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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

If your not producing engines like the Owj or the Jahesh-700 at a rate of at least 1 per day then your clearly not producing them in sufficient numbers for their production to make sense. And even more complex turbofan engines like the RD-33 or F-110 should not take any longer than a week to produce.

Can the supply chain sustain such high rate of production and maintain quality while also not depleting resources from other vital weapon production?
Can the supply chain sustain such high rate of production and maintain quality while also not depleting resources from other vital weapon production?

Over an engine like the J-85? No! If your supply chain can't. then that's what you should be focused on! Fact is there is NO WAY to have a healthy, productive & cost efficient production line if you can't!


If it's taking you 2 months to produce one of the most simplistic jet engines in the world that was originally developed in the late 50's when there where no computers or advanced CNC machines then your problems in production are not quality and control related.

Also GE between 1958-1988 produced 12,000 of these engines so we about not talking about some impossibility! This is something thats been done before!

OWJ aviation made the same mistakes the Airforce did! They failed in making the production of every single alloy required their problem. They sat back and said give us this that and the other and we'll forge it in to this engine and although the Air Force did make some headway in developing and producing the alloys required for the turbines but what about everything else?

Today Owj aviation has access to tool that are far more sophisticated than anything GE had back in 60, 70's and 80's

And so long as the Airforce and owj aviation fail in making the production of the required alloys and composites their problem they will continue to have production issues and they will fail in making production cost effective and profitable and without profit every penny (Gheroon) you spend on R&D would have to be a hand me down from the government which most definitely limit your growth...
Some very cool pics and likely never seen before either....

Note the rails under the wings....

2 unknown drone types being worked on

With these we can see the very genesis of irans drone program
Shahed 129 is armed and for Sepah..... this is recon for the regular Airforce
It's been discussed before that I do wish IRIAF would have done the same as IRIN and gone with the 129 as it can do both recon and fighting and even has retractable landing gear. Kamand does have a nicer profile, but is ruined by its wheels not retracting. It looks like a regression in drone making ability for the country compared to the 129.
It's been discussed before that I do wish IRIAF would have done the same as IRIN and gone with the 129 as it can do both recon and fighting and even has retractable landing gear. Kamand does have a nicer profile, but is ruined by its wheels not retracting. It looks like a regression in drone making ability for the country compared to the 129.
Does this aircraft have any distinct advantage over the Shahed 129?
Shahed 129 is armed and for Sepah..... this is recon for the regular Airforce
well I rather compare it with Mohajir-6 not Shahed-129
It just seems the design and its production was somewhat pointless when Mohajer 6 could have done the same with maybe some modifications. I am glad of the recent news that IAIO and HESA are taking over aircraft design and production from IRIAF and let the air force concentrate on pilot training because they have been disappointing compared to IRIGC-AF and IRIN lately.
It just seems the design and its production was somewhat pointless when Mohajer 6 could have done the same with maybe some modifications. I am glad of the recent news that IAIO and HESA are taking over aircraft design and production from IRIAF and let the air force concentrate on pilot training because they have been disappointing compared to IRIGC-AF and IRIN lately.
If what you said about IAIO and HESA taking over the design and production that is very good news indeed..it formalizes the development jobs and now that they have hacked IAI sites..we should see some good stuff coming out..lol
now we are in 99, and we can say mohajem 92 project waste resource for 7 years when mohajer 6 existed and developed in same class and in same time.

now we are in 99, and we can say mohajem 92 project waste resource for 7 years when mohajer 6 existed and developed in same class and in same time.

I think that ended up becoming the Kaman after all these years and yes it was indeed a waste of time then and now...

Also, from the recent pictures I realize that it is much smaller than the 129 hence the comparisons to mohajer and ababil series.
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