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Some of you guys are overly dramatizing these events. Iran has embarked on a path in which sabotage and assassinations are part of the game. Iran, for all its developments and technological successes, is facing the most two competent intelligence services (backed by a multitude of other Western agencies) in world's history. The idea that a large country like Iran with extensive borders, with many rebellious factions and opposition parties, could establish watertight security is preposterous.

Iran isn't being targetted because it is weak; its in the sight of major powers like the US and Israel because it has made tremendous steps in military (technological) advancements. So rather than being atttacked in a conventional manner, these powers have to resort to such endeavours that fall within the threshold of the current shadow war, yet are always a reflection of the inability of the likes of US and Israel to deal with it militarily.

All the while, Iran is continuing to strengthen its strategic position, is making advancements in the nuclear- and military sphere and will eventually restore its economic position either through negotiations or cooperation. The relative strength of Israel in comparison to Iran, being established by nothing more than a carte blanch that the current Trump administration is providing, will eventually end. Strategic patience is never a weakness.
Some of you guys are overly dramatizing these events. Iran has embarked on a path in which sabotage and assassinations are part of the game. Iran, for all its developments and technological successes, is facing the most two competent intelligence services (backed by a multitude of other Western agencies) in world's history. The idea that a large country like Iran with extensive borders, with many rebellious factions and opposition parties, could establish watertight security is preposterous.

Iran isn't being targetted because it is weak; its in the sight of major powers like the US and Israel because it has made tremendous steps in military (technological) advancements. So rather than being atttacked in a conventional manner, these powers have to resort to such endeavours that fall within the threshold of the current shadow war, yet are always a reflection of the inability of the likes of US and Israel to deal with it militarily.

All the while, Iran is continuing to strengthen its strategic position, is making advancements in the nuclear- and military sphere and will eventually restore its economic position either through negotiations or cooperation. The relative strength of Israel in comparison to Iran, being established by nothing more than a carte blanch that the current Trump administration is providing, will eventually end. Strategic patience is never a weakness.

This is not the first time that Israelis have successfully killed off your nuclear scientists, no matter how you spin this one thing is clear your intelligence security agencies are pathetic, if you don't have the capabilities to fight the opponents that you have chosen then don't pick a fight, only an idiot will carry a big mouth without the muscle to back it up.
This is not the first time that Israelis have successfully killed off your nuclear scientists, no matter how you spin this one thing is clear your intelligence security agencies are pathetic, if you don't have the capabilities to fight the opponents that you have chosen then don't pick a fight, only an idiot will carry a big mouth without the muscle to back it up.

You mean the same lack of muscle that has made Iran to build a nuclear industry in the first place? A missile force that is unparalleled in the region? A network of allied proxy forces in the region, including the most competent non-state actor (Hezbollah) in the world, that could be activated at notice and are present all the way from Syria to Yemen? Or the fact that we have terrified the Israelis to such extent that they consider us to be an existential threat? The fact that the US for more than 40 years, has been unable to deal a vital blow to Iran's strategic autonomy despite all kinds of efforts?

The idea that Iran could provide watertight security against the relative powers of agencies such as CIA and the Mossad, whose budgets and experiences are vastly superior to a newly independent state such as Iran, is ludicrous. Let's take Russia for example. Remember when the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in the US managed to link the hacking of the server of the Democratic party in 2016 directly to Putin? Not much later it was revealed that this claim was based on the intelligence that a source in the Kremlin was providing the Americans with. That source, Oleg Smelenkov, former employee of the Russian President’s Foreign Policy Directorate, later fled to the US.

What does it say when the US evidently had access to Russian state secrets and Putin's presidential staff? If even a competent force such as the FSB is unable to prevent intelligence from leaking to the Americans, you really think Iran, whose intelligence agencies are far less competent, could prevent such leaks and attacks from happening?

There are no powers on this world that would be able to defy the Americans and the Israelis if both would go to great lengths to stop anything from happening. And certainly not a state like Pakistan which even fails to establish basic civilian infrastructure and whose security apparatus is only good for the tribal environment of Afghanistan. Don't pat yourself on the back because such attacks are not happening in your country, because the only reason that it doesn't is because your country doesn't defy the strategic interests of relevant global powers.
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You might fool the pathetic Eurotrash EU with twisting of words and meanings.

The message has been very clear for the past 40+ years from the terror regime of Iran. They want to destroy Israel and export their "revolution" to Arab countries.

And this will lead to their destruction, insha'allah.

Imagine being a Moroccan rapefugee such as yourself and defending Israelis like they're going to bring you out of the stone age
US won’t bomb Iran because that would cause a global economic meltdown.

