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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Artile on SARs radars:


Shahed-191 100kg (220LB) dakhel badaneh! Na karej!


From the looks of it what they really need now is a twin engine version of the Simorgh with a sharper angled wing and ability to carry up to 4 x Balaban or 8x heavier versions of the akhgar.... designed with the capability to engage high value fixed targets such as Radar sites, Communications, infrastructure, known SAM locations,... from out side the reach of CIWS using a preprogramed automated command...

If it was up to me I'd produce each of these UCAV's at a minimum rate of 1 per day.
Shahed-191 100kg (220LB) dakhel badaneh! Na karej!

View attachment 694838

From the looks of it what they really need now is a twin engine version of the Simorgh with a sharper angled wing and ability to carry up to 4 x Balaban or 8x heavier versions of the akhgar.... designed with the capability to engage high value fixed targets such as Radar sites, Communications, infrastructure, known SAM locations,... from out side the reach of CIWS using a preprogramed automated command...

If it was up to me I'd produce each of these UCAV's at a minimum rate of 1 per day.
agreed, khodet midoni khabarngar ha cheqadr nabalad hastan toy in masaeel, we need a small cruise missile with the range of 200 km or more if possible the size should remain the same as Balaban or little bigger then Akhgar , its small warhead should do the job im sure IRGC already has a bigger version because no matter how mush we disagree we all can agree that a bigger supersonic version is the way to go, there should be a version of Shahed 171 with much bigger IR camera for air to air missions add to that its 2200 km combat radius and you have a good cheap interceptor for all out war where everything in air is Khar to Khar.
RQ-170 bomber with four Jahesh-700 engines and two internal carried Raad-500 at 3200kg total load. That would be my wish.

We have a clear positive picture for the unmanned bomber program.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of an unmanned interceptor program either with Karrar or other platforms?
We have a clear positive picture for the unmanned bomber program.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of an unmanned interceptor program either with Karrar or other platforms?
karrar already does a good with intercepting; thing to bear in mind is the ECM warfare these drones are likely to face. If they are preprogrammed in their entire course as tactical/strategic bombers then they should be relatively safe from ecm but anything could be compromised.

RQ-170 bomber with four Jahesh-700 engines and two internal carried Raad-500 at 3200kg total load. That would be my wish.

Can ballistic missiles be launched from air and in horizontal position?
hahed-191 100kg (220LB) dakhel badaneh! Na karej!
agreed, khodet midoni khabarngar ha cheqadr nabalad hastan toy in masaeel

In the wargame carried out some years back where 50+ drones converged on a simultaneous attack on I think Bumusa island, the payloads were shown up close. The 40% versions seem to have bombs in a recessed position within the airframe with a small portion of the ventral side protruding; the 60% versions have the bombs a bit more recessed into the frame fully and have a small door that closes them in flush with the airframe. The 171 has an internal bay in the same likes as 5th gen aircraft. One thing I always wondered about the 171 is how the ordinance is stored in the internal bay and dropped out. Some speculated something like a rotisserie might be used.

Found some videos of the exercises; turns out they were only last year.
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karrar already does a good with intercepting; thing to bear in mind is the ECM warfare these drones are likely to face. If they are preprogrammed in their entire course as tactical/strategic bombers then they should be relatively safe from ecm but anything could be compromised.

Can ballistic missiles be launched from air and in horizontal position?

I am thinking of a supersonic UAV with ability to do 8g maneuvers.
an other day an other unknown Iranian drone , that small camera shows advancement in camera department from Mohajer-2 and Ababil-3 drones

View attachment 694943
Could that be pelican or a prototype of it in its early days?

I am thinking of a supersonic UAV with ability to do 8g maneuvers.

There first needs to be a guarantee that it can't be jammed or hijacked in an intense ecm environment and the US probably has some proverbial aces it would use in a total war making the use of drones in real time problematic, unless they are preprogrammed on a set course for bombing missions. I guess it goes back to previous discussions as to whether the technology is sufficiently robust and mature for such an application as an unmanned fighter/interceptor and I am bit dubious on that front myself.
Could that be pelican or a prototype of it in its early days?

There first needs to be a guarantee that it can't be jammed or hijacked in an intense ecm environment and the US probably has some proverbial aces it would use in a total war making the use of drones in real time problematic, unless they are preprogrammed on a set course for bombing missions. I guess it goes back to previous discussions as to whether the technology is sufficiently robust and mature for such an application as an unmanned fighter/interceptor and I am bit dubious on that front myself.
no look at its shape

Could that be pelican or a prototype of it in its early days?

There first needs to be a guarantee that it can't be jammed or hijacked in an intense ecm environment and the US probably has some proverbial aces it would use in a total war making the use of drones in real time problematic, unless they are preprogrammed on a set course for bombing missions. I guess it goes back to previous discussions as to whether the technology is sufficiently robust and mature for such an application as an unmanned fighter/interceptor and I am bit dubious on that front myself.

you cannot spoof an AI drone. Only way to do that is to gather communication data for a long time and with help of data mining decode the communication commands. That’s the likely outcome of the rq170 that Iran spoofed. The Americans underestimated Irans EW capabilities and just kept given away tons of raw data by flying near and inside Iran. When IRGC was confident enough and had decoded the ground control communication (as well as disturbing the satellite Link) then the rq170 had no chance.

basically if your AI is strong enough for the drone to operate stand alone when in heavy EW environment, the only thing that can disturb its mission is the adversary being able to decode the interlink communication. Which is near to impossible if they haven’t mined your data, and depending on level of encryption complexity and how often you change communication protocols then the amount of data required can vary several folds.
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