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Iranian Space program

4 clusters of Nodong x 4? 16 engines for boosters? An absolute engineering nightmare. So many failure points.

So they are going with 1st stage Simorgh x 4 for the boosters.

Interesting to start building Sarir with 4 boosters when Sarir itself hasn’t passed testing.
if-Nahid-1 was destroyed this one was called Nahid-2 not Nahid-1
and Israel representative in UN have many time proven wrong
It is probably Nahid-2, I remember reading they built two of them in case the first one was lost

I guess Sarir-2 = Soroush-1 and Soroush-2 will have new cryogenic liquid fuel engines (Bahman)

Their plan is basically put 20 scud engines together (5x Simorgh first stage)? Creative ...

I have no more hope for ISA, Qaem family of SLVs is our best hope. Two more launches are due in next 6 months, probably Qaem-100 and Zoljanah.

I wonder how many more announcements of amazing achievements and new timelines for GEO and human in space etc before we build a SLV that can reliably place something larger than 50kg into LEO. No fewer than 25, probably
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I guess Sarir-2 = Soroush-1 and Soroush-2 will have new cryogenic liquid fuel engines (Bahman)

i don’t know if Sarir-2 is Soroush-1. Soroush-1 will have a payload of 8 to 12 metric tons to Leo that’s a big jump from Sarir-1

Their plan is basically put 20 scud engines together (5x Simorgh first stage)? Creative ...

Yeah shows how behind ISA is in tech that they rely on no dong clusters. Way too many potential points of failure in the design.

I have no more hope for ISA, Qaem family of SLVs is our best hope. Two more launches are due in next 6 months, probably Qaem-100 and Zoljanah.

Zoljanah is an ISA SLV not IRGC-SF. Also underpowered.

I wonder how many more announcements of amazing achievements and new timelines for GEO and human in space etc before we build a SLV that can reliably place something larger than 50kg into LEO. No fewer than 25, probably

I don’t see bahman engine or Soroush being ready before 2030. Just reality on the ground.
Zoljanah is an ISA SLV not IRGC-SF. Also underpowered.
Indeed, but it is a simpler and smaller version of Simorgh and can (theoretically) put 10x 20kg microsats into LEO, which is an important ability (if successfully developed).

Zoljanah first and second stage is slightly more powerful than Raafe engine btw, but much less technologically advanced (no TVC etc) so perhaps cheaper
I don’t see bahman engine or Soroush being ready before 2030. Just reality on the ground.
Even 2030 is pretty optimistic given Iran's track record with space developments (man in space by 2050 inshallah)

IRGC's biggest priorities right now should be:

(1) SLV with at least 200kg payload capacity to LEO = Qaem-105 (c. 2 years away)
(2) Imaging sats with <1m resolution (2-4 years away)
Yeah shows how behind ISA is in tech that they rely on no dong clusters. Way too many potential points of failure in the design.

Zoljanah is an ISA SLV not IRGC-SF. Also underpowered.
The only problem is Isa don't make the engine or slv
New information on Nour-3 Satellite:

  • For the first time in Iran Nour-3 stabilization in space was done by Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) algorithm developed in Iran ..ADCS was able to stabilize Nour-3 in less than 1.5 hours after orbital insertion . Note: in comparison Nour-2 took two weeks to stabilize (stop rotating) in space.
  • Development of ADCS algorithm allows Iran to command and point the satellite at any point or ground station as required.
  • Nour-3 uses a "Star tracker" system to have much more precise navigational capability (below..a typical satellite star tracker system
  • star tracker.png
  • For the first time Nour-3 uses "Space Thrusters" developed in Iran...The thrusters are used to compensate the Satellite drift and Nour-3 was the platform to actually test these thrusters in space and they as per telemetry data have worked flawless without any leaks (below ..typical space thruster for a sat)
  • Thrusters.jpg
Interesting note: After Rohani government shutdown of Iran's space program, SL orders the IRGC to pick up the space activity (SL is a true Iranian Patriot) .

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Iran to place Satellite constellation in the space

  • Constellation is named "Solaimani Constellation"
  • Is Iran's largest space endeavour in the next 10 year plan
  • will provide "Internet Of Things" IOT to the Iranians
  • Will provide Remote sensing services for the whole of the country
  • Is considered critical element of countries infrastructure,
  • Design phase has started.

جزئیات منظومه ماهواره‌ای شهید سلیمانی/ از پرتاب تعداد زیادی ماهواره به فضا تا خدمات‌دهی به مردم با اینترنت اشیاء

جزئیات منظومه ماهواره‌ای شهید سلیمانی/ از پرتاب تعداد زیادی ماهواره به فضا تا خدمات‌دهی به مردم با اینترنت اشیاء

سازمان فضایی ایران جزئیاتی درخصوص منظومه ماهواره‌ای کشور که به نام سردار شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی نامگذاری شده را اعلام کرد.
به گزارش مشرق به نقل از سازمان فضایی ایران، روز گذشته حسن سالاریه، رئیس سازمان فضایی ایران از نامگذاری اولین پروژه منظومه ماهواره‌ای کشور به نام سردار سلیمانی خبر داد. او گفت: در حال حاضر در حال فراهم‌سازی مقدمات اجرای یکی از مهمترین و بزرگترین پروژه‌های فضایی کشور که در برنامه ۱۰ ساله نیز قید شده، هستیم.