Look What a virus with less than 3% fatality did to the world economy. Now imagine what oil at $150-200 barrel will do to the economy because major oil terminals have been bombed by Iran and no insurance company will insure tankers to pass through the PG because the risk of being attacked is too high of an liability. Oil over $100 affects the cost of goods, transportation, oil by products, etc. it’s a disaster quite honestly.

US/Israel much rather just sit back and use sanctions, sabotage, and assassinations. Low risk. And Iran has shown no back bone to respond to these attacks.

Poke the bear to affect its behavior (Covert attacks), but don’t go kidnap it’s Cubs (war). That’s just retarded.
The US will attack Iran if Iran will do anything stupid, just like it did when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait.
Trump even wanted to attack Iran in the last month, so the option is definitely on the table.

I know it's just a metaphor but Iran is not a "bear", more like an annoying parrot.
A Hyundai Santa Fe with four passengers, four motorcyles and two snipers were waiting for Fakhrizadeh at the scene of the ambush - along with a booby-trapped Nissan pickup.

Half an hour before Fakhrizadeh's convoy of three bulletproof cars arrived, the electricity was cut off to the area, Ahwaze reported. The team were in place when the first car passed the roundabout.

As the third car passed, the Nissan exploded, damaging electricity poles and transmitters, according to a state TV report from the area on Friday night.

The force of the explosion from the bomb hurled debris at least 300 meters, state television claimed.

The second car, containing Fakhrizadeh, was then shot at by the 12 assassins, including two snipers.

The gunmen with the hit squad opened fire on the cars, and an intense gunfight ensued, according to Sepah Cybery, a social media channel affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Ahwaze tweeted: 'According to Iranian leaks, the leader of the assassination team took Fakhrizadeh out of his car and shot him and made sure he was killed.'

The hit squad then vanished, having sustained no losses to their team, Ahwaze reported

Oh now they also had sniper rifles and did a point blank execution.

Somehow the minister of intelligence will keep his job even though his incompetence has been astounding.

But don’t worry the apologists of this board will say the whole attack wasn’t a big deal.
If that's what happened then Iran should be ashamed
Unfortunately, there are massive technical Barries lift. on top of that you have a leadership that considers WMD's to be Haram. further on top of that, any person with half a grain of intelligence in Iran is not going t be a nuclear scientist. They will most likely be pistachio growers or watermelon salesmen. they can all see how scientists end up.

Iranians persist with this farce of a nuclear program for the same reason Saddam did, so as to not lose face in the local population. when neither has the capacity for such an endeavour.

I’m not Iranian, but I don’t see any technical barriers and, apparently, neither does the US. They already did the work on the detonators. They have the centrifuges. They know how to miniaturise the warhead. They even have the means to deliver it at intercontinental ranges. The only thing they’re missing is the highly enriched Uranium.

I just can’t see this act of state terrorism setting back Iran’s nuclear program one iota. There are probably hundreds of nuclear scientists and engineers. The knowledge is now deeply embedded. There is no turning back the clocks. This murder will do nothing to dissuade Iranians from studying nuclear science. To the contrary, it will cause Iranians to rally around the flag and do what they can to help defend their country.
I’m not Iranian, but I don’t see any technical barriers and, apparently, neither does the US. They already did the work on the detonators. They have the centrifuges. They know how to miniaturise the warhead. They even have the means to deliver it at intercontinental ranges. The only thing they’re missing is the highly enriched Uranium.

I just can’t see this act of state terrorism setting back Iran’s nuclear program one iota. There are probably hundreds of nuclear scientists and engineers. The knowledge is now deeply embedded. There is no turning back the clocks. This murder will do nothing to dissuade Iranians from studying nuclear science. To the contrary, it will cause Iranians to rally around the flag and do what they can to help defend their country.
You wish.
The US will attack Iran if Iran will do anything stupid, just like it did when the Iraqis invaded Kuwait.
Trump even wanted to attack Iran in the last month, so the option is definitely on the table.

I know it's just a metaphor but Iran is not a "bear", more like an annoying parrot.

If that's what happened then Iran should be ashamed

Trump wanted to attack with the most pro war anti-Iran hawkish admisntration in US history, and they talked him OUT of it. Which means the deep state does not want to find out how Iran will respond to an attack on a active nuclear site which would violate all international law and has little precedent (Iraq and Syria nuclear sites were not online when active).

Iran could

A) Exit NPT and race to a bomb with full justification for it

B) Go to war and decide to commit as much damage to world economy and military bases as much possible.

