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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

They are designed to penetrate ...

First of all if it was a 191, they wouldn’t be flying so low that a civilian can see it and get suspicious. Second they wouldn’t fly with their identification lights on either.

So to think a single 191 is flying low with its identification lights on through Kuwait is a bit absurd.

RQ-170 was designed to fly at 40-50K feet

"Houthi drones are based on Iranian models, themselves often developed from North Korean technology."


First of all if it was a 191, they wouldn’t be flying so low that a civilian can see it and get suspicious. Second they wouldn’t fly with their identification lights on either.

So to think a single 191 is flying low with its identification lights on through Kuwait is a bit absurd.

RQ-170 was designed to fly at 40-50K feet

well there is this

A drone violated Kuwait's airspace early on Saturday, Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai reported, and hovered at nearly 250 meters above group close to the Dar Salwa presidential palace.

“The drone was large at about three meters in length and the size of a small car,” al-Rai quoted a source as saying.

The newspaper said and the drone hovered over Dar Salwa presidential palace for a period, ignited its headlights for one minute and then entered Kuwait City airspace.

The incident appears to have taken place at the same time drone attacks caused fires at two Saudi Aramco facilities before dawn on Saturday.


فوری / معاون وزیر امور داخله عناس الصالح: رهبران امنیتی تحقیقات لازم را درباره نظارت بر پرواز یک هواپیمای بدون سرنشین در مناطقی در ساحل ساحلی شهر کویت و اقدامات صورت گرفته و راه های مقابله با آنها آغاز کرده اند.

معاون وزیر امور داخله انس الصالح: اعلیحضرت شیخ جابر المبارك ، رهبران نظامی و امنیتی را راهنمایی كرده است تا اقدامات امنیتی را در اطراف اماكن حیاتی در ایالت كویت محكم تر كرده و تمام اقدامات را برای حفظ امنیت كویت و شهروندان و ساكنان آن از هرگونه خطر در پیش گیرند.
the part that says it ignited the lights suggests that the operator wanted to check if the drone is on course or not but by hovering i do not know what they mean or they know what they saw.
What purpose turning on lights can play it only made the drone detectable by others and operator have lots of other more effective way of determining if the drone is on course or not.

By the way I don't get shahed 191 part that drone is not supposed to fly low.

A drone violated Kuwait's airspace early on Saturday, Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai reported, and hovered at nearly 250 meters above group close to the Dar Salwa presidential palace.

“The drone was large at about three meters in length and the size of a small car,” al-Rai quoted a source as saying.

The newspaper said and the drone hovered over Dar Salwa presidential palace for a period, ignited its headlights for one minute and then entered Kuwait City airspace.

The incident appears to have taken place at the same time drone attacks caused fires at two Saudi Aramco facilities before dawn on Saturday.
The question is does Al-Rai newspaper have the capabilities of determining what they saw.
What purpose turning on lights can play it only made the drone detectable by others and operator have lots of other more effective way of determining if the drone is on course or not.

By the way I don't get shahed 191 part that drone is not supposed to fly low.

The question is does Al-Rai newspaper have the capabilities of determining what they saw.

well it is already conformed by Kuwait i posted it in my last replay here i will post it again.

فوری / معاون وزیر امور داخله عناس الصالح: رهبران امنیتی تحقیقات لازم را درباره نظارت بر پرواز یک هواپیمای بدون سرنشین در مناطقی در ساحل ساحلی شهر کویت و اقدامات صورت گرفته و راه های مقابله با آنها آغاز کرده اند.

معاون وزیر امور داخله انس الصالح: اعلیحضرت شیخ جابر المبارك ، رهبران نظامی و امنیتی را راهنمایی كرده است تا اقدامات امنیتی را در اطراف اماكن حیاتی در ایالت كویت محكم تر كرده و تمام اقدامات را برای حفظ امنیت كویت و شهروندان و ساكنان آن از هرگونه خطر در پیش گیرند.
well it is already conformed by Kuwait i posted it in my last replay here i will post it again.

فوری / معاون وزیر امور داخله عناس الصالح: رهبران امنیتی تحقیقات لازم را درباره نظارت بر پرواز یک هواپیمای بدون سرنشین در مناطقی در ساحل ساحلی شهر کویت و اقدامات صورت گرفته و راه های مقابله با آنها آغاز کرده اند.

معاون وزیر امور داخله انس الصالح: اعلیحضرت شیخ جابر المبارك ، رهبران نظامی و امنیتی را راهنمایی كرده است تا اقدامات امنیتی را در اطراف اماكن حیاتی در ایالت كویت محكم تر كرده و تمام اقدامات را برای حفظ امنیت كویت و شهروندان و ساكنان آن از هرگونه خطر در پیش گیرند.
Nothing about Shehed-191
no but it lights were open in videos
That can be anything ,you can't see anything in those videos. And if the drone is to penetrate enemy space you turn all lights of not turning them on so anybody can see you.
What purpose turning on lights can play it only made the drone detectable by others and operator have lots of other more effective way of determining if the drone is on course or not.

By the way I don't get shahed 191 part that drone is not supposed to fly low.
for fighter pilots it's necessary to turn on their lights during night missions to prevent vertigo, but regarding the drone incident i assume the hovering issue was due to the intense wind blows toward sea from shore so for some seconds maybe cause it to stall and maybe forced operator to check if it's indicators work fine or there is a problem. this is for a scenario that the wind blow over 200 km/h :lol::lol:
or the eye witnesses are just talking BS, or the drone was propeller one.
for fighter pilots it's necessary to turn on their lights during night missions to prevent vertigo, but regarding the drone incident i assume the hovering issue was due to the intense wind blows toward sea from shore so for some seconds maybe cause it to stall and maybe forced operator to check if it's indicators work fine or there is a problem. this is for a scenario that the wind blow over 200 km/h :lol::lol:
or the eye witnesses are just talking BS, or the drone was propeller one.
The operator check its equipment but not by turning on the lights as he can't see if the lights are actually turned on or not and he can check the systems with other ways more thoroughly also isn't it strange that the strong wind come out exactly when they were over emir of Kuwait Palace .
do they even use drones??

That can be anything ,you can't see anything in those videos. And if the drone is to penetrate enemy space you turn all lights of not turning them on so anybody can see you.
good point but some drone went there and we do not know what kind

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