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Iranian Protests

Don't mine my words, I am referring to the groups that would tear Iran apart if they came to power, separatists, MEK etc. I didn't make a judgement about 1979, it was very messy, leading to nationwide purges of the military and political class, international isolation and ultimately a devastating war with Iraq. Many of the same people who came out to protest against the Shah are currently in the west demanding another one because it didn't go their way the first time. My point is that Iranians should avoid repeating the same chain of events as while the first time they attained freedom from foreign meddling, the next time they will become slaves to it, and the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives will be in vain. Not fun, be careful what you wish for and seek internal reforms, Iran is not North Korea, how the country prosecuted things like drug offenses 20 years ago is quite different now, change is possible and has happened. People in the clerical and political class won't live forever and new, younger faces will come through who will be open to new ideas. Iran is a revolutionary state and should remain as such, it sets an example for others that slavery to the unipolar Zio-American empire is a choice. And Iranians have been at the tip of the spear since the revolution,

I propose that Iran relax hijab laws and ban gender transition surgeries (disgusting wtf Iran)
Yeah I remember cnn did a report on that years ago, hey I live in America so it’s to each their own basically I worry about my family etc but I could never get the whole transgender thing, that’s a big hibbie jibbie and I live in south Florida so the population is relatively high
But if Iranians treated their women like the Taliban this would not happen? This was the mindset of Arabia in the 500s you know. Glad to know you found your calling: either back in history in the 500s, or with the Taliban today....

But males going to universities expecting more from their corrupt leaders is okay: the protests against the Shah and take over by US embassy in Tehran were (male) students.

Males are not compliant, brainless, automatons that don't know any better and only women going to university can somehow stand up and ask for their rights.
I don't get why my comment brought out so much seething from 🇵🇰 flags on this thread. Why would it have any bearing on your affairs, kek? Including that old piece of shit who's posting from Wallatoonga, 🇦🇺 of all places 😹

Regardless, my point is the aggressive push for females to enter university and workforce is a disaster. Ruins their role as homemakers, causes unnecessary competition for seats and jobs and reduces fertility rate for families...all because dokhtar jan wants to indulge her whims.

One should only listen to women when they complain about absolutely pressing issues and ignore all else. Surprisingly, this worked amazingly well for me in my relationships - when they threatened to leave me, I grinned and told them to f-u-c-k off. All of them ended up staying until I myself terminated it.
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I don't get why my comment brought out so much seething from 🇵🇰 flags on this thread. Why would it have any bearing on your affairs, kek? Including that old piece of shit who's posting from Wallatoonga, 🇦🇺 of all places 😹

Regardless, my point is the aggressive push for females to enter university and workforce is a disaster. Ruins their role as homemakers, causes unnecessary competition for seats and jobs and reduces fertility rate for families...all because dokhtar jan wants to indulge her whims.

One should only listen to women when they complain about absolutely pressing issues and ignore all else. Surprisingly, this worked amazingly well for me in my relationships - when they threatened to leave me, I grinned and told them to f-u-c-k off. All of them ended up staying until I myself terminated it.
Weird, again your Indian, telling people who aren’t Iranian not be on this site is hilarious, than comes your view on relationships, sounds more like your view on massage girls since you knew where many of them resided in a previous post and about their business cards lying all over the street, views on women in the university or the workplace pretty sure you have never been to a university, neither have I work 2 jobs wish I did, also whatever job you may or may not have you must see a lot of women work above you, I have niece whose going to law and a nephew going to premed rooting for them both. Honestly I don’t actually take any of your comments seriously the fact I take my time to read all of your comments shows I think your hilarious, I mean I don’t even read @Daylamite Warrior comments, he can be fun but your absolutely certifiable.
this masmasi poopinejad, a terrorist who uses hijab issue to start riots. If hijab issue is solved she will die of poverty and isolation.
For years after leaving Iran and becoming an "activist", she still appeared with a roosari on her head on western television.

Talk about hypocrisy, that filthy bitch.
Nice pics bro. You look like the Palestinian Agent 47. Could you post another pic of yourself with a piece of paper that has ‘daylamite warrior kuni ast’ written on it?

That will without a doubt prove you are who you say you are to everyone. No questions asked.

A humble request from your brother from another mother.

No but I have a lady here saying that her son @lastofthepatriots is a haramzade. Wanna speak to her? Bache baz
It does not seem that the protests are dying down. If the news that national strikes at oil and gas production facilities have started is true , then the pressure will start to mount even more on the regime.

It is obvious that Americans manage and run Iran International. That does not change the fact about the information they disseminate . This is next level escalation . Doxing the regime's tugs and posting their information on line. It is more probable than not , we will soon see them get what they deserve.

Then you have this degenerate CUNT chiming in. Another card holder of the hypocrite party.

Some are very hopeful that justice is around the corner.




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Many of these terrorists have been arrested

Most of them have been admitted that they had received cryptocurrency from western countries

They want to destroy Iran and then plunder its oil and gas resources
Many of these terrorists have been arrested

Most of them have been admitted that they had received cryptocurrency from western countries

They want to destroy Iran and then plunder its oil and gas resources
Can you provide proof for us to see and not some coercive confession after days of custodial interrogation? . Zionist/ American source of dissemination of anti-regime is a fact. They dominate online social media platforms. However, they are not making up unarmed people getting shot in broad day light , people getting run over, and funeral after funeral of teenagers and innocent citizens who are demanding a better standard of living from a government which supposedly is a populist and nationalist
( doubtful, they are more like neo-marxist) .
Can you provide proof for us to see and not some coercive confession after days of custodial interrogation? . Zionist/ American source of dissemination of anti-regime is a fact. They dominate online social media platforms. However, they are not making up unarmed people getting shot in broad day light , people getting run over, and funeral after funeral of teenagers and innocent citizens who are demanding a better standard of living from a government which supposedly is a populist and nationalist
( doubtful, they are more like neo-marxist) .
Whatever you said is absolutely true

They are bombarding Iran 24/7 by untrue news on internet and satellite channels

They have a robot army on twitter

They can not tolerate strong Iran at all

They pay youth to destroy police vehicles, kick them or even walk without hijab for an hour

They even pay instagram admins [whose who have over 100K followers] to post many stuff against IR

One day about hijab, one day about poor workers, one day about salary etc

In Myanmar millions of muslims killed brutally and they did not give a damn

They don't give a screw about human rights, in WW2 they proved that they don't like Iranian people at all

They just want to make civil war in Iran by any cost because they need oil and gas and if Iran builds nukes their dream will die

They have destroyed any country that they wanted to bring human rights & democracy!

They have destroyed strong countries from Afghanistan to Libya

They don't give a flying damn about lives of millions Yemenis because they have created Emirates, Saudis and Israelis to weaken other independent countries

They even don't give a damn about their own people

Their police beat people brutally

In the US 2% of rich people own +95% of wealth in their country

It is seriously a huge joke if we believe they like people of Iran and they want to bring democracy and human rights to our strong country

Our military power and petrochemical resources are pain in their arse
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