It took US over 12 months to get enough supplies and equipment in place for Iraqi invasion. It will take US that much if not longer to do the same if it plans to land invade Iran.

No appetite land invasion = Nuclear weapons program continues = what was the point of the air strike to begin with.

So presented with these options you can see why sabatoge and sanctions are just the easiest option.
Trump wanted to attack with the most pro war anti-Iran hawkish admisntration in US history, and they talked him OUT of it. Which means the deep state does not want to find out how Iran will respond to an attack on a active nuclear site which would violate all international law and has little precedent (Iraq and Syria nuclear sites were not online when active).

Iran could

A) Exit NPT and race to a bomb with full justification for it

B) Go to war and decide to commit as much damage to world economy and military bases as much possible.

It took US over 12 months to get enough supplies and equipment in place for Iraqi invasion. It will take US that much if not longer to do the same if it plans to land invade Iran.

No appetite land invasion = Nuclear weapons program continues = what was the point of the air strike to begin with.

So presented with these options you can see why sabatoge and sanctions are just the easiest option.

I'd take that with a grain of salt. A lot of fake media reporting on Trump wanted this, Trump wanted that. Even making complete human scum like John Bolton out to be decent human beings in contrast to Trump.

It's pretty fucking hard to imagine Trump wanting to strike Iran and having complete degenerate scum like Pompeo talking him out of it. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen.
Trump wanted to attack with the most pro war anti-Iran hawkish admisntration in US history, and they talked him OUT of it. Which means the deep state does not want to find out how Iran will respond to an attack on a active nuclear site which would violate all international law and has little precedent (Iraq and Syria nuclear sites were not online when active).

Iran could

A) Exit NPT and race to a bomb with full justification for it

B) Go to war and decide to commit as much damage to world economy and military bases as much possible.

It took US over 12 months to get enough supplies and equipment in place for Iraqi invasion. It will take US that much if not longer to do the same if it plans to land invade Iran.

No appetite land invasion = Nuclear weapons program continues = what was the point of the air strike to begin with.

So presented with these options you can see why sabatoge and sanctions are just the easiest option.
Pro-war? This has been the most isolationist government out there.
Biden and his administration would intervene in so many conflicts, have you heard his comments about Serbia, a country far more innocent than Iran, that also poses much less threat to American assets?
on a active nuclear site which would violate all international law and has little precedent (Iraq and Syria nuclear sites were not online when active).
Do you forget such attacks already happened in Iran? Only a few months ago a whole facility in Natanz blew up, as a part of a cyber war between Israel and Iran.
Do you forget such attacks already happened in Iran? Only a few months ago a whole facility in Natanz blew up, as a part of a cyber war between Israel and Iran.
You're flattering yourself. It was an assembly building under construction that was used as a warehouse for keeping some of our centrifuge spare parts temporarily.
You're flattering yourself. It was an assembly building under construction that was used as a warehouse for keeping some of our centrifuge spare parts temporarily.
Why would an under-construction building blow up completely? An under-construction building won't have anything to blow up with.



The truth is it was a centrifuge assembly facility, a massive explosion happened there, blowing up pretty much the whole site, damaging nearby buildings. Embarassing for Iran, and that's in addition to other sites, like missile construction facilities that blew up.


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There are morons in the Islamic Republic that think building nuclear weapons is ''haram''. If so, then Pakistan is the biggest un-islamic nation in the world. There are also atomic bombs for military purposes so i do not know what these guys are smoking. You need to have a massive deterrence against the Yankee and Zion agression otherwise you will get bullied around like what is happening now.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are meant to balance India.A strong India is not in everyone's interest.Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world with military support from China, THE United States and Russia.Developing nuclear weapons requires international political support, and Iran's status as an independent regional power is a strength, but also a weakness.Nobody supports Iran getting a nuclear weapon.It's not just Israel, it's Saudi Arabia, it's Iraq.

North Korea's nuclear weapons are also based on a dangerous balance of international politics.America needs to threaten South Korea and Japan with North Korea to keep its troops there.China needs North Korea as a military buffer on the Korean peninsula, and north Korea's military is not strong enough to withstand South Korea and the United States.Neither China nor America likes North Korea's nuclear weapons, but they are not staunchly opposed to them. North Korea is a master of international politics, using geopolitical niches to gain limited nuclear power, then decisively renouncing nuclear weapons and winning the goodwill of international opinion.

What Iran really needs is to secure international political support, not to forcefully pursue nuclear weapons in such a situation.Otherwise, you will only isolate yourself.
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