پرتاب تعداد زیادی ماهواره به مدار و ایجاد یک منظومه فضایی با قابلیت ارائه خدمات اینترنت اشیاء (IOT) را به نام سردار دل‌ها شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی نامگذاری کرده ایم تا نام و یاد سردار دل‌ها بیش از پیش در جهان طنین‌انداز شود.
امروز سخنگوی سازمان فضایی جزئیاتی ازین منظومه را منتشر کرد.
سخنگوی سازمان فضایی گفت: در پروژه منظومه ماهواره‌ای شهید سلیمانی قرار است اولین منظومه از ماهواره‌های ایرانی را در مدار زمین قرار گیرد. براساس این پروژه، تعداد زیادی ماهواره به فضا پرتاب شده و در مدار زمین قرار می‌گیرد تا این ماهواره‌ها یکسری فرامین و دستورات در حوزه ارتباطی و اینترنتی را اجرا کنند.
وی افزود: ‏یکی از مهمترین ماموریت های منظومه ماهواره‌ای شهید سلیمانی فراهم کردن سرویس اینترنت اشیاء (Internet of Things) برای مردم است. ‏در قالب این پروژه، داده‌های حسگرهای گوناگون از سطح زمین جمع آوری و این داده‌ها از طریق ایستگاه‌های ارسال داده، به ماهواره یا ماهواره‌هایی که در دید ایستگاه قرار دارند، ارسال میشود و سپس ماهواره‌هایی که این داده‌ها را دریافت کرده‌اند آن را به یک یا چند ایستگاه مرکزی ارسال می‌کنند.
دلیریان گفت: با این فرآیند می‌توان کار جمع آوری و ارسال داده‌ها از سراسر کشور را با سرعت بالا انجام داد و در مواقع بحران مثل وقوع حوادث غیرمترقبه و یا حتی با ایجاد یک شبکه ملی انتقال داده‌ها، مشکلات مردم در اقصی نقاط کشور حتی نقاط دورافتاده و صعب العبور را حل کرد. ‏اینترنت اشیاء ماهواره‌ای در حوزه‌های مختلفی از جمله کشاورزی هوشمند، حمل و نقل جاده‌ای، پایش نشتی لوله‌های نفت و گاز، پایش و مانیتورینگ خطوط انتقال برق، محیط زیست، کاربردهای دریایی و ... کاربرد دارد و در واقع با این منظومه می‌توان بسیاری از امورات را با ماهواره کاربری کرد.
این مقام مسئول افزود: منظومه ماهواره‌ای شهید سلیمانی که اکنون در حال فراهم‌سازی مقدمات اجرای آن هستیم، در آینده تبدیل به یک زیرساخت اساسی کشور خواهد شد و قطعا با تحقق این پروژه که با افتخار بنام قهرمان جهان اسلام حاج ‎قاسم سلیمانی نامگذاری شده، نام و یاد سردار دل ها بیشتر درجهان طنین‌انداز خواهد شد.
UPDATE: (we may need a dedicated thread for this project later on)

  • The contract for the Martyr Soleimani Satellite Constellation project has been negotiated and concluded,
  • The contract is for the design, construction, delivery, test and launch of the telecommunication project between the ISA and a domestic consortium.
  • The Constellation system project is being gradually built, and will be put into orbit within the next two years as several domestically-developed satellites are already in line to be blasted off into space
  • Currently, a specific bandwidth has been defined for the system, which will increase as newer models of satellites will be manufactured in the future. This means that the satellites will be equipped with newer and more advanced payloads.”
  • Soleimani satellite constellation will be placed in a low Earth orbit (LEO)
  • This project is the first of its kind in Iran and the Muslim world.
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UPDATE: (we may need a dedicated thread for this project later on)
View attachment 960733

  • The contract for the Martyr Soleimani Satellite Constellation project has been negotiated and concluded,
  • The contract is for the design, construction, delivery, test and launch of the telecommunication project between the ISA and a domestic consortium.
  • The Constellation system project is being gradually built, and will be put into orbit within the next two years as several domestically-developed satellites are already in line to be blasted off into space
  • Currently, a specific bandwidth has been defined for the system, which will increase as newer models of satellites will be manufactured in the future. This means that the satellites will be equipped with newer and more advanced payloads.”
  • Soleimani satellite constellation will be placed in a low Earth orbit (LEO)
  • This project is the first of its kind in Iran and the Muslim world.
Iran has not demonstrated a high frequency launch track record. When they do we can discuss. Aside from that ,these are less than words. They’re digital words.

The current economic way of high frequency launch is reusability. I see nothing there either.
Iran has not demonstrated a high frequency launch track record. When they do we can discuss. Aside from that ,these are less than words. They’re digital words.

The current economic way of high frequency launch is reusability. I see nothing there either.
I will be the last person who would vouch for the words of IR officials but I also report their promises here so that when they do not deliver we can hold them accountable.. I hope for the best but I know I will be disappointed :undecided:
Discussions will cover developing technical specifications for new Khayyam satellites, along with plans for a small geostationary satellite and a telecommunications satellite, Russia's TASS news agency reported, citing the Iranian Mehr News Agency.

Iran's Satellite tracking internet site iran-sat.com is now operational.

Tracking 3 active satellite (Nour-2), (Nour-3) and (Khayam)

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Items # 1 and #2 already done..(you will never get a hard evidence for the above two items from Iran ..just not in the cards if you understand geo politics).

So now Iran is at your item #3 ("make all other stuff")....wish them luck so that Item 3 will show exactly where to land items 1 and 2!!
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