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Something is intresting about the Simorgh.

Usually RQ clones are white nature, yet this one is black. The only other black RQ clone I remember iran showing was a test video of the first clones.

I wonder if this one is testing some radar absorbing material hence the skin color or not.

Clearly the black ones are for night operations as for a version with RAM if Iran had it they sure as hell wouldn't use it in Syria and risk it being downed and analyzed by the Americans or Israeli's

And stealth now a day's will only protect you from being targeted from beyond visible range and if a country like Iran can detect stealth aircrafts approaching then countries like the U.S. and Russia can most definitely detect them so how smart would it be to overspend on RAM coating on a lightly armed UCAV such as this that is already built out of composites will mostly depend on how much more money you would have to spend on the coating and maintenance of the RAM coating and whether or not it would be much smarter to build a larger and faster version with greater payload rather than overspending on such a platform
Something is intresting about the Simorgh.

Usually RQ clones are white nature, yet this one is black. The only other black RQ clone I remember iran showing was a test video of the first clones.

I wonder if this one is testing some radar absorbing material hence the skin color or not.
Its very likely that that black color is in fact the actual color of the body of the aircraft before the white paint layer,this will no doubt contain additional radar absorbing or scattering compounds,has been applied.We can see a very early pic of the rq170 copy before it has been finished[notice the glaringly obvious gap between the wing and body segment]
Clearly the black ones are for night operations as for a version with RAM if Iran had it they sure as hell wouldn't use it in Syria and risk it being downed and analyzed by the Americans or Israeli's

And stealth now a day's will only protect you from being targeted from beyond visible range and if a country like Iran can detect stealth aircrafts approaching then countries like the U.S. and Russia can most definitely detect them so how smart would it be to overspend on RAM coating on a lightly armed UCAV such as this that is already built out of composites will mostly depend on how much more money you would have to spend on the coating and maintenance of the RAM coating and whether or not it would be much smarter to build a larger and faster version with greater payload rather than overspending on such a platform

This has to be the dumbest thing you have ever said! The plane is painted black for night operations? LOL! What kind of logic is that?

Is that why nearly the majority of known UAV/fighter jets around the world are NOT painted black? The only “black” painted active military attack aircraft is the B-2. (Nighthawk and blackbird are retired).

So flying at 30,000-40,000 ft it doesn’t matter if a plane is colored black, purple, or pink!

Also your understanding of RAM is severely outdated! RAM used on F-22 is old generation and expensive. It usually is reapplied after combat missions. However, F-35 uses newer generation RAM that is more cost efficient and easier to maintain.

Iran has had another 10 years on top of that to develop even more advanced version since the F-35 was developed over a decade ago using then available technology.

Academic Research Papers on RAM have been published in Iran in last 5 years. And the RQ model is great testing bed.

Why would you build a larger aircraft to test on before you even have preliminary results on a smaller version? It is more cost effective to start on an already established airframe.

Lastly flying wing designs have a more reduced RCS the greater they become in size. So if you can significantly reduce RCS on a Simorgh model with RAM, then on a large capable bomber version you should even reap greater rewards.

Its very likely that that black color is in fact the actual color of the body of the aircraft before the white paint layer,this will no doubt contain additional radar absorbing or scattering compounds,has been applied.We can see a very early pic of the rq170 copy before it has been finished[notice the glaringly obvious gap between the wing and body segment]

This is a very poor version of intial model. It literally looks like someone spray painted the play with a spray can.

The difference between this model and the one shown recently is night and day in terms of build quality. Furthermore, you can tell the body of the aircraft looks like it’s material is different rather than this one which is clearly using some Iranian version of composite material.
Is that why nearly the majority of known UAV/fighter jets around the world are NOT painted black? The only “black” painted active military attack aircraft is the B-2.
well B-2 always looked sort of Gray to me on other hand U-2 always looked somehow blackish
This has to be the dumbest thing you have ever said! The plane is painted black for night operations? LOL! What kind of logic is that?

