered”. That is physically impossible for jet powered drone to hover. Might as well call it a UFO at this point.

Can’t believe we are talking about something with zero credible proof and some desert dwellers eyewitness’ opinion. Not to mention the whole thing was posted in Arab newspaper which are highly unreliable to begin with.

All we know is an unidentified object was spotted in arab air space. That’s it.
i just review what eye witnesses told, that does not mean they are right.
There is a possibility of Iran-Iraq cooperation in this raid against Aramco, to avenge recent attacks against Syria and Iraq, and certainly Americans have no choice but to accept it as the consequences of their choices (U.S is behind all attacks, whether Israelis executed it or not).

But it's just a guess and there is no proof for it, Iranian drones use three color lights and certainly neither will turn them on during a covert mission, nor would fly over a populated area.

Yet, whether Iran participated directly or not, it was a magnificent demonstration of power by axis of resistance.
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