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As expected, next is a small nuclear device attacks on major Iranian cities and installations and Iran retaliating with its all strength, with very accurate missiles just gotten from Russia.
Its a very very bad time for both Iran, Pakistan and turkey, all of them are targets while pakistan offered a peace deal with Israel and lots of money to its hidden rulers
So, Tehran the TV show isn’t that far from reality?
They want some sort of smoking gun from Iran

Don't fall for it

Respond in your own time, but it's clear that such a blatant provocation is because the Trump administration wants a excuse for a larger attack
The answers should come within weeks of Biden taking over. The answers will probably given in Iraq, but also internally by advancing the nuclear program. Ansarallah should also increase its attacks and Iran should deliver more and more weapons to them. It's a multi-front war and Iran will not remain silent.
Lets not forget something important. The intelligence agencies of Iran's enemies, especially the US have almost unlimited resources. These attacks are performed by Iranian terrorists, especially the MEK, which have a strong connection to the west and are financed by them. I have said already that Iran's counterintelligence needs to be given top priority. When you're facing enemies with the above resources, you cannot get complacent. Iran's enemies do not have the intestinal fortitude to strike Iran directly, thus they wage their wars via economic sanctions and these sabotage/assassinations. It's on Iran to fix the internal situations to minimise these effects.

Few other points to note, these attacks although creating strong media headlines, do not practically effects likes of Iranian nuclear program. These programs are too vast to be effected by the killing of one individuals here and there, regardless of how well they're known. These killings highlight the desperations of the enemies and also, the vulnerabilities of the Iranian security apparatus. However they do not actually effect the programs.

Another effect of these attacks is giving the perception to the public that Iran is very vulnerable. How much these perceptions are actually worth is up for debate, however there is no question that if these attacks go unanswered openly, then these perceptions will continue to bend away from Iran's favour.

If we take the words coming out of Iran, then it seems these attacks are part of an ongoing shadow war. What Iran is doing is not getting the same level of headlines and thus people assume this is a relatively one sided war. People should not however get emotional and talk about Iran needing to militarily strike other nations in respond to Iranian terrorists doing these attacks. Iran is months away from potential major sanctions relief and these attacks are given the go ahead by a desperate and dying Trump administration. Irrationality and emotions are not assets to be used here.

In my opinion, Iran needs to respond openly in kind, i.e assassinating some high ranking officials of the Zionists.
As expected, next is a small nuclear device attacks on major Iranian cities and installations and Iran retaliating with its all strength, with very accurate missiles just gotten from Russia.
Its a very very bad time for both Iran, Pakistan and turkey, all of them are targets while pakistan offered a peace deal with Israel and lots of money to its hidden rulers

Israel is not a threat to Turkey nor Pakistan in fact they are not a threat to all of it's neighbours except Lebanon. The Israelis don't have a militarily threat they are good politicians and good lobbyists.

It probably wants both Turkey and Pakistan on it is side and here comes the hilarious part they see the Indians as incompetent and probably have dropped them..

You could definitely tell that Netanyahu didn't think highly of this weird little man (Modi) after their meetings. Not to forget Jews don't like Idolaters just same
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The answers should come within weeks of Biden taking over. The answers will probably given in Iraq, but also internally by advancing the nuclear program. Ansarallah should also increase its attacks and Iran should deliver more and more weapons to them. It's a multi-front war and Iran will not remain silent.

Red sea, Red Sea, red sea
Not Iraq.

Let’s not forget Iran benefits from the escalation and Iran will play it in the Red Sea.
Interesting they lost three agents through the assassination. I do think they expected losses in this work but they had losses.
Let’s wait for more information to come out.
This is what happens when key officials associated with classified government programs are clearly identified in the media. All the more reason for people on online platforms like Pakistan Defence to refrain from sharing absolutely any information which they may have about programs, organizations, locations and individuals which the State has thought best to keep in the dark.
We must remain vigilant, as we have remained until now, to maintain a strict veil of secrecy about our classified national security programs specially in this age of widespread access to photographic tools and social media.
Regardless of any 'openness' on the part of the military and security apparatus, the nuclear, strategic and other critical technological programs are areas which must remain under the strictest veils of secrecy.
Pakistan has, by the grace of Allah, done a great job of protecting the human resource of its secret programs.
Red sea, Red Sea, red sea
Not Iraq.

Let’s not forget Iran benefits from the escalation and Iran will play it in the Red Sea.
Interesting they lost three agents through the assassination. I do think they expected losses in this work but they had losses.
Let’s wait for more information to come out.
It's positive if they lost 3 terrorists and it's strong warning to other spies, however we should wait and see, lets hope it's not appeasement, but let them show the death terrorists. It would mean even while the scientists got killed the security has improved. They stopped the car, exploded a blue mazda first, then a terrorist team attacked the car of the scientist and martyred him. The body guard was wounded and it seems some other people are killed (bystanders or terrorists).
If he is dead then RIP...I just hope one thing..I hope the Iranian officials keep their mouth shut and do not as usual line up and shout Revenge BS....Do the revenge first then open your mouth...Keep your big mouths shut for now and just grieve his passing if that is what happend.
They killed 6 of them and no one paid a price so here we go..next!
That is why i laugh at the pro estabilishment camp with their big mouths. All they can do is bark and bark with no bite.
The answers should come within weeks of Biden taking over.

Biden, hahaha. Biden is a Zombie. A puppet. Controlled by the same people who controlled all the other potus. Ecxept Trump. But also Trump cant do anything against them. All war and destruction made by US wasnt/isnt controlled by any potus. Hope you see clear now.

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