Is that why nearly the majority of known UAV/fighter jets around the world are NOT painted black? The only “black” painted active military attack aircraft is the B-2. (Nighthawk and blackbird are retired).

So flying at 30,000-40,000 ft it doesn’t matter if a plane is colored black, purple, or pink!

Also your understanding of RAM is severely outdated! RAM used on F-22 is old generation and expensive. It usually is reapplied after combat missions. However, F-35 uses newer generation RAM that is more cost efficient and easier to maintain.

Iran has had another 10 years on top of that to develop even more advanced version since the F-35 was developed over a decade ago using then available technology.

Academic Research Papers on RAM have been published in Iran in last 5 years. And the RQ model is great testing bed.

Why would you build a larger aircraft to test on before you even have preliminary results on a smaller version? It is more cost effective to start on an already established airframe.

Lastly flying wing designs have a more reduced RCS the greater they become in size. So if you can significantly reduce RCS on a Simorgh model with RAM, then on a large capable bomber version you should even reap greater rewards.

This is a very poor version of intial model. It literally looks like someone spray painted the play with a spray can.

The difference between this model and the one shown recently is night and day in terms of build quality. Furthermore, you can tell the body of the aircraft looks like it’s material is different rather than this one which is clearly using some Iranian version of composite material.

1st off it's not actually BLACK it's dark gray or dark green or dark purple or dark blue.... because at night the sky isn't actually black and it depends on the aircraft, where it's housed at and it's mission parameters...... And UAV's aren't fighter jet's and for low RCS UCAV's flying at relatively lower altitudes you definitely want to reduce your visibility to the naked eye so yea logically you use darker scheme for night operations.


1st off it's not actually BLACK it's dark gray or dark green or dark purple or dark blue.... because at night the sky isn't actually black and it depends on the aircraft, where it's housed at and it's mission parameters...... And UAV's aren't fighter jet's and for low RCS UCAV's flying at relatively lower altitudes you definitely want to reduce your visibility to the naked eye so yea logically you use darker scheme for night operations.

Vevak please stop, I am cracking up. By that logic Iran’s F-14AM are made to only fly at day time with their desert camo!

You think the US/Israel is going to spot the RQ by naked eye first?

Even if a soldier by some miracle was staring at the right place in sky at the right time, he would still need confirmation by optical imaging/infrared. That is how the RQ-170 first seen by Iran.

Furthermore, RQ-170 was ment to stay high above Iran’s skies above nuclear facilities looking for signs associated with covert nuclear activity. So any attack version of RQ-170 by Iran should be able to release its payload at a decent altitude.

The Simorgh is Iran’s only attack aircraft UAV or fighter jet that has a reduced RCS and thus would be a sound platform to test first generation Iranian RAM on before applying it to other platforms (larger version or F-313 or next gen Iranian fighter jet project).
Vevak please stop, I am cracking up...

You are well informed mate. Vevak is likewise well versed in this body of knowledge. I believe I saw from the IMF days how very knowledgeable you both were regarding military tactics and equipment.

I would like to point out that in some cases fighter jets are painted darker so as to enhance camouflage. For instance, the USAF requested the F-117 be painted black because they planned to use it primarily during night missions to maximize its stealth effect. Other aircraft, like the special operations MC-130 and AC-130 are painted very dark grays or blacks to lessen their probability of detection since they are primarily used at night in support of covert missions, often at low level where visual detection is the main threat.
You are well informed mate. Vevak is likewise well versed in this body of knowledge. I believe I saw from the IMF days how very knowledgeable you both were regarding military tactics and equipment.

I would like to point out that in some cases fighter jets are painted darker so as to enhance camouflage. For instance, the USAF requested the F-117 be painted black because they planned to use it primarily during night missions to maximize its stealth effect. Other aircraft, like the special operations MC-130 and AC-130 are painted very dark grays or blacks to lessen their probability of detection since they are primarily used at night in support of covert missions, often at low level where visual detection is the main threat.

