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However, they don't seem to want to touch the hull design for now. It has the same unique shape of those of Jamaran, Damavand and Sahand. Wonder why?

It would be a major design change that would affect its sea going capability. The Moudge class is still largely based on the Alvand class. Superstructure changes do not affect sea going characteristics, they only change the arrangement of the weapons, sensors and crew. So by changing the superstructure they are just trying to make the basic Alvand design more powerful.
frigate Shiraz: helicopter hangar
It would be a major design change that would affect its sea going capability. The Moudge class is still largely based on the Alvand class. Superstructure changes do not affect sea going characteristics, they only change the arrangement of the weapons, sensors and crew. So by changing the superstructure they are just trying to make the basic Alvand design more powerful.

It seems the propulsion will also be different! Also, Iran needs ships capable of firing Land Attack Cruise Missile, Anti Ship Missiles, torpedo's & SAM! I can only hope that this rearrangement gives the Shiraz Class that capability

Although all your warships should have most of these capabilities but in a good fleet each ship should specialize in one thing one for Air Defense operations, One for Anti Sub warfare, one for land attack missions, replenishments, Sub(s), a Carrier for Helicopters, UAV's & UCAV's,....

Iran is a country rich in Oil & Natural gas but we have far more natural gas than Oil.
Unfortunately we also have too many ships docked that makes them sitting ducks.
Maybe Iran should think about building ships powered by natural gas that utilize gas turbines that we are capable of producing at a faster pace used for both electricity & propulsion. We won't be running out of natural gas anytime soon and you can have a larger fleet out at sea.

Also Bandar Abbas is not a good location for large Iranian warships. One bombing run at Bandar Abbas & at least 80% of Iran's Warships & long range naval vessels are gone. Iran needs 2 new very large Naval Bases one at Jask and one at Chabahar and each ship or sub should have it's own dock with enough space between them so that hitting one doesn't damage the other
Bandar Abbas should only be for FAC, Missile Boats, Midget Subs & at max one frigate or corvette same with Bushehr
Now that Iran can build various types of SAM's, Radars & Early Warning systems there is NO reason to put all your eggs in one basket and you can better see an attack coming.....
The carrier mockup after it was hit by Khalije Fars Missile: A good chunk of it is gone!

View attachment 385704

Seem to be almost finished. Picture from two years ago (#5)


Surprised that thing could still float after all that hits. Don't know what the original platform was. Was it a cargo ship or some ship with hundreds of compartments?
Surprised that thing could still float after all that hits. Don't know what the original platform was. Was it a cargo ship or some ship with hundreds of compartments?
I think it was a barge that was altered to look like a carrier. But I agree, it was probably heavily compartmentalized to be able to stay afloat after all those hits.
Where did you find these? there seem to have been a TV report on it.
Yes, I saved a frame TV report.

a couple of weeks ago, using the hull of the frigate Damavand (77) and observing a few images available of Shiraz frigate, had suggested a couple of configurations, (sorry my creative license)

Yes, I saved a frame TV report.

a couple of weeks ago, using the hull of the frigate Damavand (77) and observing a few images available of Shiraz frigate, had suggested a couple of configurations, (sorry my creative license)

This actually looks great. I'm just hoping they don't use that old style radar pole on this one. Would ruin the whole modern look of the vessel.
This actually looks great. I'm just hoping they don't use that old style radar pole on this one. Would ruin the whole modern look of the vessel.

Yes sure,
but the new Sahand frigate use that old style radar pole

This is the moment of impact:


I was going to post a video from the exercise that shows the suicide boat explode next to the carrier mock up as per your photo but being a new member here I can not post videos as of yet. Please search for "Iran manned boat Hits Model U S Aircraft Carrier during IRGC Naval Drill" on youtube and see the short 18 second video I am referring to.

Surprised that thing could still float after all that hits. Don't know what the original platform was. Was it a cargo ship or some ship with hundreds of compartments?

That carrier mock-up was built on top of pontoons and is virtually unsinkable.
IRIN need to invest in the compact Ka-27 for ASW duty. That utility transport UH-1/ 214 is useless and not to mention too big for the ship and its hangar. People just not thinking in IRIN.......:angry:
I was going to post a video from the exercise that shows the suicide boat explode next to the carrier mock up as per your photo but being a new member here I can not post videos as of yet. Please search for "Iran manned boat Hits Model U S Aircraft Carrier during IRGC Naval Drill" on youtube and see the short 18 second video I am referring to.

That carrier mock-up was built on top of pontoons and is virtually unsinkable.

Unfortunately, that is not a plausible tactic! Even if you send over 100 fiberglass boats at each warship they will more likely all be taken out before they can get within the range of their rockets!
Your going up against a ships with 76mm cannons that can fire 85 round per min or more that is equipped with all types of smart rounds now even if your are flying at 100kph even if you send 100 boats at each ship they will all be dead before they can get within 10km of the vessel!

Iran needs to rethink the type of weapons it's equipping these boats with! instead of 6 unguided rockets it's much better to have 2 guided ones with at least 20km range!
Due to the low payload capacity, it's best to break them up in squadrons of 12 that are all data link together and each one a specific capability.

If it was me this is what I would do:

Anti Ship Missile squadron
2 boats for Targeting & Guidance (Who command the squadrons)
2 boats for Smoke, decoys & rescue
2 equipped with Air Defense equipment
6 with anti ship missiles with effective range of at least 20km when guided with your 2 targeting vessels & an effective range of 5km using the boats(or weapons) own fire & forget optical sensors used incase the targeting vessels are taken out

I would make same type of squadrons for mines & torpedo's

Otherwise, having a bunch of fiberglass boats with unguided rockets will be nothing more than a nuisance! Because ships fire back & they don't stand still for you to do whatever you want to them!
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