I can understand low flying helicopters being painted black for special forces operations (ex the stealth chopper that was used in Bin Laden raid). Along with AC-130 that fly relatively low to provide CAS. But even the true effectiveness of such a tactic is brought into question.

Given the RQ-170 that was used over Iran was likely primarily used at night as well yet had a bright composite.

Though Vevak could certainly be right and Iran happened to paint it black to mimic its cousin the B-2 or just for night missions. I don’t dispute that. But the color of an high altitude aircraft in this day and age of long range AD systems makes me question that notion.

Though for low flight helicopters it might prove beneficial when landing near urban areas or enemy bases.
I can understand low flying helicopters being painted black for special forces operations (ex the stealth chopper that was used in Bin Laden raid). Along with AC-130 that fly relatively low to provide CAS. But even the true effectiveness of such a tactic is brought into question.

Given the RQ-170 that was used over Iran was likely primarily used at night as well yet had a bright composite.

Though Vevak could certainly be right and Iran happened to paint it black to mimic its cousin the B-2 or just for night missions. I don’t dispute that. But the color of an high altitude aircraft in this day and age of long range AD systems makes me question that notion.

Though for low flight helicopters it might prove beneficial when landing near urban areas or enemy bases.

Makes sense that low-flying vehicles would want to avoid nighttime detection using appropriate camouflaging techniques and like you said, good luck seeing anything flying 30k ft distance at night.

Thank you once again for supplementing this discussion with your expertise and aptitude. I often think it is a shame to amass this body of knowledge and insightful engagement in any forum other than our own, especially when there are so many trolls and dullards. Should one of my hamvatans see potential in a return of the IMF, I will be happy to assist.
Vevak please stop, I am cracking up. By that logic Iran’s F-14AM are made to only fly at day time with their desert camo!

You think the US/Israel is going to spot the RQ by naked eye first?

Even if a soldier by some miracle was staring at the right place in sky at the right time, he would still need confirmation by optical imaging/infrared. That is how the RQ-170 first seen by Iran.

Furthermore, RQ-170 was ment to stay high above Iran’s skies above nuclear facilities looking for signs associated with covert nuclear activity. So any attack version of RQ-170 by Iran should be able to release its payload at a decent altitude.

The Simorgh is Iran’s only attack aircraft UAV or fighter jet that has a reduced RCS and thus would be a sound platform to test first generation Iranian RAM on before applying it to other platforms (larger version or F-313 or next gen Iranian fighter jet project).

F-14's are interceptors and do most of their flying at high altitudes beyond visible range and that's why there is no need to paint a fighter like the F-14 or F-15C or any other Air superiority fighter or interceptor in darker colors! As I said you use dark colors to reduce visual signature from people on the ground

And that's why the U.S. paints most of it's Helo's Black or dark gray or dark green.... because during the day it really doesn't matter what colors you use because people will see you regardless but it's at night when visibility is reduced that it can make a difference no matter how minor it is it makes a difference....

And your comparing an F-14 with a UAV that needs to fly at or under 7,000 meters for targeting....

The best color scheme overall that can be used for night and day is the dark gray used on F-35's
is the new shahed-129 shown in 2016 in operation? what's the point of the bigger nose without satellites?

It is not the only military apparel made by IRGC and is designed to use military grade satellite navigation. Along side Su-22s also displayed a type of GPS guided guidance kit in form of folded wings and their new JDAM-like kits unveiled just yersterday in Kish Airshow.. So I think they either have an agreement that authorise them to use Glonass or Beidou or IRGC is on the verge of doing something herself.
It is not the only military apparel made by IRGC and is designed to use military grade satellite navigation. Along side Su-22s also displayed a type of GPS guided guidance kit in form of folded wings and their new JDAM-like kits unveiled just yersterday in Kish Airshow.. So I think they either have an agreement that authorise them to use Glonass or Beidou or IRGC is on the verge of doing something herself.
IRGC definitely not close, when was the last satellite launch?
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